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Zartanian Glaciaria
Data codes: ZGL
Flag of Zartanian Glaciaria
 Official: Rizne
 Others: n/a
 Capital: Fredrik Station
 Other: Outposts 1 through 36
Government type: Royal Crown Territory
Area: n/a
Population: 1,000 Zartanian
Currency: Zartanian Crown

Zartanian Glaciaria is the portion of Lendian Glaciaria that was annexed by Eastern Zartania in 299AP following the dissolution of the Free Confederacy of Lendian Republics, or FCLR. It is a Royal Crown Territory of the Greater Zartanian Empire, occupied by approximately 1,000 soldiers of the Royal Zartanian Army. The territory is bordered to the west by Whilandian Glaciaria and to the east by Lexican Glaciaria. Whilandian Glaciaria was partially occupied by Chungese forces from Tundraska in 316AP following the Chungese invasion of Whiland, while the eastern half of Whilandian Glaciaria fell under Zartanian protection, to be reorganized as a Royal Crown Territory like Zartanian Glaciaria, but under the immediate jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Whiland.

Flag of Glaciaria   Glaciaria   Flag of Glaciaria
Dependencies: ChungLeixiaIslandian GlaciariaLexican GlaciariaTundraskaZartanian Glaciaria
Disputed territores: Fort CapitalGronkian GlaciariaFormer territories: GuadacoaLendian GlaciariaWhilandian Glaciaria
Other topics: Glaciaria ConventionGuadacoa crisisKinnarit Amundsdottir