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Flag of Sireset
Coat of Arms of Willowburyshire
Area 27,312 sq.kms (8)
Population 1,120,000 (10)
Pop.density 41/ (14)
Shire seat Willowbury
Boroughs 1
Hundreds 13
Mail code WB
Motto Caer Helygen

Willowburyshire is a shire of Somery. The shire covers the upper valley of the river Weden, and that of its tributary the Ush. The area is quite hilly, rising in the west to join the Rimn Hills, and to the south lie the forested North Friths uplands, being a part of Michelweald. Willowbury, the shire-seat with a large number of spectacular half-timbered buildings, was for periods of time the capital of lathe Sutherewland.