Wikivex - The Free, Online, Vexillium Encyclopedia
Wikivex - The Free, Online, Vexillium Encyclopedia

The Vexillian Nations subscribing to and signing this agreement agree to publicly declare their non-wartime military capabilities and to limit their troops, weapons sales, and weapons caches, to the limits declared in this document.


Signatory Nations[]

as of 300 A.P.

Flag-cruisana Cruisana Kingdom of Christiana Army - Limitation to 100,000 soldiers
Navy - Limitation to 50,000 Sailors; Limitation to 75 Combat ships
Air Force - Limitation to 25,000 Airmen; Limitation to 150 Combat planes
Marines (Navy) - Limitation to 10,000 Combat marines
FenizNationalFlag Feniz Sultanate of Feniz Staff/Central Services - 12,000 soldiers
Royal Guards - 6,000 guards; 47 planes; 1 ship
Royal Constabulary - 26,000 constables; 141 Planes
Royal Army - 18,000 soldiers; 80 tanks; 170 planes
Royal Navy - 20,000 sailors; 48 ships; 61 planes
The Sultanate of Feniz voluntarily limits its armed forces to a maximum number of 90,000 soldiers for all future times.
NB. The Ulnovabad police of 2,200 are not counted as soldiers in terms of the WLT.
NationalFlagForaRifo Fora Rifo Autonomous Moun Republic of Fora Rifo
(Foreign representation by the Sultanate of Feniz)
Fora Rifo has a National Guard of 30, serving as a police force, and a militia, mainly for ceremonial purposes, of 3 companies and a music band.
Largest piece of equipment is a cutter operated by the coast guard section.
Flag-lendosa Lendosa Lendosan Confederation Army = 217,000 soldiers. Tanks = 100
Navy = 171,000 sailors. Naval Ships = 188
Air Force = 96,000 airmen. Air Force Planes = 576
Others = 196,250 staff.
Flag-trinia Trinia Trinian Empire Trinian Guard = 25,000 people. Soldiers = 5,000 Coastguard Cutters = 23
Flag-lystonia-small Listonia Listoian Free State The state has agreed to the following, voluntary, peace-time force limitations:
Active troops in FLDF (unified command): 55,500
FLDF reserves: 125,000
Fighters: 60
Main Battle Tanks: 70
Attack helicopters: 200
Melga NatFlag Melga Free Republic of Melga The armed forces of Melga comprise 3,500 soldiers, no tanks, no missiles, no heavy warships.
Lok NatFlag Lok Islands Free Republic of the Lok Islands The armed forces of Lok comprise 1,000 soldiers, no tanks, no missiles, no heavy warships.
Flag-estontetso Estontetso Federal Estontetsan Republic Esto’s armed forces will not exceed 200,000 (current number: 65,000). Esto does not employ battle tanks. Naval forces will not exceed 4 (current number: 2) battle cruisers and 100 (current number: 70) gun boats. Air Forces have light aircraft only, employ no bombers nor rockets.
Police (500,000), Factory Security (500,000), Prison Guards (50,000) and Fire Brigades (2,000,000) are under the same command but not limited under this treaty.

According to a press communication (Zeitgeist Magazine's Politics This Week, November 19, 300 AP), the Communist Federation of Achenar also signed the WLT, but this was not documented in the original webpage.


The Vexillium Weapons Limitation Treaty is administered by the United Democratic Republic of Utania, Department of Diplomatic Relations.