The Valarium Pact is a treaty signed by a number of nations for the purpose of limiting the proliferation on weapons of mass destruction around Vexillium. The Valarium Pact is shown below:
Article One:
- No state signatory to this treaty shall continue to produce or attempt to acquire weapons that make use of nuclear fission or fusion to achieve damage to humans, or to items required for the survival of humans, such as crops.
Article Two:
- No state signatory to this treaty shall continue to produce or attempt to acquire weapons that make use of chemicals in order to achieve damage to humans.
Article Three:
- No state signatory to this treaty shall continue to produce or attempt to acquire weapons that make use of any form of pathogen to achieve damage to humans.
Article Four:
- No state signatory to this treaty shall provide to any other state either the materials needed to construct the the weapons mentioned in Articles 1-3, or provide the completed product.
Article Five:
- No state signatory to this treaty shall assist any other state in the production of the weapons mentioned in Section One Articles 1-3, or facilitate others in this assistance.
Article Six:
- States signatory to this treaty shall slowly reduce any stocks of the weapons mentioned in Articles 1-3, with the eventual goal of eliminating these weapons from Vexillium.
Article Seven:
- The weapon system known as the Electra Mundi is to be held exempt from all articles in this pact.
Compliance with the Valarium Pact is indicated by a simple seal, displayed below:
Current signatory states to the Valarium Pact[]
[Tech: "Current" may apply to the download date 3aug09 or even older. Download source not documented.]
- The Communist Federation of Achenar
- The Kingdom of Altland
- The Free and Independent Republic of Aros
- The Federal Republic of Brolecia
- The Kingdom of Christiana
- The Republic of Eastern Delgamia
- The Sultanate of Feniz
- The Republic of Islandia
- Independent Westrian Kukuria
- The Great Nations of Leiputria
- The Lendosan Confederation
- The Lexicon Islands
- The State of Ordland
- The Most Serene Republic of Sana Docetan
- El Estado Unido de San Patricio
- The Sempervirens Republic
- The Free Nation of Westria