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Ulnovabad is the short name of the Autonomous City and Emirate of Ulnovabad, "the jewel of the west coast" as it is called in the neighbourhood.

A former possession of Feniz, Ulnovabad has conducted affairs as an independent city-state since the start of the Feniz Conflict.

The name of the castle, Ulnovograd, is also the Ulanovan name for the city.


The map shows Ulnovabad and its relation to Feniz, across the Futuronian Ocean. The size of the Ulnovabadish territory is slightly exaggerated.

Geographic situation:[]

Ulnovabad is situated at about 15° northern latitude and 10°30' of eastern longitude on the Futuronian coast of the continent Eras (the Old Continent). From the northern border of the Dominion of Sehria, it streches 28 km to the north, as a northward prolongation of the Sehrian Northern Projection, and from the coast, it measures 29 km inland as a maximum.

Two islands, Neydernor (the larger one) and Kumbor, protect a roadstead which contains the smallest island, Rumbalt. To the south, the Dogra Peninsula projects into the sea.

[TECH: The names allude to these real-world locations: The East Frisian islands Norderney, Borkum and Baltrum and the wonderful Italian town Grado on the Adriatic Sea.]


For centuries, Ulnovabad was part of the Bailiwick of Crairicq, a constituent part of the Meritéan Commonwealth. After the fall of Merité in 298 AP, it came under international occupation and then Cruisanan administration as part of Wesmeria. After the division of Wesmeria it formed part of Eichensehria, at one time called Defender.

In 302, the Principality of Cimera which consisted of the former Grand Duchy of Cimera together with the Bailiwick of Crairicq (called Ulnofshire at various times under Cruisanan influence) was detached from Eichensehria. The new government decided to sell Ulnofshire to TDCorp, with the exception of the city and surroundings of Ulnovabad which came under Fenizic rule as an emirate, due to a cultural and political affinity with Feniz, under a treaty as of March 25, 302. In turn, Cimeran sovereignty over three islands off the Fenizic coast was recognized. The land deal with TDCorp, fell through.

The Ulanovan Chamber of Commerce denounced the Neer'Aga coup that gave rise to the Feniz Conflict; the presence of pro-Neer'Aga militias in city territory caused the Chamber of Commerce to request the Emir Ombda to request the assistance of the TDCorp SECDIV to defeat the militias and maintain peace and security in the city, and a detachment of MSO troops landed in Ulnovabad on March 20, 313. The militias were swiftly neutralized, and Ulnovabad rode out the Conflict without further violence.

The unresolved government situation in Feniz after the Conflict led to the Chamber of Commerce assuming the duties normally shared with the Chamber of Legislature, including legislative and some of the executive duties, which were carried out in cooperation with the Emir Ombda. In the days following the end of the Conflict, the Chambers of Commerce and Legislature enacted a special provision which enabled the former to request the Emir Ombda to sign a contract with TDCorp for the continued maintenance of security, communications and infrastructure services, thus laying a legal foundation for the de facto presence of TDCorp SECDIV and TDNET personnel. This contract was then renewed yearly, as the lack of an unitary government in Feniz (occupied de facto by the various victors of the Conflict) forced the city to act independently of the Emirate.

The increasingly close ties between TDCorp and Ulnovabad led to consultations between the Emir Ombda and the leading members of the Chambers that concluded in the signing of a sweeping agreement that saw TDCorp take over internal and external security, customs operations, and tax collection, in exchange for service fees specified in the agreement, and the integration of the diplomatic services of both entities through the establishment of Chamber of Commerce offices wherever TDCorp Business Centers were already established. The transport services (Port administration and handling and aeronautical infrastructure) were also put under TDCorp administration until these services are contracted out or auctioned off.

The agreement also provided for the election of the Chairwoman of the TDCorp Board of Directors, Dr. Aoibheánn Quetzalpápalotl, as Secretary-General of the Chamber of Commerce (equivalent to Speaker of the Chamber and de jure Head of Government) for a period of 10 years. The agreement was ratified by both Chambers on February 13, 320, and Dr Quetzalpápalotl's appointment was authorized by TDCorp's stockholders on March 7, 320.


Ulnovabad is governed by an Emir Ombda (Lord Mayor) and three councils:

  • Chamber of Judicature (the supreme court)
  • Chamber of Legislature (the lower house of parliament)
  • Chamber of Commerce (the upper house of parliament)

The Secretary-General of the Chamber of Commerce has acted as head of the government since the end of the Feniz Conflict, with the assent of the Emir Ombda and the 3 councils.

The city of Ulnovabad with its surroundings formed an emirate of the Sultanate of Feniz wich enjoyed extensive inner autonomy, the scope of which exceeded that of usual Fenizic cities. Among other things, the emirate administration comprised

  • the Metropolitan and Border Police
  • the Autonomous Tax and Customs Authority which secured the fiscal, financial and economic independence of the emirate from Feniz,
  • the Ulnovabad Hydrographic Office which includes
    • the administrations of the Ulnovabad Fastport (dutiable but fast) and the Ulnovabad Freeport (not so fast but exempted from duty)
    • the Pilotage Service
  • the Ulnovabad Post Office which issues Ulnovabad's own stamps
  • the Ulnovabad Aeronautical Authority (UAA) comprising
    • the state airline Air-U which operates
      • Ulnovabad International Airport


The Chamber of Commerce may establish so-called Commercial Missions, a specialized type of diplomatic representation. These work like real embassies, which was a source of friction between Ulnovabad and the Administration of the Sultanate, because the proper diplomatic representation of Ulnovabad was executed by the Foreign Vizakhra and the Royal Fenizic Missions. Since the Feniz Conflict, Ulnovabad has carried out diplomatic functions on its own, culminating in the extablishment of a greatly extended diplomatic presence through the new Commercial Missions in TDCorp Business Center premises.

Flag of Feniz   Sultanate of Feniz   Coat Of Arms of Feniz
  Subnational Entities  
Emirates: Prall'Ist Anni-Esto | I'Para Lass-Puki | Ir'Mokra Id-Hochland | Ir'Sukha Id-Hochland | Municipal Emirate of Fenizabad
Autonomous Emirates: Bojarka (autonomy not yet agreed)
Tribes ranking as emirates: Ir'Fenis Myste-Gal | Ze'Borna Ti-Esto
  Special Relation Entities  
Protectorates: Principality of Rosardan
Associated Dascunyan States: Jezen | Terrablanca
  Former Entities  
Former protectorates: Autonomous Moun Republic of Fora Rifo
Former Emirates: Autonomous City and Emirate of Ulnovabad