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Wikivex - The Free, Online, Vexillium Encyclopedia

A United Nations of Vexillium Telecommunication Union Conference will be held in the Kemedalian capital of Aberban on 8 May 317 in order to discuss a more adequate division of international telephone codes.

[TECH: Discussion can take place in the Talk area of this page]


In 298, an initiative by the Kingdom of Cruisana lead to the following system: Non-negotiable standards for the whole world should be:

  • a telephone number consisting of CCC-AAA-XXX-YYYY

CCC = country code (by digraph, see below)
AAA = area code or city code (locally determined by country)
XXX = local prefix (locally determined, by country)
YYYY = line number

  • O is for the Operator
  • No country code should have more than three digits.
  • The country code should be the numerical equivalent of the digraph of the nation.

For example: the country code for Chruisana is 38 (letters C and H, the digraph)
If Eastern Zartania’s digraph is EZ, then its country code would be 526.
Northern Gronk’s (NG) country code would be 147.
Each nation may adopt its own local area codes, as it sees fit.

Later initiatives proposed a design by continent as mentioned below. In practice, both these systems are used simultaneously with some countries having adopted the first, others the second system.

1 Eras & Meridic Islands
2 Longerath
3 Smalik, Western Isles
4 Fiarria
5 Delgamia
6 Nuarmia
7 Melania
8 Maritimia
9 UNV Institutions, Glaciara & Polaria

The current division is thus:

Vex, phone code distributions @161229


The UNVTU Conference of 8 May 317 decides to adopt the following continental division "D":

1 Eras (1)
2 Longerath
3 Smalik, Western Isles, Glaciara, and Polaria
4 Fiarria
5 Delgamia
6 Nuarmia
7 Melania
8 Eras (2), Meridic Islands, Maritimia
9 UNV Institutions and special services

Further divisions are possible thus:

  1. Continental Numbering Plan Area (CNPA): The D-number remains a one digit number and three digit area codes can be assigned directly after it.
  2. Subcontinental Numbering Plan Area (SNPA): The continental zone is split in two or more two digit subzones (DS) that include several countries at once as if they were all within one country; two or three digit area codes can be assigned for further divisions.
  3. Country code (CC): Each country gets its own three digit country code (DCC).

It is possible to combine systems 2) and 3), whereas to adopt 1) all involved countries would have to agree.

CNPA D AAA (local prefix) line number
SNPA DS AA(A) (local prefix) line number
CC DCC (AAA) (local prefix) line number

Time schedule if adopted[]

  • (November 317) Within six months after adoption of this division, countries discuss with the other countries in their continental division which area or country numbers will be assigned to them.
  • (February 318) The UNVTU’s next conference approves the new division.
  • (July 318 or January 319) The new division will become operational.