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Trilats Federaztu vun Zeok'Tu
CountriesGreater Zartanian Empire
DivisionsLyga Royale
Lyga Eraztul
Teams32 (20 in Lyga Royale, 12 in Lyga Eraztul)
Domestic cup(s)TFZ Trophy
International cup(s)Eras Champions League
Current championsThornbush Dragons (317AP)
Most successful clubKasrall Lightning


TFZ logo, ca. 298AP

The game of soccer, or trilats in Rizne, is a relatively recent arrival to the sporting venue in the Greater Zartanian Empire. It is believed that trilats was introduced into Zartanian society around 206AP by the Terramarcians. Within the relatively few years that the game has existed in Zartanian society, it has flourished to become the widest-played sport in the Empire. On 12 July 298AP, the Zartanian Soccer Federation, or Trilats Federaztu vun Zeok'Tu, was formed in Cazniev to "be the nation's controlling and governing body concerning the regulation of soccer within the Kingdom of Eastern Zartania." In January 301AP, after the union of Western and Eastern Zartania into the Greater Zartanian Empire, the TFZ underwent its greatest change to date. In order to include Western Zartanians in the sport of trilats, and to better prepare Western Zartanian players for the rigors of international play, the TFZ was reorganized into two leagues. The Lyga Royale, or Royal League, is the continuation of the original TFZ, incorporating the same teams. The Lyga Eraztul, or Western League, was created to house the new Western Zartanian teams. The Lyga Eraztul began with twelve (12) member-teams split into two groups: the Castle Conference and the Sword Conference. The Lyga Royale currently has twenty (20) member-teams, which are split into two divisions: the North Conference, and the South Conference. In both leagues, the two conference winners play each other at the end of the season to determine the league champions, who play each other in King Bruno Stadium in Imperial City for the TFZ Trophy each year.

The TFZ is also responsible for overseeing the operations of the Empire's national soccer teams - the Eastern Zartania National Soccer Team (known as the "Monarchs") and the Western Zartania Rifles.

On 1 January 317AP, with the ascension of the Federal Republic of Whiland and the Kingdom of Elafites and Zufites as Federated Dominions of the Greater Zartanian Empire, the TFZ assumed responsibility and oversight of both Football Whiland - the controlling body for Whilandic soccer or football and overseeing the Whiland Dragons national team - and Ezo Football - the controlling body for football or soccer in Ezo and overseeing the Ezo National Football Team. Neither league has yet to be fully integrated into the TFZ Trophy competition, though plans are in-work to accommodate that change in the future.