The Trade and Development Corporation Territory (Gorami Verwaltungsgebiet Handels- und Entwicklungs-GmbH; Sanpatrician Territorio Administrado por la Compañía de Comercio y Desarrollo; Mixtuptecan Uey Pochtecatlan), commonly referred to as TDCorp territory, by its former colonial names of Otéagu and North Cape, the St. Kiltan derivation Otago for its Melanian component, by the neologism Tidicitago or simply TDCorp, is the territory in the continents of Melania, Fiarria and Delgamia which is currently managed by the Trade and Development Corporation, an autonomous, self-chartered joint-stock corporation recognized as a sovereign entity under current Vexillian international law.
The two parts of the territory are located as follows:
- Otéagu is located in the central-southeast part of the continent of Melania; it borders the Greater Burovian Realm dominions of Kalisth'azira, Itiagu and Uudangwuu, San Patricio, Afrazure Altlandique and the Stervian Confederation. Its coast abuts the Sea of Otéagu.
- Norcatlan (the former North Cape) is Delgamia's northernmost geographical feature, a peninsula with a semicircular base and a long, thin extension reaching of its eastern part into the Polaris Ocean. Its only land border separates Norcatlan form Novoyokes, and the peninsula's northern point is approximately 450 km southwest of North Dignania's island components.
- The Concession is a 1-square-mile patch of land in the GBR constituent Rys Lynyrch, formerly part of Saint Kilta, which was the remnant of the former Ras Lanarch colony, ceded by that nation to the GBR.
During the colonization of Melania, a St. Kiltan expedition named the territory Otago after an ancient region of the Isles; the meaning of the word in Ingallish is "Red Earth", after the color of the coastal terrain in the northeastern coast (now part of Itiagu); This was gradually modified into "Otéagu" (Big Land) and Itiagu (Little Land) by the inhabitants. The Chilango tribes which inhabited the territory as a remainder of the great Mixtuptecan wanderings (see History) called the coastal marshes and beaches Cem Anahuac (The One World), a name also applied to the islands of Xochimechatl a short distance across the Maritimian Ocean; this name is still metaphorically used.
Trade and Development Corporation[]
The name "Trade and Development Corporation" was chosen by the Federation of Otagan Industry as a neutral description of the corporate entity that would take over the functions provided by the St. Kiltan government and the Bank of St. Kilta after the Otago Incident.
After the sale of North Cape to TDCorp, the Board of Directors proposed that the newly-acquired real estate be renamed "Norcatlan", a name that fused NORth CApe and the Mixtupteca suffix "-tlan" (Ingallish: "place of"). The General Assembly of Stockholders approved the name change on March 7, 320.
The Concession[]
After the sale of North Cape, which included the small piece of land in Rys Lynyrch retained by St. Kilta after its treaty with the GBR, the territory was commonly referred to by the name the treaty had assigned to it, "a one-square-mile concession will remain St. Kiltan territory according to the limits and location set forth in this Treaty".
The Trade and Development Corporation ensures that the three main needs of a free market - clear property rights, clear conflict-resolution systems, and clear trading systems - are adequately met in the territory assigned to its administration.
From the moment of privatization onwards, the functions normally carried out by a national government, signally rule of law, security, commons regulations, correction of market failures, relations with states and international organizations, territorial defense and external security have been carried out by the Trade and Development Corporation in the name of its stockholders.
TDCorp, as it is commercially known, can delegate these functions to other companies or to individuals, as in the case of coinage, which is minted and regulated by a Currency Consortium of chartered banks; judicial procedure and conflict resolution, which is managed by 3 jurist associations which recognize each other's decisions; real estate registration, which is managed by the Otagan College of Notaries; and other examples.
TDCorp has drafted an extensive set of corporate regulations which take the place of a constitution. These regulations are drafted either by internal teams, stockholders or interested individuals, and are presented to the yearly General Assembly of Stockholders to be evaluated and eventually approved.
TDC charges a 5% flat market-making fee on all transactions, a flat per-vehicle road toll for all roads in the territory plus weight-related mileage charges for road transport, per-liter charges for water and a flat hookup charge plus meter for power. All other charges are paid to utility providers.
TDC sets minimum standards for everything (the only cost is management, which is covered by the fees, and verification, which is also outsourced) and lets suppliers either bid for natural-monopoly goods (roads, grids) where straight competition is impractical, or lets the market have its head where competition can happen (waste management/collection, postal delivery, etc).
Education is a very important issue, because the present and future competitive position of TDC depends on it: about the only subsidies the stockholders have approved concern basic and middle education, with an emphasis on technical knowledge, and a whole child care sector has sprung up to fulfill detailed regulations regarding "young stockholders" ' welfare. TDC stock is regularly split to account for population growth, and parent stockholders' dividend is targeted for "reinbursement" (ie fines) if remedial intervention by education or medical personnel is required. This is the only real outlay to come out of the market-making fees, and only as a top-up for the less advantaged.
Administrative Divisions[]
TDCorp territory has no divisions, and it is managed as an integral whole. Cities are managed as separate branches, and the rural areas are managed by the TDCorp Agricultural Department. Informally, the territory south of Welfen Pass is known as the Old Lease, and the territory of the former Wwww incorporated as a result of the Regina Incident is known as the New Territories. Norcatlan and the Concession are managed as part of the integral area under administration.
Political Parties[]
There are no political parties in TDCorp territory. TDCorp does not restrict the activity of any association, and foreign political entities such as the Burovian World Assembly have a presence in the territory.
- See: Longerathian Wars
- See: Atrox Company
- See: Otago Incident
- See: Regina Incident
- See: The Regina Testament
- See: 260916 Monument
- See; Feniz Conflict
Old Lease[]
The territory is fundamentally a confluence of riverine floodplains, with a slowly rising slope from the sea up to the borders with Kalisth'zyra and Itiagu. The erosive action of the rivers' waters have long ago rendered any significant elevations flat, leaving a gently rolling terrain much of which was originally occupied by a thriving tropical rain forest. This state of affairs has been changed during the millenia of human habitation, with most of the coastal terrain converted to grazing savanna, and the low elevations near Kalesthesia being cleared to fuel the beginnings of a mining industry. The central part of the Old Lease is, however, still heavily forested, and the recent popularity of ecotourism in the Vex has virtually ensured the continued existence of this sizeable remnant of the primary forest cover, as it was one of the most popular items auctioned off by TDCorp during the early days of the privatization program. The northern mountainous terrain centered around Welfen Pass became important during the last years of the St. Kiltan colonization period (see History) when important metal deposits were discovered there and exploited by local and Westrian companies. These mountains are of volcanic origin, and the Afrazurean Massif is considered the most important example of shield volcanism in the Vex. Reports about activity are contradictory, and confirmation awaits a more thorough study of magma movement beneath the Massif.
New Territories[]
Recent geological studies point to the existence of a vast sea that neatly bisected Melania from the north reaches of the Sea of Patrick through what is now the New Territories and south to the Old Lease part of TDCorp territory. This marine stage has influenced the territory's geography until today; basically, the New Territories remain a great sand bowl, rimmed by mountains. The absence of any major rivers and the extreme flatness across much of the territory, broken only by the formation known as the "Pinch", located around B.U.R. Rotialcanza, that almost divides the New Territories transversally. The marine influence can also be seen in the salt flats that dot the great sandy expanses of the New Territories, providing a ready source of minerals to many companies that have found them profitable. The northwestern part of the territories feature a mountain range of medium height that shows a great kink in its midsection as a possible result of faulting, and that was named "the Earth Snake" by the native WWWW people and Iztacóatl, the White Snake, by the few Mixtuptecans that had seen it.
Despite the alleged status of the former North Cape as a "reserve for scientific study and conservation", the St. Kiltan government has precious little information about its former possession's characteristics. Mapping efforts were conducted by various non-St. Kiltan agencies, such as the Leiputrian Geographical Institute, the Burovian RealmsAcademy of Maps and Flags, and TDCorp.
Norcatlan is a coastal environment of relatively low elevation, with only 2 hill complexes on its "mainland" part and 2 low, rounded hills on the peninsula; the semicircular "mainland" rolls gradually toward a moderately complex shore, with two small bays but no fjords or sharp sea intrusions. The peninsula is bisected by a flat plain between the two hills, running from due east to due west; Mictlanpa, the administrative center, is located on the western end of this plain where it meets the Polaris Ocean.
The Concession[]
The one-square-mile concession is situated on a flat coastal plain, with a linear sandy beach.
TDCorp corporate regulations establish that any Vexillian owning a stock certificate listing 1 or more shares in the Corporation is automatically granted the rights and duties specified in these regulations, irrespective of their residence. The regulations also establish that non-stockholders residing in TDCorp territory will be guaranteed these rights as long as they respect and follow them.
The resulting open borders and absence of internal restrictions regarding Vexillians not born on the territory has led to an extraordinary mix of origins and ethnicities, as well as a continuous influx of Vexillians from all points of the compass; however, distance and cultural factors have resulted in a distinguishable prevalence of certain ethnic and national groups.
The inhabitants of the former Otéagu colony, a (pretty thorough) mix of Chilango Mixtupteca, St. Kiltan and San Patricio Mixtupteca origins, form the majority of the population, with just over 55% of stockholders declaring such origins.
Gorami and Vinnish communities whose ancestors immigrated around 200 AP, mostly located in the southern mining districts in Otéagu and the Welfenian territory around the Afrazurean Massif, form a distinct Western demographic entity along with the descendants of the original St. Kiltan pastoral aristocracy, dating from the settlements in the centuries around the Plague; as a result of the volcanic eruptions that devastated St. Kilta in that time, and the subsequent development of Welfenia, there are now many more St. Kiltans in Otéagu than in the motherland.
There are sizable communities of Udani and Zartanian origin, who have migrated mainly to work in the diversified economy, and Burovian residents, mainly Chungese, who commute between their residences in Otéagu and their workplaces in Kalisth'azira, Itiagu and Uudangwuu, or have permanent workplaces in the Territory. Other, smaller communities, mainly of transient non-stockholders, contribute to the most vibrant melting pot in the Vex.
National Symbols[]

New TDC logo

TDC flag waving over Mictlanpa, Norcatlan
See: TDCorp fast facts and numbers
The Trade and Development Corporation was established as a basis for a completely free market. The only restrictions set forth in the corporate regulations establish the Corporation's right to demand the breakup of monopolies, cartels or other market-distorting organizations by bringing suit before the judicial associations.
Individual stockholders or stockholder collectives can also bring suit or table motions before the General Assembly of Stockholders to remedy market distortions or failures. "Public goods" and "natural monopolies" are evaluated by independent panels of economic scholars belonging to universities inside and outside the Territory, paid for from blind trust funds set up by the Corporation itself; decisions on competition and framework regulations are regularly updated by the Board of Directors, and discussed in the yearly General Assembly of Stockholders. Measures of competitive abilities, market concentration, Gini index and other variables are continuously updated and available to all stockholders, along with economic and financial advice paid for from Corporation profits.
TDCorp territory is home to the biggest stock market on the Vex by trade volume and market capitalization, the Chilangotitlán Stock Exchange (CHSE), and the biggest futures and options market on the Vex, MONCAPX (Monetary and Capital Exchange). Commodities and industrial goods are also traded in spot and futures markets set up by domestic and foreign companies under the aegis of TDCorp corporate regulations.
The services economy is the base of the Territory's added-value production, with finance, information technology, trade-related services and marketing making up more than half the sector's GDP by value; manufacturing, while not as massive as services, has undergone rapid expansion since the incorporation of the New Territories, with capital goods, processed metals, oil-derived refined products, aeronautic, shipping and automotive components, and energy-sector products among the fastest growing subsectors.
The primary sector is concentrated on specialty and heirloom varieties of plants and animals for high-value-added commerce; the flourishing insect farming sector is unique on the Vex and also a big provider of protein-based preparations for San Patrician aquaculture operators. The majority of bulk food and non-food agriculturals are imported from the GBR or San Patricio.
SECDIV. The name's enough. Ask around.
Yes, we have a culture!
The main language spoken in TDCorp territory since before privatization was the St. Kiltan variant of Ingallish; the particular brogue the islanders developed during the Plague years was transmitted whole and mixed with the Sanpatrician inflexions to create a unique accent recognizable in every corner of the Vex.
The second language of the territory is a special case, for it is the notoriously peculiar Rizne, the rich and complicated tongue of Zartania. This has a historical motive: the signing of a wide-ranging agreement between TDCorp and the Zartanian Empire to modernize and expand the transport infrastructure of the newly-enlarged nation after the liberation of Western Zartania. TDCorp and its associated companies employed literally millions of territory inhabitants on yearly rotations along with their Zartanian counterparts, affecting the culture in both places profoundly; the hitherto retiring Zartanian society had its first peaceful interaction with a foreign polity, and the TDC stockholders were exposed to one of the most purely preserved, idiosyncratic peoples in the Vex. The open nature of the TDC stockholders, a result of thir mixed heritage (very similar to San Patricio) meshed well with the honest, bluff nature of the Zartanian people, and the 8-year project gave rise to both a generation of completely fluent Rizne-speakers in TDC territory and a demand for continued instruction in Rizne for young stockholders. Even now, fluent Rizne is a given for any TDCorp stockholder under 60 years of age, and the strong bonds between both entities are cemented by a continuous flow of reciprocal visits; no educational establishment exists which does not offer Rizne as a language in itself and as course language at all levels. Signs, advertising and other printed and electronic media are rendered in Liliani and Rizne script, often electronically interchangeable, and TDC-based companies are guaranteed two markets for all their Rizne-based offerings.
Due to the geographical vicinity and the close relationship with the Union of San Patricio, including work-motivated migration by San Patricians of all persuasions, it is rare to find a TDC stockholder who is not fluent in either Sanpatrician or Mixtupteca; the younger generation is for all intents and purposes quatrilingual to some degree, especially since Sanpatrician is spoken in other countries on the Vex and is favored as a business tool. Mixtupteca words and phrases have influenced all languages spoken on the territory as part of a profound identification with the Chilango culture of the first inhabitants which still permeates the population, and it is often seen that activities such as sports cheering or public eating are conducted in Mixtupteca.
See Sports
TDCorp territory has developed its own strains of music, mainly using old Vinnish and Chilango war songs, heavy percussions based on the Chilango teponaxtli "thunder drums" made out of hollowed tree trunks, and the recent incorporation of electric guitars and keyboards. The southern mining region also developed an evolution of the old Gorami brass bands, adding accordion and drum sets to the ancient brass instruments brought by the immigrants.
San Patrician kumbia and caldo are also very popular, and Utanian pop, as well as its Burovian derivations, have also made inroads.
Mass sports are assiduously followed in TDCorp territory, to a degree where this fanatism has been deemed the closest the territory’s inhabitants have to a religion. Many of the popular sports of Vexillium have been imported and organized, but 2 stand out in popularity: football and motorsports.
Main article: Football in the TDCorp Territory
See also: El Torneo
The 2 Vexwide series ICARA and RZOEAZ are assiduously followed, and car culture is deeply ingrained at all levels among stockholders and other inhabitants; other series such as the IAF Formula 1 of the late 290s-early 300s were also followed. Many of the corporations HQd in the Territory have sponsored dsrivers and teams, with the rivalry between the teams sponsored by the Landa Group and the Posadas Group becoming the most followed (and the most popular). Both teams have become famous as rookie factories, with Landa using its status as the first team of many now-famous ICARA drivers to creat a team identity as "The Forge of Champions".
The takeover of the old Estontetsan car manufacturer Vomeku by Turborreactores SA gave rise to the first race engine manufacturer in the Territory, which has achieved a steady growth in both series, with Ania Satu's victory in the Ayrtona 500 at the wheel of a Vomeku-engined car as its crowning achievement.
The Xibalbá Phenomenon has its second home in the Territory, with millions of fans taking part in the yearly Chilangotitlán Frenzy of flag mobs, caravans, parties and fan-mile race watching in the territorial capital; the 308 celebration of Xibalbá Encarrerados' first triumph and the fan caravans fanning out from the Territory to all the Melanian race dates gave rise to the "Melanian Swing", the summerly peak of ICARA race live audience numbers.
Present Issues[]
TDCorp has expanded its international presence significantly in 320, buying North Cape from St. Kilta, and at the same time making the governmet of St. Kilta a stockholder, and signing extensive services contracts with Ulnovabad and Fora Rifo. Additionally, the Chairwoman of the Board of TDCorp was elected to the highest post of the Chamber of Commerce of Ulnovabad, which functions as the upper house of parliament in the city-state, and TDCorp was invited to integrate the Divan of Fora Rifo. These commitments will demand a significant quantity of resources from the Corporation, although there is an expectation of profitability in the short term, given that the contracts were merely a formalization of existing arrangements dating back to the Feniz Conflict .