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The Trade and Development Corporation TDCorp (Gorami: Entwicklungs- und Handels-GmbH TDCorp; Sanpatrician: Corporación de Comercio y Desarrollo TDCorp; Mixtupteca: Pochtlocáyotl uan Huecaualiztli Kuxtal PHK) is a global, diversified joint-stock corporation headquartered in Chilangotitlán, Otéagu, TDCorp Territory.

TDCorp is self-chartered, and recognized by Vexillian nation states and international organizations as a sovereign entity with eminent domain over land, including subsoil, and sea, including subsea, with right to territorial waters, exclusive economic zones, airspace domination and membership in said international organizations.

TypeJoint-stock corporation
PredecessorFederation of Otéagan Industry
FoundedSeptember 16, 298
HeadquartersChilangotitlán, TDCorp Territory
Area servedTerritory under administration: 3,071,600 km2; Corporate business presence: Vexwide
Key peopleAoibheánn Quetzalpápalotl, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors; Desiderata Coulemill, Chief Executive Officer; Chulainn Itzpápalotl, Chief Financial Officer; Ari Solorio, Security Director
IndustryTransport, telecoms, healthcare, security
ServicesMarketing, financial, infrastructure consulting, market making, law enforcement
RevenueV 705.15 billion (46,68 billion GBZ) (323)
Net incomeV 325.57 billion (21,70 billion GBZ (323)
Total equity1,950,000,000 shares (324)
Employees430,222 (323)



TDCorp was founded on September 16, 298 as the entity that would take over basic lawmaking, law enforcement, defense, governance, and property rights guaranty from the Saint Kiltan government in Otéagu after the UNV-brokered negotiations between the Federation of Otéagan Industry (FOI) and the government of St. Kilta regarding the status of Otéagu after the Otago Incident.

The nascent entity took over the functions that FOI already provided in the absence of St. Kiltan involvement plus the management of foreign relations and external telecommunications links provided until then by the Bank of St. Kilta on behalf of the St. Kiltan government. Additionally, TDCorp became the contract party and manager of the services contracted out by FOI to diverse private providers as substitutes for services not provided or no longer provided by the St. Kiltan government.

These circumstances meant that TDCorp had a wide remit and a diversified portfolio of services (road, rail and airport maintenance, long-range telecommunications, police and judiciary, territorial defense against possible external threat, basic regulation and vigilance of financial, medical and other standards, among others) that it had to provide or coordinate with other private companies.

Taking over the extensive telecommunications infrastructure the Bank of St. Kilta had built over the years (including the biggest ISP in the territory) gave TDCorp a strong direction to specialize in these services, and a special-purpose subsidiary, TDNET, was formed on 1 November 298.

Territorial defense and law enforcement was also taken over by TDCorp directly, this time from the FOI Security Department; the structure and personnel were wholly transferred to the TDCorp Security Division in the last quarter of 298.

The government-provided healthcare infrastructure, managed by the staff with help from FOI after the collapse of the colonial administration, was integrated into a Medical Division from October 298 onwards. The Division took a very important role from the start of the Corporation’s existence, due to the beginning of refugee influx from the neighboring nation of WWWW.

Other functions were coordinated with diverse companies and organizations; the judiciary was organized into a trio of Consortiums after negotiations with the Otéagan Bar and other professional associations, with the necessary coordination between the TDCorp Security Division and the judicial system provided by electronic and personal liaison offices within each organization. These structures were consolidated from the ones FOI had created in 297 after it took over law enforcement functions using the private security personnel of its member companies due to the loss of practically the whole strength of the St. Kilta Constabulary in the early stages of the Otago Incident. The Consortiums were contracted by TDCorp immediately after their constitution to provide judicial services and take over the management of the courts, personnel and legal recordkeeping.

The banks operating in the Territory were invited to create a Monetary Board that would manage a new currency that would substitute the St. Kiltan puffin as the main legal tender for internal transactions. The Monetary Board must remain independent, and the Corporation is forbidden from membership, either by itself or through a financial institution of which the Corporation owns more than 25% of decision-making capital; the Corporation cannot be represented by more than 3 financial institutions in which it owns any stock, irrespective of percentage or decision power. The Monetary Board was contracted immediately after constitution by the Corporation to exercise central-bank functions.

299: Year of Change[]

TDCorp was planned as a management company coordinating services provided by independent suppliers, and its original operations in 298 were oriented to establish such a structure: the majority of efforts by the Corporation’s divisions were directed towards finding suppliers for common-good services and the necessary goods to guarantee the Corporation’s own operation.

In 299, 2 important events disrupted the process and led to a different solution being adopted. These events were the Regina Incident and the Oost-Otago Agreement, which together more than doubled the territory to be managed and provided a critically important opportunity for the Corporation to grow and obtain resources from outside its territory.

The Oost-Otago agreement granted the Corporation the right to own and operate transport infrastructure in the Melanian and Nwgangwan components of the Greater Burovian Realm, including Westria, the then largest economy of the Realm; the Corporation had to go into business itself to take full advantage of the opportunity, as there were no transport businesses of enough size HQ in the Territory, and the direct payment for the Oost-Otago territory also gave the Corporation an opportunity to purchase Burovian transport and construction companies, thus achieving vertical integration which would give speed, experience and a basis for future projects. The Corporation decided to expand and consolidate its Transport Division into a full-fledged transportation and infrastructure business in its own name, operating to date. The business was considered vital enough and was profitable enough that no spinoff has ever been considered.

The Oost-Otago Agreement had left the Territory with a northern border to WWWW fully concentrated in Welfenia; the familiarity with the name and location of Welfen Pass and the surrounding region motivated the southern bands of WWWWans resident in the vicinity to cross the border seeking refuge from the (unknown to them) enhanced effects of ASF-18 (Anti-Serotonin Factor 18). The unexpected high numbers of arrivals, in the low tens of thousands, and their grave illness forced the new TDC city managers at Welfen Pass to request immediate assistance from Chilangotitlán; staff from the ex-state hospitals' high-infectious departments was hurriedly integrated into an emergency response team, and researchers at PUMA and Mannhofer Research Institute were assembled into a high-priority crack team charged with identifying the threat and devising treatments. The need to coordinate and finance the response led to the integration of a TDC central team, named MEDCORPS and under the direct supervision of the then Chairman, Juan A. López.

MEDCORPS achieved an unexpected success, identifying the underlying immune disease affecting WWWWans and the specific substance that caused it, and developing an emergency treatment based on purified mouse antibodies; the reduction in mortality from almost 100% to less than 5% and the possibility of recovery afforded by the treatment led to the conclusion of the Incident.

The Regina Incident, and the response to it, was entirely managed by MEDCORPS; after the cession of the New Territories, the location and treatment of the remaining WWWWan bands was also managed directly due to the immediate mortal danger these bands were placed in. The process took most of 299, causing the consolidation and broadening of MEDCORPS' mission, headcount and structure; December 299 thus marked the appearance of a fully stocked and outfitted emergency response organization, and the associated public health planning and execution department, which had coordinated the development and application of the ASF-18 vaccine that enabled the opening of the New Territories and the San Patrician South Mahlik region to population and development.

Structure and governance[]

The corporation charter establishes a stockholder-centered administrative structure, by which decision-making is vested in the highest corporate organ and delegated to diverse suborgans or persons tasked with specialized actions or procedures.

The Corporation is governed by a General Assembly of Stockholders, which has final power to draft, enact and enforce the corporate regulations established by the Corporation charter, plus those enacted by the Assembly in the years following its creation. There is no internal appeal from the decisions taken by the Assembly; appeal can only be made through judicial procedure.

By charter the General Assembly must meet at least once a year to evaluate the corporate status and eventually confirm the Directors in their posts; the charter also specifies that a stockholder or group of stockholders representing 15% of the Corporation’s total stock can request an extraordinary meeting of the Assembly at any point of the year.

By charter, the Assembly must designate a Board of Directors which is responsible for the management of the corporation, the enforcement of corporate regulations, and the monetary results of the corporation’s operations. The charter directs this Board to name a Chairperson for itself to coordinate the execution of corporate decisions, the enforcement of regulations and the referral of important matters to the entire Board. This Chairperson has been named from non-member candidates, but it is not mandatory that the Chairperson be external to the Board. Candidates to a Directorship do not have to hold stock to be eligible, and non-stockholder Directors have equal rights and duties before the Assembly and are liable for their decisions.

All other corporate management posts are established and filled using procedures and responsibility spheres set out in the corporate regulations secondary to the charter. The Board of Directors can change the structure of the company to adjust its operations to new market circumstances, under supervision from the Assembly; the Assembly can revert changes to the regulations using procedures set out by the corporate charter.

Agreements and treaties with other sovereign entities are integrated into corporate regulations by a vote of a 2/3 majority of the General Assembly during an ordinary or extraordinary session. Foreign judicial decisions affecting corporate regulations are litigated and resolved by decisions of the Judicial Consortiums; charter bylaws and corporate regulations mandate the procedures by which these decisions are incorporated and implemented.

Decisions made by the Judicial Consortiums, Monetary Board, FOI, and other independent organisms contracted by the Corporation to exercise basic market functions are regulated by their contracts, which become part of corporate regulations in the same way as treaties and agreements. The Corporation can allege and enforce breach of contract per decision of a 2/3 majority of its capital represented in the General Assembly in ordinary or extraordinary session. In case of breach of contract, the contracted functions revert to the Corporation.

Main activities and operations[]

The Corporation’s integrated activities are concentrated in:

Basic market auxiliary services[]

Law enforcement, defense, standard setting, judiciary, monetary policy, real estate tenure regulation, and other functions necessary for proper market functioning are provided by TDCorp as single point of contact for itself and the contracted entities that provide such services; ad hoc provision of services and planning for updating and modification of basic services are also coordinated by the Corporation.

The Corporation has been contracted to provide these basic services by the governments of

It also provides them in the Apshograd Administration in Feniz (since 313)

Air, sea, rail and road transportation[]

TDCorp’s 100% owned transport subsidiary FASTVex has centralized the planning, building and operation of the diverse infrastructure systems and projects TDCorp owns or leases across the Vex; FASTVex also operates the subsidiary companies and joint ventures in the branch. FASTVex owns the patents and copyrights associated with the Multiconduit architecture used in the systems built and operated across the Vex.

The largest infrastructure systems operated by FASTVex are:

  • TransMelania Multicon (San Patricio – Otéagu - Kalisth’zyra, TransPatricio, Nova Luxa – Uudangwuu – Wang Chung – Itiagu – Otéagu – Kalisth’zyra, includes highways and airports)
  • Los Caminos Federales de Alta Velocidad (The Federal High-speed Roads, San Patricio; joint venture with La Empresa Nacional de Caminos y Puentes [National Road and Bridge Enterprise, the San Patrician state road transportation department])
  • GBRail Kalisth’zyra (includes highways and airports)
  • GBRail Nwandiqwe [formerly KobaRail] (includes highways and airports)
  • GBRail Westria (joint venture with RailWestria and other GBR-based companies, includes highways and secondary airports)
  • ChungRail (includes highways and airports; joint venture with GBR companies)
  • Melanian Air Traffic Control Network [Melacontrol]; (San Patricio, Uudangwuu, Otéagu, Itiagu, Kalisth’zyra)
  • Arorail (Aros; includes highways and airports; operated as Arostructure plc, joint venture with Arosian government)
  • Imperial Zartanian High-speed Multimode Network (includes roads)
  • TranSmalik (Coare, Tak, Lombriguáy; includes highways and airports)
  • Westrian Corridor Multicon (includes roads, airports and ports)
  • KaliPorts
  • AroPuertos (joint venture with Arostructure plc)
  • Albion-Mérite Cargo Port Company (joint venture with the Albionish government)
  • PetroPorts (Vexwide, joint venture with OF of Feniz and Landa Petroleum)  

Physical layer data transport[]

The Multiconduit architecture includes physical-layer data transport capabilities in its basic design, and this ability has been fully deployed by TDCorp’s most visible subsidiary, TDNET. TDNET’s Internet provisioning business was spun off in 321, and the physical layer planning, construction and operation business was retained under the name VexLayer1. The largest physical networks operated by VexLayer1 are:

  • Bank of St. Kilta FiNet (Vexwide)
  • CislendianFON (transoceanic cable network)
  • CisgronkianFON (transoceanic cable network)
  • AroFibra (Aros; joint venture with Arostructure plc)
  • Imperial Zartanian High-speed Civilian Data Network
  • AlbioNet (Albion-Mérite)
  • MelaNet (San Patricio, Nova Luxa, Uudangwuu, Wang Chung, Itiagu, Otéagu, Kalisth’zyra, branched to Giuzza)
  • TranSmalik Data (Coare, Tak, Lombriguáy)
  • NwangwaNet (formerly NuarmiNet) [joint venture with GBR companies; Nwandiqwe, Westria, Kongrenuru, NONSENS countries, Nixda]

Additionally, VexLayer1 operates TDCorp’s own Vexwide low-orbit satellite Internet network, serving its Business Centers and subsidiaries. This network is operated wholly separately from its commercial offerings.

Healthcare infrastructure and medical operation services[]

TDCorp took over the former St. Kiltan healthcare infrastructure and partnered with 2 private healthcare companies to run and maintain the facilities and manage personnel, including training and specialization; the insurance-driven model with private GPs, reinbursement of hospital expenses and privately-owned and operated hospitals running on TDC-set standards was implemented starting in December 298. Events in 299 changed the outlook and operations of the healthcare sector in the Territory, with TDC taking a much more active role.

The General Assembly of Stockholders decided in December 299 to maintain MEDCORPS, the as an autonomous division and build on its experience to preserve the company's response capability and eventually offer the services to others. When the Dignanian civil war caused a humanitarian crisis, MEDCORPS was sent at company expense by order of the Chairman, backed by the unanimous vote of the Directors, setting a precedent that has seen MEDCORPS deployed around the Vex and acquiring legendary status for its expertise, logistical capabilities, and courage in the face of natural disasters, extreme conditions, and even standing under fire in combat zones.

MEDCORPS set up a training department that has graduated thousands of physicians and nursing personnel, both TDC-employed and from other organizations, which fulfilled the original purpose of offering medical services to customers inside and outside the Territory; research and development orientated to emergency response and field treatment have been financed and commercialized Vexwide, with whole RRT turnkey packages as the best-seller.