Year |
Date |
3980 BP |
The village of Francisco founded by Samuelus in modern day western High Samuelonia province
3976 BP |
The village of Astercun founded in modern day Saint Sembus province
3970 BP |
The village of Correana founded
3965 - 3960 BP |
First Kylos-Samuelonian War
3960 BP |
Tiberius crowned King of Samuelonia
3958 BP |
The village of Amadonii founded in modern day Saint Omar province
3957 BP |
The Ebine tribe conquered by the Samuelonians
3956 BP |
The first Franciscan Wall is constructed, a 10 foot mud wall built around the village
3955 - 3946 BP |
Samuelonians conquer the Naithid tribe
3952 BP |
The village of Castatoni founded in modern day southern Correana province
3950 BP |
The village of Maluetti founded in modern day central High Samuelonia province
3947 VP |
The village of Avolki founded in modern day Saint Justiniannprovince
3943 BP |
The village of Madarum founded in modern day Saint Nicholas province
3940 BP |
The village of Vallcadini founded in modern day eastern High Samuelonia province
3939 BP |
The village of Collowsi founded in modern day Saint Zeus province
3938 BP |
Tiberius I dies of natural causes, Anticus I crowned King
3936 - 3931 BP |
Second Kylos - Samuelonian War
3933 BP |
Anticus I is defeated in battle by the Kylonians, leading to Francisco becoming surrounded. The siege on Francisco lasts two years
3931 BP |
Queen Samoria of Correana attacks the Kylonian forces around Francisco lifting the siege. The Samuelonians and Correanians are united through the marriage of Queen Samoria and the Samuelonian heir, Zeus
3930 BP |
The village of Jandemine founded in modern day Saint Jordinian province
3928 - 3925 BP |
Samuelonians and Correanians conquer the Phenisa tribe
3926 BP |
The village of Dubruk founded in modern day Saint Lysander province
3925 BP |
The Makian War fought between the four major clans of Makia.
3922 BP |
Anticus I dies of natural causes, Zeus I crowned king
3921 BP |
The second Franciscan Wall is built using mud and stone. The 20 foot high wall is constructed around the new city boundaries of Francisco encompassing the growing population of the city that now stands at around 40,000
3920 - 3900 BP |
The nomad tribes of the north-east, Makia, Lamandera, Muhtassa, Minbarri and Shuquilat tribes pledge their loyalty to Anticus I. The unification triples the size of Samuelonia. With the north-east nomad tribes part of Samuelonia, considerable resources put to defending the borders which the central tribes had fought with the nomad tribes for years
3896 BP |
Zeus I dies of natural causes, Queen Samoria divides Samuelonia and Correana between her two sons, creating two strong city states. Her older son, Theodorus becomes King of the Franciscan city state and Nobarius becomes King of the Correana city state.
3870 BP |
Theodorus I murdered by his cousin, Theodosius, who proclaims himself King of Francisco. Theodorus' son and rightful heir, Agathangelos flees to Correana.
3869 BP |
King Nobarius of Correana declares war on Francisco and proclaims Agathangelos the rightful King of Francisco
3864 BP |
Agathangelos leads an army of 20,000 Correanian's against Francisco but is defeated.
3845 BP |
Agathangelos leads an army of 35,000 Correanian's against Franciso. King Theodosius is defeated at the Battle of Red Rivers and Agathangelos' forces besieges the city of Francisco. The two month long siege ends when the gates of Francisco are opened by troops that turn on Theodosius I, who flee's the city to Isle of Marnga.
3800BP |
The Agon tribes settle on the Isles of Maria
3600BP |
The Gyrish Kingdom established on the Isles of Maria
3489 - 3483BP |
Castatoni War fought between the city states of Castatoni and Vallcadini
3479 - 3471BP |
Maluetti War fought between the city states of Maluetti and Vallcadini
3113 - 3009BP |
The War of the Five, fought between the five Noble merchant families of Vallcadini