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 Main article: History of Estontetso 
 See also the complete timeline for all Vexillium 
 See also the Legends of Ancient Estontetso 

[tech: point your mouse at in-game years to see corresponding real-world years]

Year/ Date Regional Event Vexwide Event Details
prior to 5th millennium BP Estoni emigrate from Mystgallia (modern Cruisana) Est.Hist
5th millennium BP Stone Age temples in Mokra and Feniz
3672 BP Lambuças erect obelisk of Hörde-On-Sea Est.Hist.
before 2570 BP Kingdoms of Micholerdia (Empapas offspring) and Burburreica (Lambuças offspring) in existence Vex.Timeline
2400-2200 BP Classical Temple Building Period
2200-1800 BP Sculpturing Period
2181 BP Eshi, a Lambuçaa offspring, found Kingdom of Qella
2073 BP Daseme, a Bezuntas offspring, found Kingdom of Dasemia
2038 BP King Arro-Take Pexpodr IV of Micholerdia Est.Hist.
2000 BP King Arro-Take Pexpodr IV of Micholerdia founds the Liliani Empire, is proclaimed Emperor Aratacius I of Liliana, founder of the Lacascos Dynasty, and dies Est.Hist., Lil.Hist.
1999 BP Emperor Jamius I Lil.Hist.
1988 BP Emperor Jamius I dies of illness Lil.Hist.
1987 BP Emperor Tomalimus I Lil.Hist.
1984 BP Emperor Tomalimus I killed in battle against Peganhosa Lil.Hist.
1983 BP Emperor Savastius I Lil.Hist.
1981 BP Conquest of southern Peganhosa (expansion I) Lil.Hist.
1981 BP Emperor Savastius I assassinated by Burburreican rebel assassin Lil.Hist.
1980 BP Emperor Aratacius II Lil.Hist.
1980 BP Conquest of northern Burburreica/Berburreidica (expansion II) Lil.Hist.
1979 BP Conquest of the small kingdom of Estontalle (expansion III) Lil.Hist.
1979 BP Emperor Aratacius II assassinated by republican extremists Lil.Hist.
1979 BP Emperor Aratacius III, first child of Aratacius II, reigned for three days following his father's death, then murdered himself Lil.Hist.
Emperor Icapivus I, second child of Aratacius II, reigned for three minutes after brother's death Lil.Hist.
1978 BP Emperor Jamius II, the same year murdered by his senior general Tocapedrius Lil.Hist.
Emperor Tocapedrius I, founder of the Janadus dynasty Lil.Hist.
1977 BP Conquest of eastern Gregurdica (expansion IV) Lil.Hist.
1976 BP Conquest of Alembida/Alembidicum and northern Dascagna/Dascugnium (expansion V) Lil.Hist.
1975 BP Conquest (last of the Janadus dynasty) of Liliana Proxima (expansion VI) Lil.Hist.
1970 BP Emperor Tocapedrius I killed by his son Cecamones Lil.Hist.
1969 BP Emperor Cecamones Lil.Hist.
1958 BP Emperor Cecamones abdicates in favour of his brother Lil.Hist.
1957 BP Emperor Axutus I Lil.Hist.
1946 BP Marching into the heart of Dascagnia FCLR Hist.
1940 BP Emperor Axutus I dies Lil.Hist.
1938 BP Emperor Tomalimus II Lil.Hist.
1931 BP Emperor Tomalimus II assassinated by a junior general Lil.Hist.
1930 BP Emperor Tentius Lil.Hist.
1915 BP Emperor Tentius dies of a mysterious illness
1915 BP Emperor Ganus Lil.Hist.
1908 BP Emperor Ganus dies of illness Lil.Hist.
1907 BP Emperor Trinius Lil.Hist.
1890 BP Emperor Trinius (last of the Janados dynasty) poisoned by a noble Lil.Hist.
1890 BP Garanhões Dynasty Lil.Hist.
Emperor Comezias invades Uestadagnia, formes an alliance with Kagere and conquers Auria Lil.Hist.
1851 BP Conquest of Liliana Superior and Portium Mare (expansion VII) Lil.Hist.
1850 BP Conquest of Liliana Minor (expansion VIII) Lil.Hist.
1782 BP Conquest of part of Dascugnium (expansion IX) Lil.Hist.
1782 BP Pimbas Dynasty Lil.Hist.
1704 BP Conquest of the rest of Liliana Minor (expansion X) Lil.Hist.
1703 BP Conquest of the rest of Dascugnium, of Uestadagnium, Faeniccia Minor, and Caesaria Evora (expansion XI) SEE NEXT!? Lil.Hist.
1636 BP Liliani forces conquer the southern plains[1] GRANT OF PROVINCEHOOD BEFORE BEING CONQUERED? Lil.Hist.
1587 BP Pimbas Dynasty ends Lil.Hist.
1585 BP Berberroes Dynasty Lil.Hist.
1447 BP Conquest of Escorpionica (expansion XII) Lil.Hist.
1447 BP Kingdom of Escorpionica integrated into Liliani Empire; Gregurdica/Gorami, previously part of Escorpionica, independent Lil.Hist.
1398-1342 BP First Lendian War: subjugation of Percevejan Lil.Hist.
1342 BP Conquest of Percevejanis Nova (expansion XIIIa) Lil.Hist.
1329 BP Second Lendian War Lil.Hist.
1301 BP Territorial expansion in the south up to the western coast (Caesaria Beja) (expansion XIIIb) Lil.Hist.
1296 BP Conquest of a first part of Lendiana (expansion XIV) Lil.Hist.
1296 BP Arrebimbas Dynasty Lil.Hist.
1275 BP Conquest of Budania Superior and Inferior (expansion XV) Lil.Hist.
TBD Conquest of another part of Lendiana (expansion XVI) Lil.Hist.
1275 BP Lendia under Liliani control; invasion of the continent of Smalik Lil.Hist.
1156 BP Bejufas Dynasty Lil.Hist.
1131 BP Conquest of the rest of Lendiana (expansion XVII) Lil.Hist.
1130 BP Southern Berburreidica is added (expansion XVIII) Lil.Hist.
1119 BP Goramia (Gregurdicum) is absorbed by Liliana through dynastic marriage (expansion XIX) Lil.Hist.
934 BP The old provincial system is replaced with a county system of Regiocomei Lil.Hist.
714 BP Lendia becomes a republic, secedes from Liliana Lil.Hist.
712 BP The Counts' Rebellion Est.Hist., Count.Reb.
600 BP Liliani Empire becomes the Empire of Estontetso Lil.Hist.
579 BP Gorami declare independence
427-138 BP Longerathian Wars
427-392 BP Natestian War
381-359 BP Catherinian War
355-351 BP Morangese Rebellion
301-287 BP Edmundian War
276 BP The Black Wedding
274-248 BP Samuelonian War
236-219 BP Angliyaa's counter attack, the Aethelstonian War, is the turning point of the Longerathian Wars Some say it began 238 BP already; some call only the following the Longerathian Wars.
213-196 BP Morangal and Achenar Wars
170-156 BP Estontetso reconquers the Duchy of Caritas Draconian historians' view; others see this commencing only in 138 BP with a quick end in 136 BP
169 BP Lendosan collapse
166-138 BP Henry's War
138 BP Estontetso suffers a popular revolution, the Emperor is overthrown, the new government immediately proposed peace. New borders are established AREN'T THESE BORDERS THE "MODERN" RECTANGULAR BORDERS?
170-136 BP Estontetso reconquers the Duchy of Caritas Draconian historians see this campaign between 170 and 156 BP.
20 BP First sightings of the Plague
around 12 BP Plague peaks
2 Arrival of the of the Iparalaspuqui
95 Peace treaty with Dascunya and Lendia WHAT GOOD FOR?
October 5th 97 Foundation of the Kingdom of Estontetso
200 years of suppressed freedom of press and political arrests IS THAT PROBABLE?
297-298 Civil War
October 23rd 297 occupation by Merité, Christiana, Phenixia and Angliyaa
November 19th 297 Green March to Northern Phenixia
November 24th 297 king secretly left his country
November 28th or 29th 297 General Yav Arudian founds People's Democratic Republic of Estontetso
January 1st 298 Marshal Yav Arudian founds People's Republic of Estontetso
April 25th 298 Peaceful Revolution: Arudian deliveres government to the Revolutionary Council
May 1st 298 Northern Estontetso seceded and founds the Vice Royalty of Elmyra
June 22nd 298 Referendum decides the secession of Northern Phenixia
June 27th 298 André Serranho elected President of the Republic
November 29th 298 proclamation of the Federal Estontetsan Republic
321 Gorami movement under W. S. Hombruch seizes the power

  1. western part of modern Angliya
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Geography & Society: Demography Ethnicities Nobility Count Biseuro Emperor Natestus I Geogr. Names

Tourism: Rail Timetables Air Timetables Capital: Duceta Castles Val Da Krosta Good Old Technologies Mil. Ceremonies

History: Legends of Esto. History Timeline Navy History Liliani Empire Counts' Rebellion Esto. Empire Longerathian Wars Plague Iparalaspuqui Esto. Kingdom Civil War Vexwide Pictorial History

Allies: Lok Islands Melga Melga's Flags Melga's Military

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In memory and honour of André, his original website of Estontetso