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The emblem of the TST, courtesy of BoBe Design Studios

The Three Sticks Tournament (TST) is Vexillium's premier cricket (stumpwicket) competition for national teams under the overseeing umbrella of the Trusteeship of International Three Sticks (TITS). Teams from three continental leagues (also referred to as "Sticks") compete in their respective regional qualification matches, with the top teams from each Continental Stick qualifying for the TST World Finals Tournament, in which the biennial Vexillium Champion is determined.


Team Itiagu Match Fixing Scandal and Suspension[]

After Round 01 of the Tournament, the Itiagu Three Sticks Association (ITSA) has been suspended with immediate effect, as evidence has emerged that several ITSA officials and a couple of the players have been involved in match-fixing during the recent Realm Stickie Tournament, with several high-risk bets detected on the Oteagu sports betting circuits. Fortunately a suitable replacement team has been found in Djeriga, who joins Three Sticks Tournament action hitting the ground running in Round 02 already. The Round 01 match between Rys Lynyrch and Itiagu has been declared null and void, and instead Rys Lynyrch will play an additional game against Djeriga.

The Three Sticks (Continental Conferences) Participating Teams[]

Losmawi Stick[]

  1. Flag-aethelnia Aethelnia
  2. Angliyaaflag Angliya
  3. Bomern flag Bomern
  4. Flag-draconia Draconia
  5. FenizNationalFlag Feniz
  6. Jlnovjan flag Jilnovia
  7. Lombr Lómbriguáy
  8. MF Meckeln-Flamlandt
  9. StSamuelFlag Samuelonia
  10. Sanx Sanx
  11. Sck1 Solançe
  12. Flagtak Tak

Eras Stick[]

  1. ALM Albion-Merité
  2. CimFlag Cimera
  3. Chungxipang Chungxiang
  4. Flag-cruisana Cruisana
  5. Lysempire Lysonia
  6. Se Sehria
  7. Somnat Somery
  8. TE Terra Extremis
  9. Sth-flag The Fold
  10. Utania Utania
  11. MeritePRWflag Wesmerité
  12. FRWNationalSmall Whiland

Nuconia Stick[]

  1. Flag-caledon-small Caledon
  3. IWKflag Kukuria
  4. GMU Malvadorias
  6. Tumicki Tumicki
  7. FRD North Dignania
  8. Nkflag Nwandiqwe
  9. Flag-tdc-small Otéagu
  10. Flag-portocapital Porto Capital
  11. RL Rys Lynyrch
  12. UBD South Dignania
  13. Westria Westria


TST World Finals Tournament[]

Year Edition Host Nation Teams Winner Result Runner-up
317 1 Somnat Somery 12 Flagtak Tak 7 wickets TE Terra Extremis
319 2 Flagtak Tak 12?
321 3 16?
323 4 16?
325 5 20?