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State of the Lectern
Conventional short name:
 Local: The Lectern
 Ingallish: {{{english}}}
Data codes: t.b.c.
Flag of the Lectern
 Official: Ingallish
 Others: {{{others}}}
 Capital: Sky City
 Other: Sarissest, Chapels, Rosedale-St-Reggie, Hilverbrook
Government type: republic
First Citizen: Emmet Risdale (since 2 January 322)
Population: 4,622,500 Lecternians
Established: Remaining part of Lectern of United Kencari Peoples renames to 'The Lectern' on 21 October 319
Currency: Siester of the Lectern
Organizations: UNV

The Lectern, officially the State of the Lectern is a small nation in western central Smalik, bordering Kencari, Sarigis, and Both Watches, as well as the Cislendian Ocean. It is the only remaining part of the defunct Lectern of the United Kencari Peoples (LUKP) that extisted between 316 and 319 and contains the cities Sky City, former capital of both Bowdani and the LUKP, and Sarissest, where the Lectern's government is currently residing as Sky City was heavily damaged during the civil war that resulted in the desintegration of the LUKP. Together with Both Watches, and to a certain extent Sarigis and Black Bowdani, The Lectern is one of the remaining nations where the Ingallish are still the dominant population group.