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Dominion of Svarthaedir
Conventional short name:
 Local: Svarthæðir
 Ingallish: Svarthaedir
Data codes: SV, SVD
Flag of the Dominion of Svathaedir
Svarthaedir's geographical position on Vexillium
 Official: Svarthenska
 Others: Ingallish
 Capital: Ardenborg
 Other: Akureyri, Bjargeyar, Aldafjördur, Heldidalur, Gilvík, Laughöfn, Snaeffellstadir
Government type: Constitutional monarchy
President: Sturlu Snorrisson
Head of State: HSH King Kjartan III of House Freyrsson
Area: 685,326 km²
Population: 9,786,547 (36th) Svartic
Established: 317 AP
Currency: Svartic Krónur
Organizations: United Nations of Vexillium, Association of Neutral Nations in Vexillium, International Trade Council of Vexillium, Glaciaria Convention

Svarthaedir, (Svarthenska: Svarthæðir), officially the Dominion of Svarthaedir is a nation off the coast of south-eastern Maritimia. Svarthaedir lies southeast of Solimar and the Bomino Terrioty and lies north of the Lexicon Islands. Svarthaedir consists of two main islands: the southern island of Tolmøe and the northern island of Bjargey. The islands are characterised by a varied topography shaped by their location in the vast southern ocean, with the mountainous regions being straddled by large open landmasses in between. Svarthaedir has a strong lumber and agricultural industry and a vast fishing industry. The Dominion of Svarthaedir is a constitutionally unitary state comprising Svarthaedir and the territory of Almseyrøm, officially called Svartic Glaciaria, located on the continent of Glaciaria. Svarthaedir has a total area of 685,326 sq km and a population of 9.79 million as of 322. Cruisanism is the primary religion of Svarthaedir. The nation has one official language, Svarthenska, though Ingallish is widely spoken.


Svarthaedir's etymology can be traced to Svarthenska language roots, where its name is a compound of two distinct elements: "Svarthr," meaning black, and "haedir," referring to hills or elevations. This nomenclature directly alludes to the prominent geographical feature of black hills that defines the nation's landscape. The choice of "Svarthr" denotes the colour of these hills and carries metaphorical connotations, symbolizing the resilience and strength inherent in the Svaritc people.

Geography and Climate[]




Age of Discovery (800BP to 521BP)[]

After the discovery of the islands by Cabotenian explorers Styrbjörn Eriksson and Alf-Björn Eriksson in 815AP, the lands were split up among many different competing factions that vied for control across the islands. Svarthaedir was settled by colonists from Caboteniasa and also members of the Stervian ethnic group. The seasonal favourable currents and winds helped maintain the weak sea links between Smalik and Svarthaedir. Svarthaedir arose from the unification of several smaller territories, which had begun to band together around the area of Snaeffellstadir. The remaining and most northern parts allied and used their location on the north coast of Svarthaedir to expand their influence southwards.

However, due to their hospitable location, the Southern Alliance territories could begin several short wars and expand northwards at the Northern Alliance's expense. After the particularly bloody war, the North alliance agreed to secede and join the Southern partnership to form a singular nation on the islands. This treaty was known as the Treaty of Snaeffellstadir and was signed on. The treaty was signed to form the nation of Svarthaedir.

Age of Exploration (521BP to 115BP)[]

Throughout the next couple of centuries, ethnic Stervians, operating out of Svarthaedir, successfully mapped the southern coasts of Nuarmia and Melania and the Melanian Channel, which separates both continents. They used this knowledge to establish several small forts on those coasts, encouraging trade with the native peoples, which have long since disappeared.

Age of Decline (115BP to 218AP)[]

Age of Independence (218AP to 297AP)[]

Age of the Republic (297AP to 317AP)[]

Age of the Dominion (317AP to Present)[]

Government and Politics[]


Svarthaedir is a constitutional monarchy where the sovereign monarch serves as the ceremonial head of state. The monarchy is a longstanding institution that symbolises the unity and continuity of the nation. While the monarch holds no executive powers, their role encompasses significant ceremonial and representative duties, including presiding over national ceremonies and representing Svarthaedir on the international stage.

Executive and de facto power in Svarthaedir rests with the head of government, the President. The President is responsible for leading the government, implementing policies, and overseeing the day-to-day administration of the country, the President works alongside the Cabinet to address domestic and international issues. This system of governance ensures a clear separation of ceremonial and executive roles, balancing the symbolic importance of the monarchy with the practical demands of political leadership.



The Constitution of 317 was a pivotal document that marked a significant turning point in the history of Svarthaedir. Among its many articles, it formally re-established the nation's name as Svarthaedir, symbolising a renewed sense of identity and unity. This change reflected the nation's collective desire to honour its historical roots while charting a path forward as a modern, progressive society.

In addition to its symbolic importance, the revised Constitution also re-laid the foundation for Svarthaedir’s governance and legal framework. The Constitution of 317 remains a cornerstone of Svarthaedir’s identity, embodying its values and aspirations for the future.


The monarchy of Svarthaedir is a constitutional institution with a rich historical legacy within the Dominion of Svarthaedir. The Dominion encompasses Svarthaedir proper and the autonomous territory of Almseyrøm, officially called Svartic Glaciaria; its roots trace back to around 700BP, with rulers consistently referred to as "kings" in contemporary sources, suggesting the early consolidation of the Dominion.

The current Royal House is the House of Freyrsson originating from Snaeffellstadir in southern Svarthaedir. The Svarthaedir monarchy operates within defined limits as enshrined in the Constitution of Svarthaedir. While the monarch retains ultimate executive authority through royal reserve powers, these powers are primarily exercised in accordance with laws enacted by the legislature or within the bounds of convention. In practice, the monarch's role is largely ceremonial and non-partisan, encompassing duties such as conferring honours and formally appointing the president. Additionally, the monarch and immediate family members undertake various official, diplomatic, and representational responsibilities on behalf of the Dominion.

See also; Monarchy of Svarthaedir

Head of State[]

The head of state of Svarthaedir is King Kjartan III. The role is ceremonial.

See also; List of Monarchs of Svarthaedir

The Executive[]

The President heads the executive as the Svartic head of government, who heads the Svarthaedir cabinet.

See also; List of Presidents of Svarthaedir

The Cabinet[]

Cabinet ministers administer the following areas:

  • Office of the President
  • Defence
  • Home Affairs
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Treasury
  • Justice
  • Education
  • Transport, Trade and Commerce
  • Energy and Industry
  • Sport and Culture
  • Health and Social Care
  • Agriculture
  • Fisheries, Environment, Rural Affairs
  • Commonwealth and Development

The Legislature[]

The parliament consists of 59 members and is a unicameral chamber. The voting age is 18 years.

The Judiciary[]

The Svartic Supreme Court heads the judicial branch in Svarthaedir. The criminal and civil lower courts take on important cases from the regional courts throughout Svarthaedir. All lower courts are subject to the power of review under the unified court system, with the Supreme Court as the final court of appeal. The Svartic Constitutional Court is a separate part of the judicial branch and only deals with cases concerning the Constitution.

Law and Criminal Justice[]

Svartic law is regarded as a standard law system, with no major codification of the law and legal precedents are binding as opposed to persuasive.

Electoral System[]

The 59 members of parliament are elected every five years. They are filled through elections using open party-list proportional representation, and the country forms one multi-member constituency for each election.

Political Parties[]

The political parties are, as of the last election in 318 are; (left to right politically);

  • Social Equality Alliance; 7 seats
  • Social Democrat; 8 seats
  • Progressive; 30 seats
  • People's Alliance; 3 seats
  • Independence; 7 seats
  • Citizen's; 4 seats

The political parties below currently have no seats in parliament (left to right politically);

  • Svartic People's Front
  • Liberal Party
  • Central Alliance
  • Green Movement
  • Nationalist Party

See also; List of Political Parties of Svarthaedir

Administrative Divisions[]

The provinces of Svarthaedir are;

Province Capital Population Area (km2) Pop. Density GDP GDP/Capita
Gardurhus flag Gardurhus
Hviturgigur flag Hviturgigur
Nordurnes flag Nordurnes
Sjorgryti flag Sjorgryti
Sudursteinn flag Sudursteinn
Sveitsysla flag Rauðasandur
Vesturvik flag Vesturvik

Svartic Commonwealth[]

Formed in 322, the Svartic Commonwealth is a supranational organisation focusing on cultural, sports and economic ties between its members. The Svartic Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 5 independent and equal countries across Martimia and Smalik. The Commonwealth works to promote shared values through a range of activities and programs. These include:

  • Promoting democracy and good governance
  • Supporting human rights and the rule of law
  • Promoting sustainable development
  • Tackling climate change
  • Promoting education and skills development
  • Promoting trade and investment
  • Promoting peace and security

See also; Svartic Commonwealth Games, Svartic Commonwealth Organisation

Foreign Relations and Military[]

Foreign Relations[]

The foreign policy of the Svarthaedir is based on four fundamental commitments:

  • Transoceanic relations
  • Maritimiaian integration
  • International development
  • International law

Svarthaedir has joined many international organisations, most prominently the United Nations of Vexillium. Other organisations include the Association of Neutral Nations in Vexillium, International Trade Council of Vexillium and the Glaciaria Convention.

See also: List of ambassadors of Svarthaedir and List of foreign ambassadors in Svarthaedir


The Svartic Defence Force (Svartic Varnarliðið) is a professional military consisting of the Svartic Navy, Svartic Regular Army, Svartic Air Force and the National Provincial Guard. The Monarch is the ceremonial commander of chief of the Svartic Defence Force, with actual authority held by the President and the Defence Ministry conducting and responsible for daily operations. In the previous twenty years, the military has seen a decline in funding. Many operational components required adequate financing to meet modern standards, starting with the Svartic Navy and Air Force. However, in the last five years, the funding situation has improved, and in late 322, an expansion of the military was announced, which will take ten years to complete.

Today, the Svartic Defence Force is considered a potential regional-tier military force. The Defence Forces have a combined total strength of 398,314 active duty personnel with 115,281 reserves in the National Provincial Guard. Service in the Defence Force is strictly voluntary, with members serving a six-year term of active duty and an additional three years in the NPG upon discharge. This is renewable in three-year terms until the age of forty-five. Roughly 25% of the military are considered "career", serving four times for 24 years before retirement. The Armed Forces operate one military university-level officer school, the SDF National College, with another institution expected to be part of the announced military expansion.

The primary defence doctrine of Svarthaedir is structured around the interception of hostile forces on the high seas. The policy is called CASD or Continuous At Sea Deterrence. A perimeter of 750 kilometres is patrolled and monitored by the Air Force and Navy. Naval and air forces must detect and destroy any potential attack before the enemy approaches the islands. This strategy requires expensive military hardware. As a result, the Navy and the Air Force have fewer uniformed men but have the majority of the military budget.

Within Svarthaedir are XX central military installations, the most prominent being. In addition, Svarthaedir also maintains three overseas military installations within the Eastern Islands, which house forward-deployed elements of all branches.

The service branches consist of the following:

Svartic Navy

Svartic Regular Army

Svartic Air Force

National Provincial Guard

See also: Military of Svarthaedir

Strategic Reconnaissance Division[]

The Strategic Reconnaissance Division (Strategískt Könnun Skipting), more commonly known as SKS, is the special forces division of the Svartic Defence Force (Svartic Varnarliðið). The SKS is the elite unit of the SDF and is one of the region's best-trained and most professional special operations units. The unit is tasked with special operations in wartime, primarily counter-terrorism in peacetime and protecting the sovereign. The Svartic General Staff exercises direct command over the division, thus elevating the unit to the strategic level for quicker response time and better and faster deployment on both tactical and strategic levels. Also, this means that members of all three branches of the armed forces can apply for selection. The headquarters, training facilities and barracks are located a few kilometres northwest of Stokkseyri. The SKS members can be recognised by their black berets and the unit insignia on the right sleeve of their uniforms.

Transnational Issues[]

Fishing rights disputes with near neighbours, Solimar and Lexicon Islands.



  • Inhabitants: 9,786,547 (320)
  • Population density: 14.28 inh/km²
  • Population growth: 0.6% (319)
  • Life expectancy: male 79.3, female 80.8
  • Ethnic groups: Svartic 63%, Eastern Islanders 10%, Others 27%
  • Languages: Offical - Svarthenska, Other - Ingallish,
  • Literacy: 99.3%
  • Religions: Irreligious/Atheist - 52.2%, Cruisanism - 17.5%, Mounism 14.3%, Ula'ikism 5.7%, Others - 10.3%

Largest Cities[]

The largest cities in Svarthaedir are;

  • Ardenborg
  • Akureyri
  • Bjargeyar
  • Aldafjördur
  • Heldidalur
  • Gilvík
  • Laughöfn
  • Snaeffellstadir


The official language of Svarthaedir is Svarthenska, a unique and culturally rich language spoken by the vast majority of its inhabitants. Rooted in the historical and linguistic traditions of the Svartic people, Svarthenska serves as a vital symbol of national identity and heritage. Efforts to preserve and promote Svarthenska are a cornerstone of national policy, with the language being taught from an early age in schools and integrated into public life. Literature, media, and cultural events frequently celebrate the language, ensuring that it remains vibrant and relevant for future generations. Svarthenska is not only a tool for communication but also a shared bond uniting the people of Svarthaedir.

Alongside Svarthenska, Ingallish is widely spoken and plays an essential role in education and international relations. As a mandatory subject in secondary schools, Ingallish ensures that the population is well-equipped for global engagement and fosters opportunities for trade, diplomacy, and cultural exchange. Many inhabitants of Svarthaedir are fluent in Ingallish, particularly among younger generations, who often use it in professional and academic contexts.


Svarthaedir operates under a secular constitution with no official state religion, reflecting a strong tradition of secularism. The Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion for all individuals while ensuring that religious communities remain under the protection and jurisdiction of the state. These communities are prohibited from engaging in the political process, such as forming religious-based political parties. Furthermore, no political party may claim to represent a specific religious belief. Despite this, religious values and sensibilities are often represented through more conservative political parties.

The religious composition of Svarthaedir is diverse. The majority of the population identifies as irreligious or atheist (52.2%). Cruisanism is the second-largest belief system, comprising 17.5% of the population, with the Svartic Cruisian Church serving as its major denomination in the nation. Other religions include Mounism (14.3%), Ula'ikism (5.7%), and various smaller faiths that together account for 10.3%.



The economy of Svarthaedir is a mixed market, balanced between free market principles and government regulation and influence.

See also: List of Svartic Companies




Kinnarit Amundsdottir International Airport is one of five international airports located across Svarthaedir. The airport is about 25 miles east of Ardenborg and provides links to destinations across Nova Vexillium. In addition, the recently re-named Pascal Gross International Airport is located close to Snaeffellstadir, on the western side of Ardenborg. The airport serves destinations further afield in the Old Continents. Other airports throughout Svarthaedir serve a variety of foreign and domestic locations. Regular ferry services between the two islands of Svarthaedir operate all year round.



Education in Svarthaedir is provided to all children from primary through secondary school without cost. Private schools can also teach and charge tuition for their students, but they must follow the established curriculum. Post-secondary education is subsidised in state-run universities. Privately run universities may also teach and charge tuition but must meet the Post-Secondary Curriculum benchmarks.

Primary school teaching begins for all students aged five, who will reach age six within the academic year, from September to June. Primary school teaching lasts for seven years. A student's eighth year of education marks the first phase of secondary education at ages 12 to 13. The second phase of secondary education runs for five years, from 14 to 18. The second phase sees students focus more on subjects that will help towards an eventual post-secondary field.

The major universities located in Svarthaedir are;

  • University of Snaeffellstadir
  • Ardernborg Provincial University
  • Maritime University of Gilvik
  • University of Laughöfn
  • University of Akureyri
  • University of Bjargeyar
  • Aldafjördur University
  • Heldidalur Metropolitan University
  • Reykjanesbær Science University

See also; Education in Svarthaedir,



As part of Svartic culture, Svarthaedir celebrates the following national holidays;

  • Svarthæðir Day (28/02),
  • King's Day (17/06),
  • Yfirráð Day (27/09),
  • Commemoration Day (01/11)

See also; Culture in Svarthaedir,



Svartic cuisine relies heavily on seafood. Svarthaedir has taken the original colonists' and immigrants' seafood traditions and developed them further, often adding various native herbs and spices. Although many of its native animals are now extinct or endangered, some were discovered to be quite tasty by the early settlers. A number of these species are still bred or hunted for their meat. Ironically, although most modern Svartese people are not heavy eaters of the native animals, their flesh is prevalent among tourist meals in Svartic hotels and restaurants.


Svartic Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) is the national broadcaster, producing both television and radio programmes in Svarthenska from its base in Ardenborg.



Svarthaedir has a tradition of innovation in engineering. Although Svartic ships were considered among the best produced for some periods, the legacy is shown in the post-industrial era, with the nation having a growing role in Shipbuilding and related industries. Science is a particularly cherished part of Svartic life; popular children's toys include model kits of working machinery, aircraft, ships, and telescopes.


Sports in Svarthaedir play a prominent role in Svartic culture. Svarthaedir enjoys representation in major Vexillium sporting events such as the Vexillium Cup, VRB World Cup and the Games of the Vexilliad, the premier multi-sport event for both summer and winter sports. While Football is considered the national sporting pastime for Svarthaedir, Rugby has begun to match Football for the sporting consciousness of Svarthaedir. No other sport can compare with Football or rugby in terms of popularity. Still, Baseball, Handball, Ice Hockey, and Motorsports are widely followed. Svarthaedir also hosts the Svartic Commonwealth Games, with the fourth edition to be held in the summer of 323.

See also; Football in Svarthaedir, Rugby in Svarthaedir, Baseball in Svarthaedir, Handball in Svarthaedir, Ice Hockey in Svarthaedir, Motorsport in Svarthaedir, Basketball in Svarthaedir, Cricket in Svarthaedir

National Symbols[]