Flag of the STOIC.
The Smalik Treaty Organisation for Industrious Cooperation (STOIC) (Bëltse: Smalikare Kutsesesdn Kastherrërmom Obëdwgeten Parthalesmun; Coare: Smeoc Scastas Poasyntas Mpora Zystaa i; Gen: Soustana Tritin Smaliq mun Jettouqudun’as Baeda; Lake-Kencari: Smalih’e Scuhcest ppe Ppustuncest Boeda ppe Ziscitau laem; North-Pocari: Măttunt Scħŏnt Smalih Zitsenŏ Vet i; South-Pocari: Ɓaƨunƨ Ƨaghåƨ Smalik Ƨeɗå Ɓaŋuƨ zath; Tak: Hə nLaavu mFaasu Vaad ti Gim Gaat Ƕol o Hək Slt; Vaara: Soilikostreitírsaskoinóss Tetehikevirnasaltáivinos; White-Kencari: Peist ṕi Kocess ṕia Ṕossincess Mavis Zissito zat) is an international organisation founded as SUECS by countries on the continent of Smalik on 3 April 317. It focuses on economic and military cooperation between the member states. The members of SUECS initially created a customs union and a military organisation aimed to enhance and coordinate military cooperation between the members. The civil wars in the neighbouring LUKP that started in 318 accelerated the formation of the military component of SUECS. In February 320 SUECS was renamed STOIC.
Between 308 and 316 AP Bowdani desintegrated until it was formally dissolved in October 316. Some former Bowdani territories decided that intensive cooperation between them continues to be necessary and after some informal talks in early 317 and a formal meeting in Taskä (Western Shore) on 1 February, SUECS was founded on 3 April by the Treaty of Er Qeet. The name and its abbreviation 'SUECS' were chosen before 'SUCCESS' (Smalik Union for Close Cooperation in Economy, Security, and Sustainability) as the latter was considered too arrogant.
The initial four member states were the Coare Republic, the Duchy of Gen, the Free States of Tak, and the Free Republic of the Western Shore. Although they initially agreed upon a slow pace development of the organisation's tasks, the civil war that erupted in the neighbouring Lectern of United Kencari Peoples (LUKP) in 318 made the member states approve more hasty measures.
On 15 February 319 the Kingdom of Bëltse and the nation of Vaara signed the accession treaty of SUECS; the parliament of Bëltse ratified the accession bill on 24 May 319 and has been a full member since that date, whereas the parliament of Vaara followed on 10 September 319.
In October 319 the nation of White Bowdani signed the accession treaty of SUECS; ratification followed on 22 January 320.
In January 320 it was announced that SUECS will invite the Republic of Kencari, the Kingdom of Nucani, and the Three Cities and the Cove for accession talks, and that SUECS would be renamed STOIC as of February 320.
Member states[]
STOIC is an intergovernmental organisation with headquarters in the city of Bbicobes (Western Shore). It is governed by the Conference of Governments, which convenes regularly twice a year in a member state of choice.
The Board of Governors deals with daily affairs, with each member state being represented by one Governor, appointed for a renewable four year term. Until September 318, one of them acted as the organisation's Secretary General by rotation for a duration of seven months. Afterwards, the term of the Secretary General was prolonged to four years with indefinite possibility of renewal, and instead of the rotational scheme, he or she will be elected by the Supervisory Council (see below) with the approval of a majority of members from at least two thirds of the member states.
Lastly, the Supervisory Council can be seen as the organisation's parliament. As of 10 September 319 it has 61 members (36 from Tak, 10 from Coare, 3 from Western Shore, 3 from Gen, 3 from Bëltse, 3 from Vaara, and 3 from White Bowdani) who are elected or appointed according to procedures determined by each member state. The number of SC members is a member state's number of inhabitants divided by 2 million, but with a minimum of 3.
Board of Governors[]
The current members of the Board of Governors are:
Member | Country | Since |
Kavarn Esnthanar | Bëltse | 24 May 319 |
Sonia Blake (f) | White Bowdani | 22 January 320 |
Ggogg Duhoan | Coare | 3 April 317 |
Qeerreq Horis (f) | Gen | 3 April 317 |
Qur ob Mɛɛk | Tak | 3 April 317 |
Yykaitir Paa | Vaara | 10 September 319 |
Þrevat Sŏrre | Western Shore | 3 April 317 |
Secretaries General[]
Secretary General | Country | Period | |
1 | Ggogg Duhoan | CR | 03/04/317 - 03/11/317 |
2 | Qeerreq Horis (f) | GN | 03/11/317 - 03/06/318 |
3 | Qur ob Mɛɛk | TK | 03/06/318 - incumbent |
- Treaty of Er Qeet (founding treaty)