Wikivex - The Free, Online, Vexillium Encyclopedia
Wikivex - The Free, Online, Vexillium Encyclopedia

Sky City (Coastal Kencari: Kencaree Skä; Lake Kencari: Kincari ha Skae; White Kencari: Kincari a Kei; North-Pocari: Skevŏ; South-Pocari: Heŋgarsavå; Coare: Sceompy; previously also known as Himmelstadt) is the former capital of Bowdani and the Lectern of United Kencari Peoples (LUKP), and the current capital (at least nominally) of The Lectern.


Archeological evidence suggests that at least two previous settlements were located at the current location of Sky City. The present city was probably founded around 800 BP as Kencaree Skä ('Kencari Bay'). Until the first century AP, the city was a Kencari stronghold and commercial centre. Settlers from other continents arrived at Smalik after the Plague struck, and many settled in Kencaree Skä, and the city became an important scene in the war between the settlers and the indigenous population in the 2nd century AP. After the indigenous tribes were overthrown, the city was renamed Sky City (or Himmelstadt), and in 235 was made the capital of the newly named Republic of Bowdani.

After the dissolution of Bowdani, Sky City became the capital of the Lectern of United Kencari Peoples (LUKP), a nation that soon proved to be instable. An attack on the parliament of the LUKP in July 318 left the country in disarray and in April 319 the once proud capital was overrun by a coalition of rebel forces; the Palace of the Grand Pensionary (the former presidential palace of Bowdani) and the building of the Council of Peoples were ransacked and set on fire, and the city as a whole was left in chaos.

Since October 319, Sky City is officially the capital of The Lectern, but as the city remains in chaos, government of The Lectern has been set up in the nearby town of Sarissest.