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Flag of Siburyshire
Coat of Arms of Siburyshire
Area 2,356 sq.kms (25)
Population 3,000,000 (1)
Pop.density 1,273/ (1)
Shire seat Sibury Town
Boroughs 9
Hundreds 1
Mail code SY
Motto Mind and muse wise thy heart
Mind and muse guide your heart

Siburyshire is one of the shires of Somery. It lies in central Avillion. The shire consists of the major part of the metropolitan area of Sibury, the capital of Somery, thus its major cultural, economical and political centre. Among it's suburbs can be mentioned Tuton, where the most prestigious university in the country, Tuton House of Higher Lore, is situated.

Sibury Shire Moot
1, Michelstow

Tel. 010 - 810 10 00