The Royal Aethelnian Air Force (RAEF), is the aviation branch of the armed forces of Aethelnia. It was reformed in 301.
In the other official languages of Aethelnia, the RAEF is known as Armée de l'Air Royale de l'Etelnie (Phenixian), Ejército del Aire del Reino de Atelnia (Hibernian), Koenigliche Aethelnische Luftwaffe (Gardlian).

Royal Aethelnian Air Force flag

Royal Aethelnian Air Force Base commander flag

Royal Aethelnian Air Force roundel

Royal Aethelnian Air Force Cap Badge
RAEF officer ranks[]
- Marshal of the Royal Aethelnian Air Force (honorary rank held by head of state)
- Air Chief Marshal (rank held by Chief of the Air Staff & Commander-in-Chief of RAEF)
- Air Marshal
- Air Vice Marshal
- Air Commodore
- Group Captain
- Wing Commander
- Squadron Leader
- Flight Lieutenant (lieutenant pronounced lɛv'tɛnənt)
- Flying Officer
- Pilot Officer
RAEF insignia[]

RAEF Delacroix 50 medium-sized transport aircraft in RAEF camo
The Whiland-built C23 attack fighters and Zephyr multi-role bombers form the main strength of the air force, since Feb 02.
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under the command of the Ministry of Defence | |||