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The Orthodox Church of Bowdani used to be the dominant church of the former nation of Bowdani. Currently it is a dominant religion in the Lectern of United Kencari Peoples, the Coare Republic, the Duchy of Gen, and the Free Republic of the Western Shore, while it is a minority religion in Vaara, the Kingdom of Bëltse, and the Free States of Tak.


Orthodox Cruisanism has been present in Smalik since the 4th century BP, although only in small percentages. The Plague significantly increased the popularity of Orthodox Cruisanism in some regions and by 100 AP most of the inhabitants of the centre-western half of the continent (Kencari) considered themselves to be Orthodox Cruisanists.

At first the Orthodox Cruisanists, together with other Orthodox Cruisanists in Smalik, were part of the Ulanovan Orthodox Church, recognising the Patriarch of Ulanova as head of the church. In 148 the Orthodox Cruisanists in Kencari caused a schism when the Archimandrite of Sarimiow and the Archbishop of Sellouh (the latter of which was the centre of Smalik Orthodoxy at that time) had a disagreement about the former’s wish to have a second wife. The situation escalated quickly and the ‘Archimandritists’ were able to convince the Kencari government (that consisted mostly of immigrants and had been in place for barely three years after they had overthrown the Tribal Council that had ruled Kencari until that moment) that they were right and the 'Ulanovists' were forcefully thrown out of the country. Foreign attempts to intervene and restore the Ulanovan Orthodox Church in Kencari failed. The Archimandrite of Sarimiow became the first Patriarch of the Archimandritist Orthodox Church, that was subsequently renamed the Orthodox Church of Bowdani in 235, when the Kencari nation was renamed Bowdani.

Over the years, the Church became dominated by the Ingallish, and already in 170 the last Patriarch of Kencari origin died.


period name
148 Miewiss
157 Roy
163 Cauvuss
170 Gary I
174 Barry
176 Ronald I
period name
192 Neil I
204 Clive I
209 Dennis
213 Gary II
225 Clive II
239 Nigel
period name
264 Neil II
271 Ronald II
271 Gary III
280 Clive III
293 Clive IV
296 Kevin
period name