Ordlandic Confederation | |
Conventional short name: | |
Local: | Ordland |
Ingallish: | Ordland |
Data codes: | OL, ORD |
![]() | |
Languages: | |
Official: | Ingallish |
Others: | Arosian |
Cities: | |
Capital: | Brahe |
Other: | Point Alexander, Copernicus, Miramar, Portoclaro |
Government type: | Confederal republic |
President: | Gilbert Forrestal |
Population: | 10.372.840 (318 est.) |
Currency: | New Orda |
Established: | 11th of July 317 |
Ordland, officially the Ordlandic Confederation, is a sovereign nation located in the continent of Fiarria. Since its independence from the State of Rio in 298, Ordland has been involved in a series of internal and external conflicts, palace revolutions, popular uprisings, falling governments and coup d'etats.
A monarchy for most of its history, between 299 and 316 Ordland acted as the protector nation of the remnants of the Maurestani Empire, a set of exclaves across northern Melania known as the Empire of Maurestania under Ordlandic Protection. By the early 300s, however, the country's economy enter a long period of recession, which led to the foundation of several extremist movements, such as His Master's Army and the Theocracy of Ordland. Following the Ordlandic War of 317-318, Ordland lost its overseas territories, while much of its corelands reformed into the Duality of Bodh-Mar and Ord. The remaining territories were reorganized as the loose Confederation on the 11th of July 317.
It is rumored by some scholars that the original homeland of the Westrians is located in what is now western Ordland (or western Rio, hence "West-Rian"), but no archeological records exist to support this theory.
According to modern studies, the first signals of human presence in Ordland date from 13.000 years ago, but modern states would only form circa 3.000BP. These early states were theocracies, ruled by priests of the animist Sun and Moon Cult. The earliest monarch to abandon the cult was Alexander, Grand-Duke of Newton from 680BP to 513 BP, who was responsible for the introduction of Cruisanity. The mythical Grand Duke of Newton, Phillip II of the House of Ord, managed to unite the whole territory in 200BP, and named the country the Grand Duchy of Ordland, after his family's name. Circa 140BP, Angliya and Cruisana established trading colonies in Ordlandic territory. Eventually the Ords themselves established small colonies on the coast of what is now Kiltanland, displacing the original Kiltan inhabitants.
The Grand Duchy of Ordland existed until 297AP, when a coup in Newton established the fascist State of Rio. In July 298, after a short war against Armatirion known as Operation Cutlass, the government of Rio colapsed under foreign invasion and the pressure from several resistance movements. On the 17th of July, Kiltanland declared its independence. Prince John of the House of Ord, former heir-apparent to the Grand Duchy turned guerrilla fighter and leader of the nationalist resistance movement against the Rio regime, proclaimed the Kingdom of Ordland on the 18th of July 298 and crowned himself as King John I. The post-independence instability and the monarch's rumored mental health led him to, with the help of the military, stage a self-coup. A second monarchy was proclaimed in early August 298, with John I crowning himself as John II of Ordland, under the expectation that support from the Army would allow him to establish an absolute monarchy. This was proven unfounded, however, as the Army launched another coup on the 16th of August 298, founding the Republic of Ordland and handing power to president Isaac Soares of the People's Movement for Socialist Democracy.
Although stable at first, the Republic soon saw more instability. Corruption scandals led to the fall of the Soares government and his replacement by Raul Bolonha. On the 26th of February 299, riots led to the fall of Bolonha and his replacement by admiral George Horto. Snap elections were called for the the 1st of March and saw the nationalist Phillip Raposa elected with over 47% of the votes.
Ordland was involved in the Maurestani War. On the 1st of April 299, a series of popular uprisings eroded government power on the nearby Empire of Maurestania. The Emperor of Maurestania himself appealed to Ordland to intervene against those secessionist movements. Mauretania was reorganized as an Ordlandic protectorate on the 17th of April and the Army of Ordland started maneuvers against the rebel forces - most notably, the Brolecia movement. Ordlandic troops landed in several points in western Maurestania, halting the rebel advance for a few weeks. The jingoistic government of Ordland under president Phillip Raposa, however, would quickly lose favour with the international community. A series of diplomatic blunders culminated on a naval blockade over the tiny nation of Kukuria, after that country decided to recognize the independence of Brolecia. A new series of rebel offensives and the dispatchment of Westrian and Ferratan fleets to counter the blockade in Kukuria created the perfect opportunity for an uprising by the anti-Raposa resistance. A rebellion led by the People's Movement for Uncensored Press of Ordland deposed the government of Ordland on the 13th of May, the end of hostilities and the independence of Brolecia and San Patricio.
Following the Revolution against Raposa, Isaac Soares was put in power by the revolutionaries. Snap elections were called once again and Soares was confirmed by the people, starting his second term as president on the 19th of May. The remnants of Maurestania (Joos, Nova Luxa and Mauré) were consolidated as an Ordlandic protectorate.
On the 17th of September 299, military forces under General Nicholas Sytek conducted another coup, overturning the Republic and establishing the Free and Democratic State of Ordland under a loyal civilian-military cabinet. Martial law was imposed, while self-proclaimed First Consul Sytek claimed that new government would organize democratic elections in due time. Keeping to this promess, elections were held on the 5th of October and nonpartisan centre politician Pete Krembs was chosen as the first elected president of the State of Ordland. On the following day, the left-wing Mary Margaret Oliver, of the United People's Front, was elected as the new provisional head of government under the post of Chancellor. Sytek announcer he would step down and make a transition of power on the 6th of October. However, just a few hours before that, General Sytek ordered an invasion of the island of Joos, which had been occupied by Morania following the Maurestani War. Kremb's first act as president was the calling off of the invasion and the announcement that he would seek "diplomatic measures" for regaining control over Joos. The island would return to Ordlandic control later in 299.
On the 21st of October 299, General Sytek was indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit murder due to his participation on the disappearance of Tomas Trehata, a vocal opponenet of his provisional government. On the following day, another military coup was launched by officers still loyal to Sytek: as President Krembs was reviewing a military parade, five marines broke rank and fired towards the grandstand. Several guests were wounded and Krembs was the single fatality. While the Presidential Guard exchanged fire with the attacking marines, an emergency session of the Chamber of Deputies elected Charles Ortega of the United People's Front as interim president. Three hours into the emergency meeting, tanks from the Ordlandic Army surrounded the government compound and shelled the chamber of deputies for five minutes. Senior officers then demanded the government to step down and return power to the military.
The chamber of deputies remained under attack for the following days, while the MPs were still trapped inside the building. The legal government sent forward appeals for military help to Aros. Amidst mixed responses of apllause and condemnation from several countries, Arosian special forces crossed into Ordland on the 28th of October and moved towards Newton. On the 30th of October, an Arosian submarine sunk one Ordlandic cruiser. On the 6th of November, the Arosian forces reached Newton. A minor battle ensued in downtown Newton for roughly two hours, after which the rebelling Ordlandic troops surrendered.
Due to the destruction caused by the rebelling Ordlandic army and also by the Arosian response, the National Assembly would conduct its business from Nova Luxa until January 300. A new constitution was drafted on the 15th of January 300, giving more power to the legislative branch. Isaac Soares, now a member of the Reform Party, was elected for yet another term as president from among the members of the National Assembly on the 18th of January.
Yet another coup did not take long to happen. A series of immigration law reforms angered conservative sections of the military and, on the 10th of February, Soares was assassinated together with seven other top officials. The so-called Army of Liberation claimed responsability and general Simón da Majaradiunha assumed power. The isolationist general pledged to restore the country's economy and institutions. His first act was to completelly shut off Ordlandic embassies abroad, in order to focus all efforts of the government on internal affairs.
The repressive Majaradiunha regime, however, would fall on the 11th of June 300 - the day of the final coup d'etat in Ordland. The liberal sectors of the Ordlandic army, led by field marshall John Glideswell-Oliveira, acting together with the Monarchical Party, deposed the government and reinstated the monarchy. When the news that the military were about to overthrown the government, thousands of citizens took the streets to celebrate. The entire coup was almost blodless, with only two casualties. Key members of the previous cabinet were exiled. The heir to the House of Ord, Prince Phillip, was crowned as King Phillip I on the 19th of June.
In total, from 297 to 300, there were ten coup d'etats or violent changes of government in Ordland.
TBC: Formation of the Theocracy/HMA, stagnation, Ordlandic War and dissolution
Ordland is a confederal, democratic, multi-party republic, established by an act of the Union Interim Parliament on the 11th of July 317. The officially-titled "Confederation Act 317" officially dismissed King Phillip I from his post and dissolved the Ordlandic monarchy, while also dissolving the four provinces of Ordland - Newton, Brahe, Galilei and Copernicus - and establishing a loose confederal system, made of two autonomous cultural and ethno-linguistic regions: the Ingallish-speaking Republic of Copernia and the arophone Mirandese Autonomy. The autonomous regions have a wide range of devolved powers, while the Confederal government is responsible only for certain reserved matters, such as defense, foreign affairs and a common monetary policy.
The Confederal Parliament is Ordland's legislative branch, made of fifty directly-elected members, who then nominate the country's president - currently Gilbert Forrestal, of the left-wing United Labour Party. The judicial branch is under responsibility of a Supreme Court, with seven members appointed by the president.
The two autonomous regions also have their own Executive and Legislative branches: the President and the House of Representatives for Copernia, and the Chief Minister and the Parliament for Miranda.
The "Confederation Act 317" establishes that other lands of the “greater Ordlandic historic-cultural sphere” may apply to join the Ordlandic Confederation at any future date - therefore technically creating a non-pressed claim to the territory of Duality of Bodh-Mar and Ord.
The parties represented at the current Confederal Parliament are the United People's Front, United Labour Party, People's Movement for Socialist Democracy (left-wing), People's Movement for Communism (communist), the Reform Party (right-wing), and the Agrarian Centre Party (centrist). Other minor parties include the Red Party, People's Movement for Communism (communist), the Royalist Party and People's Movement for a Monarchical Ordland (monarchist).

Map of the Ordlandic Confederation, showing the two autonomous regions and, in orange, the territory held by His Master's Army as of April 321.
Ordland is located in southeastern Fiarria, bordering Aros, Sempervirens and the the Duality of Bodh-Mar and Ord. The country is composed of two autonomous regions - Copernia in the west and Miranda in the north-east. While the two components of the Confederation are, in theory, connected by the narrow Portoalto Gap in the far-north of the country, in practice, the rebel group His Master's Army controls much of northern and northwestern Ordland - thus, the only secure connection between Copernia and Miranda is a ship route across the Transmauré Strait.
The two components of the Confederation have slightly distinct landscapes: while most of the country is covered by the thick Fiarran Rainforest, the terrain in Copernia is marked by extensive coastal plains and mangroves, cut by several shallow river valleys - most notably, the Archimedes Valley - known by their seasonal floods. The north of the country is home of several mountain ranges, such as the Aranakee Cordillera.
The Mirandese Autonomy, in contrast, has a much narrower coastal plain, which quickly gives space to the hills of the Galilei Range and the Terrasanta Plateau - and, further to the west, the well-known granite massifs of the Northern Ordland Mountains.
The coastal areas of the Confederation fall into the humid tropical climate (Af) zone, with heavy rainfall throughout the year and an annual median temperature of 29,9°C. The highlands, meanwhile, have a slightly cooler high-altitude subtropical (Cfb) climate.
Former territories[]

The country at its height, showing the Kingdom of Ordland proper and the associated territories of the Mauretanian Empire under Ordlandic protection.

Map of Orland and its surrounding countries as of early 316, showing the four regions (Newton, Brahe, Galilei and Copernicus), the Mauré and Costa da Prata components of the Ordlandic Protectorate and the rebel-held lands of the Theocracy of Ordland.
At various points in its history, Ordland controlled other territories. The Grand Duchy of Ordland held northern Nuarmia - present-day Kiltanland between 130 BP and 297 AP.
From the Maurestani War of 299 until the Ordlandic War of 317-318, Ordland exerted a protectorate over the remainder of the Empire of Maurestania, known as the Empire of Maurestania under Ordlandic Protection: the territories of Nova Luxa, Joos, Mauré and Costa da Prata. Even though, de jure, the Empire of Maurestania continued to exist as an independent nation, with Ordland only administering the old Empire's foreign and military affairs, the situation de facto was much different. Mauré (which also included the Costa da Prata territory) and Joos were administred as overseas provinces of Ordland, while Nova Luxa was essentially ruled as a constitutional monarchy under the House of Sergio, formely vassals to the Emperor of Maurestania. The protectorate was dissolved during the Ordlandic War, with Costa da Prata and Mauré being annexed by Porto Capital, Nova Luxa joining San Patricio and Joos becoming an independent nation.
Finally, most of southern and eastern Ordland, including the Transmauré Strait Islands, seceded between March and July 317 - also during the Ordlandic War - to form the Duality of Bodh-Mar and Ord.
Between 298 and 317, Ordland was divided in four states or regions, named after their capitals: Newton, Brahe, Galilei and Copernicus.
Ordland has a population of slightly over 10 million (318 est.). Ingallish is the most widely spoken language in the country, used by roughly 67% of the population as a mother tongue, followed by Arosian (29%). The indigenous Saponi language is spoken by 3% of the total population, mostly in central Copernia. Other minority languages in Ordland include Maurestani, Phenixien, Sanpatrician and Afrazlala (all <1%).
Historically, the Ordlandic government promoted the Ingallish language in particular, which led specially to the loss of prestige of Arosian. New policies implemented by the government of the Confederation 319 have since attempted to address this issue.
Over 84% of the population identifies themselves as members of the Ordlander ethnicity. This group - sometimes erroneously called "Ord", mostly by foreign sources - is composed of descendants of indigenous groups who, after the Plague, absorbed and/or displaced the Angliyan and Cruisanan colonists who settled the coastal plains starting in 140 BP. The Bodimari, another indigenous group, comprises 10% of the total population. Other 3% belongs to other, more distinct and isolated indigenous groups, such as the Saponi and Aranaki. The remaining 3% belong to recent immigrants, such as Maurestani, Extremans, White Brolecians and Afrayennes (all <1%).
Roughly 75% of the population are Cruisans, divided among several denominations, such as the Papaist Church (28%), the Ordlandic Church (26%), Papaist Episcopal Church (18%), Church of Altland (15%) and the West Cruisan Church (7%). The historical St. Alexander of Newton is considered the patron saint of Ordland. The country also has one of the largest proportions of Emethitists in the New Continents, at 12%. Other religious groups include Helioselenites (8%), Mounists (2%) and irreligious/atheists (3%). There is no official state religion.
Authorities believe at least 900.000 people inhabit HMA-held territories in northern Ordland as of early 321. These are not counted on these statistics.
Until the mid-310s, Ordland boasted one of the largest - albeit not one of the more modern - militaries in Nuconia. The Royal Armed Forces were composed of six separate branches - Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Border Guard and Coast Guard - under the command of the Ministry of Defense. The National Police and the Royal Guard, albeit under the direction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, also served as auxiliary forces of the Ordlandic military.
The country could also count with the Maurestani Expeditionary Force. The MEF, established after the Maurestani War, originated from the remnants of the rump Imperial Maurestani Army and was an independent branch of the Ordlandic military under personal command of the Ordlandic monarch. It was headed by Ordlandic officers, with volunteer personnel from the exclaves of Mauré, Costa da Prata, Joos and Nova Luxa.
The Ordlandic Army was also an active player on the series of coups that happened in Ordland from 297 to 301. Once a nuclear power, Ordland dismantled its atomic weapons when the country signed the weapons-limiting Valarium Pact in September 299.
The current Armed Forces of the Ordlandic Confederation are made up, primarily, of those Ordlandic soldiers and assets that sided with the Union Interim Parliament and Porto Capital during the Ordlandic War of 317-318. These were later joined by defecting forces from opposing sides during the conflict, as well as former Maurestani Expeditionary Force personnel (both groups were, in June 316, combined into the ad-hoc Ordlandic Free Army) and new volunteers and conscripts.
The Confederation's armed forces are composed of four branches: the Ordlandic Confederal Army, the Ordlandic Confederal Navy, the Ordlandic Confederal Air Force and the Ordlandic Confederal Special Service - the later which comprises anti-terrorism battalions, special forces, and intelligence operations, including satellite surveillance. The two autonomous regions of Copernia and Miranda have their own Police forces, which may be put under Military command in times of crisis.
According to independent estimates, close to one third of the former Royal Ordlandic Armed Forces were inherited by the Ordlandic Confederation, with the remainder absorbed by the Duality, defected to rebel groups or destroyed during the 316-318 conflict.
The Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Ordlandic Confederation is Admiral George Horto.
Ordland was a key contributor to the Brolecia-Ordland Joint Space Programme, which operated between 298 and 301. The Ordlandic Geographic Institute also operated a weather station in Glaciaria, within the present-dayterritory of Tundraska. This base, officially named Weather Station King John I, was located on parallel 87°S, close to the south pole, and was manned by thirty Ordlandic scientists. The station has been abandoned since at least 312.
Until the late 300s, Ordland had one of the most diverse and modern economies in the world. While the government exerted a moderate amount of intervention in order to stabilize the internal market and prevent sudden crisis, the country followed, in essence, a free-market capitalist model. The country was a major power in both heavy industry and manufacturing, with a good part of the production being destined for export. Key industries, such as mining and refineries, once held by the state, were privatized during the years 300-305.
Still, as early as 301, it was estimated that as much as 10,7% of the labour force was unemployed.
As the world economies slowed down on the late 300s, a supply shock hit the export-oriented economy of Ordland. This paved the way for a localised recession which, by early 316, had degenerated into a stagflation scenario. By June, monthly inflation had reached 7,9%, while unemployment rates have remained mostly steady since mid-313, at 17% of the workforce. The Ordlandic government attempted to curb the crisis by operating at massive budget deficits, which only worsened the situation. In 316, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Ordland fell by 3,9%.
Following the Ordlandic War, the new Ordlandic Confederation held close to 30% of the former kingdom's GDP, or CC$ 132.316.497.200. With a good part of the economy simply destroyed during the conflict or still under rebel control, the country will require many years of work to once again become a competitive economy. Most of this aid is expected to come from reconstruction programmes promoted by the Medhinou Pact.
Despite these setbacks, the Ordlandic Confederation remains among the three largest oil producers in the world.
Important Ordlandic companies include OrdAir, OrdCar, Café de Ordlandia and United Weaponry.
The currency of Ordland since January 320 is the New Orda.
(Main article: Symbols of Ordland)

The Sun and Moon seal

National flag of the Ordlandic Confederation
The most recognisable symbol of Ordland is the Sun and Moon seal, which has been a part of the nation's flag since the establishment of Grand Duchy of Ordland in 200 BP. Originally a symbol of the Sun and Moon religion representing the eternal forces of nature, the seal also gave origin to one of the ancient titles of the House of Ord, "Master of Day and Night".
The current flag of the Ordlandic Confederation was adopted on the 11th of July 317 and is based on other republican flags used by Ordland during the 290s. The flag is a 1x2 rectangle, with a white square occupying the center of black field. The Sun and Moon seal occupies the center of the square, with a height equal to 3/5 the total height of the flag.