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This page lists and describes the various monarchical dynasties that have existed in what is now Lendosa.

Pre-Plague royal families[]

[to be completed]

Post-Plague royal families[]

Brandaco (Olasano)[]


Flag of the Duchy of Olasano

The House of Brandaco governed the fortress city-state of Olasano, holding the title of Duke. The founder of the House, Baltazaro Brandaco, had been an officer in the city's garrison before the Plague, and rallied many of the soldiers into a militia in the Plague's aftermath. A loyalist to the old Alliance, was the last of the warlords to declare himself a monarch, waiting until 30 AP before deciding that the Alliance could not be restored.

The House of Brandaco was distinct from other noble houses of the period in a number of ways. Firstly, inheritance to the throne was passed from older brother to younger brother, rather than from father to son — only when all a duke's sons had held the throne would it pass to his grandson. Secondly, the House of Brandaco refused all intermarriage with other Houses, partly to keep its bloodline pure and partly to avoid entangling Olasano with other countries. Thirdly, the House of Brandaco was known for spurning the ceremony and comfort with which other monarchies surrounded themselves — the House of Brandaco were privately looked down on as "common", "uncultured", and even "barbaric" by other royal families. The Brandacos were proud of this reputation, and made no secret of the fact that they considered their fellow royals to be weak, cowardly, and spoiled.

Olasano was one of the six Lendian monarchies to survive until the Lendian Revolution, successfully fighting off a Rivanian invasion in 82 AP. The House of Brandaco, like the other monarchies, opposed the principles of the Revolution, but believed that the others had brought it on themselves. Olasano was the last of the six to be defeated, with the city being captured by General Ravamiro Talriez — Talriez described himself as cleverly bypassing the city's famed defences, but citizens of Olasano have always maintained that they were betrayed from within. Many members of House Brandaco, including the Duke, escaped the city to wage a guerilla war, but were all eventually captured and killed — there are no known survivors of the family today.

Brandaco monarchs:

  • Duke Baltazaro of Olasano (30 AP — 53 AP)
  • Duke Ignacio of Olasano (53 AP — 73 AP)
  • Duke Antreo of Olasano (73 AP — 83 AP)
  • Duke Caranto of Olasano (73 AP — 86 AP)
  • Duke Alandro of Olasano (86 AP — 105 AP)

Condriato (Arcosta, later Alvaronia)[]


Flag of the Archduchy of Arcosta


Flag of the Kingdom of Alvaronia

The House of Condriato was one of the major noble families of pre-Plague Piolsa. It first came to power in Arcosta, which Adriano Condriato, a local warlord, founded in 24 BP. Later, it was arranged for the Archduke of Arcosta to marry the Archduchess of neighbouring Ocassa, with their son becoming king of the new united state of Alvaronia.

The Condriato family's rule came to an end after Alvaronia was conquered by Lendia, having initially declared war on Lendia to contain the government established by the Lendian Revolution. The Condriatos were hampered in the war by the popularity of the Lendian Revolution among their own subjects, and the king was forced to abdicate after being captured in 119 AP. The throne remained vacant until Alvaronia was officially annexed five years later. The Condriato family survived the war, however — the king, his younger brother, and his cousin were each given an estate in the countryside, and were able to live the rest of their lives unhindered.

The king was childless, and his brother's line died out, but his cousin's descendents are still alive. However, because the king's cousin was female, and succession to the Alvaronian throne could only pass through the male line, no member of the Condriato family today has a legitimate claim to kingship — even though the family survived, the line of succession has been broken. Nevertheless, the Condriato family involved themselves in a number of political causes over the years — in particular, certain members of the family has been notable supporters of far-right movements. This, combined with a reputation for being elistist and self-glorifying, has made the family highly unpopular in modern Lendosa — for many, the Condiatos have become the archetypal example of snobbish aristocrats.

Condriato monarchs:

  • Archduke Adriano of Arcosta (24 AP — 45 AP)
  • Archduke Ignacio of Arcosta (45 AP — 65 AP)
  • Archduke Andreo of Arcosta (65 AP — 78 AP)
  • King Inigo of Alvaronia (78 AP — 88 AP, 116 AP — 119 AP)
  • King Devranio of Alvaronia (88 AP — 116 AP)

Duricasica (Recuna)[]


Flag of the Grand Duchy of Recuna

The House of Duricasica ruled the Grand Duchy of Recuna, in the mountains of western Lendia. It was founded in 28 AP Simono Duricasica, who had been a senior administrator in the area prior to the Plague.

The family became linked to the House of Elrico, rulers of Xoxina, when the daughter of the second Grand Duke married the Elrico heir. Later, the fourth Grand Duke was killed in battle during Aurelio's War — as he was without heir, the inheritance passed to his Elrico cousin. The Elricos merged their two domains into the Kingdom of Teldia. Several years later, a small rebellion broke out in favour of a man claiming to be the true heir to the Recunese throne, but this was supressed — most historians do not believe the man's claim to have been the fourth Grand Duke's secret son, and consider the Duricasica line to be defunct.

Duricasica monarchs:

  • Grand Duke Simono I of Recuna (28 AP — 36 AP)
  • Grand Duke Leonardo of Recuna (36 AP — 58 AP)
  • Grand Duke Simono II of Recuna (58 AP — 60 AP)
  • Grand Duke Dauido of Recuna (60 AP — 73 AP)

Elrico (Xoxina, later Teldia)[]


Flag of the Grand Duchy of Xoxina


Flag of the Kingdom of Teldia

The House of Elrico was the ruling family of the Grand Duchy of Xoxina. It later inherited the throne of Recuna as well, and merged the two countries to found the Kingdom of Teldia. The dynasty was founded by Morbeo Elrico, son of the chief magistrate in Ascana. After the Plague, the magistrate managed to assemble a provisional administration for the city, but died in an accident (some allege Morbeo was responsible). Morbeo took control of his father's government, extended its control over the surrounding region of Xoxina, and in 28 AP, declared himself Grand Duke.

The House of Elrico was linked to the House of Duricasica, rulers of the neighbouring Grand Duchy of Recuna, by a political marriage in 42 AP. Later, when the Grand Duke of Recuna died without heir during Aurelio's War, the throne of Recuna passed to his Elrico cousin, then the Grand Duke of Xoxina. Xoxina and Recuna were therefore united under a single family, and became the Kingdom of Teldia.

As rulers of Teldia, the House of Elrico was one of the six Lendian ruling families that survived until the Lendian Revolution. Although at first untroubled by the rebellion, Teldia sent forces to help fight it in 104 AP, believing that the revolutionaries' stated aim of "a united, democratic Lendia" needed to supressed. Teldia was defeated by the Army of the Republic under Ravamiro Talriez in the middle of 105 AP — the King's two sons and his sixteen-year-old grandson were killed in battle, while the King himself was either executed or committed suicide (accounts disagree). The King's wife, daughter-in-law, and fourteen-year-old grandson were allowed to live, and were eventually given a small pension, but no known descendants of the family are alive today.

Elrico monarchs:

  • Grand Duke Morbeo of Xoxina (28 AP — 50 AP)
  • Grand Duke Opio of Xoxina (50 AP — 69 AP)
  • Grand Duke Galono of Xoxina / King Galono of Teldia (69 AP — 105 AP)

Golesco (Bairia)[]


Flag of the Duchy of Bairia

The Golesco family became Dukes of Bairia in 25 AP, when Samansero Golesco proclaimed a new state. Samansero had previously been a wealthy merchant, owning a large trading fleet and a significant amount of land — when the Plague struck, he funded and trained a militia to protect his extensive properties, and later to consolidate political power.

The Golescos were generally considered competent rulers, but had a reputation for petty and vindictive behaviour — Queen Lepida, for example, is said to have executed several noblewomen because she thought her husband found them attractive. Several rebellions were staged against Golesco rule, but all were supressed (all with a large amount of violence).

In 87 AP, the Lalto-Bairian War resulted in Bairia being occupied by Laltese forces. The Duke was forced to abdicate the following year, and the country was annexed. The Bairian nobility, however, resisted — in an effort to reduce the dissent, the Laltese offered to reinstate the Duke, but as a subject of Lalta rather than an independent sovereign. He refused, but his son accepted, creating a rift in the family. The son, styled Duke Lorenso, ruled Bairia under the Laltese king until the Lendian Revolution, when the Golesco family was captured and executed. No descendents are known to be alive today.

Golesco monarchs:

  • Duke Samansero of Bairia (25 AP — 55 AP)
  • Duchess Lepida of Bairia (55 AP — 85 AP)
  • Duke Diego of Bairia (85 AP — 88 AP)

Locarata (Valar, later Valcaera)[]


Flag of the Principality of Valar


Flag of the Kingdom of Valcaera

The House of Locarata was originally the ruling family of Valar, using the title of Prince. The dynasty was founded by Opio Locarata, who had been an important noble in the old High Kingdom of Piolsa. Later, when Valar merged with Caeria, a complicated treaty was signed that made the Locarata family Kings of the new state of Valcaera, albeit with reduced power.

The Locarata family's reputation in modern times is mixed — while they are not seen as particularly immoral or despotic, they are criticised for several instances of poor leadership. In particular, their failure to restrain some of their subordinates is notable — many nobles in Valar and Valcaera committed many abuses against their subjects, and went largely unpunished. The Locaratas, therefore, are seen as condoning tyranny even if they were not inclined to it themselves.

The Locarata family came to an end in 108 AP, when the last king died of old age. The king's son was already dead, and his grandson had been assassinated by a radical republican one month earlier — this left the kingdom without an heir. A council of nobles had the power to appoint a new king, and several candidates came forward, but dissent in the council prevented a decision. In the end, the council grew used to handling affairs of state itself, and no new king was ever appointed — Valcaera was a kingdom without a king for the rest of its existence.

Locarata monarchs:

  • Prince Opio of Valar (24 AP — 51 AP)
  • Prince Pedro of Valar (55 AP — 73 AP)
  • Prince Amerito of Valar / King Amerito of Valcaera (73 AP — 108 AP)

Mendurosa (Rezimano, later Piolsa)[]


Flag of the Kingdom of Rezimano


Flag of the Kingdom of Piolsa

The House of Mendurosa is one of the most famous Lendosan royal families, and is the only one to still reign today. It traces its history back to pre-Plague Piolsan monarchy, and while some have expressed doubts that the modern Mendurosas are genuinely related to the originals, most historians accept the claim. By tradition, Mendurosa rulers are treated as part of the same continuum even if their title changes — for example, a king may be called "the Second" on the basis of another Mendurosa ruler hundreds of years ago, even though the two had completely different titles and reigned in different states.

After the Plague, the Mendurosas established themselves as kings of Rezimano. Their territory gradually expanded until it took up a third of Piolsa. The Mendurosa family, unlike others, survived the Lendian Revolution. This was due to the popularity of King Decimo II, who was broadly supportive of the Revolution. Decimo II was forced to abdicate by his nobles, but after the armies of revolutionary Lendia conquered Rezimano, and the country was annexed, Decimo was given a ceremonial role as King of Piolsa under the Lendians. (Some monarchists see Decimo's collaboration with the revolutionaries as effectively breaking his legitimacy as a royal, but most do not.)

The House of Mendurosa have remained Kings of Piolsa, although today, Piolsa is an independent member of the Lendosan Confederation rather than a subject of Lendia. The family enjoys widespread popularity, in part due to its role in negotiating the peaceful transition to the modern Confederation.

Mendurosa monarchs:

  • King Promezio of Rezimano (24 AP — 37 AP)
  • King Andreo III of Rezimano (37 AP — 75 AP)
  • King Decimo II of Rezimano / King Decimo II of Piolsa (75 AP — 102 AP, 122 AP — 140 AP)
  • King Larenzo IV of Rezimano (102 AP — 122 AP)
  • King Nuvaro II of Piolsa (140 AP — 216 AP)
  • King Steniro V of Piolsa (216 AP — 247 AP)
  • Queen Meria of Piolsa (247 AP — 274 AP)
  • King Dazelio III of Piolsa (274 — present)

Midacio (Lanuriana)[]


Flag of the Duchy of Lanuriana

The Midacio family held power as Dukes of Lanuriana, the state established around the Lendian city of Lanura. It came to power in 23 AP, when Tasso Midacio, a warlord who had taken control of Lanura when the Plague struck, declared himself a monarch. It nearly lost power just two years later, when Tasso was assassinated by a rival — in the end, however, Tasso's son managed to secure the throne.

In 78 AP, Rivania invaded Lanuriana, allegedly over a boundary dispute but probably for the purpose of conquest. Lanuriana was defeated and annexed, with the Midacio family being dethroned. To cement Rivania's conquest, the four children of the last duke (all daughters) were married to members of the Rivanian royal family. There are believed to be at least a few surviving descendents of the Midacios through these marriages, but none have been positively identified.

Midacio monarchs:

  • Duke Tasso of Lanuriana (22 AP — 25 AP)
  • Duke Tono of Lanuriana (25 AP — 63 AP)
  • Duke Curto of Lanuriana (63 AP — 78 AP)

Nuriano (Sagotia)[]


Flag of the Duchy of Sagotia

The House of Nuriano became the Dukes of Sagotia in 24 AP. The founder of the House, Ilirio Nuriano, was one of several warlords who tried to assert control over the area — he triumphed by tricking his two opponents into fighting each other, and then turning on them both when they were weak.

The House of Nuriano became linked to the House of Vianceza, rulers of Rivania, when the duke's elder daughter, Elena, married a Vianceza prince. Subsequently, a succession crisis arose when the Nuriano duke's two sons both died (rumour at the time alleged assassination by Rivania, but this is still debated by historians). According to Sagotian law, Elena was disqualified from inheriting the throne due to her marriage into outside nobility, and the succession fell to the duke's younger daughter, Constantina. Rivania, however, exerted considerable political and military pressure in favour of Elena — under Sagotian law, it would have been Elena's Rivanian husband, not her, who would have held real power after her ascension, and her husband made it clear he would seek annexation to Rivania. Eventually, a compromise was reached — Sagotia would accept annexation, but it would be under the unmarried Constantina, not Elena — Sagotia accepted the inevitability of Rivanian control, but did not want to be ruled directly by a Rivanian prince. The House of Nuriano therefore continued to govern Sagotia as a Rivanian province — Constantina was a relatively popular leader, and when the Lendian Revolution occurred, she was permitted to retire to one of her country estates. She did not, however, marry or have children, and Elena's branch of the family died in the Revolution — as such, there are no Nuriano descendents alive today.

Nuriano monarchs:

  • Duke Ilirio of Sagotia (24 AP — 36 AP)
  • Duke Juano of Sagotia (36 AP — 76 AP)
  • Duke Ricardo of Sagotia (76 AP — 82 AP)

Pelagiezo (Melhoria)[]


Flag of the Grand Duchy of Melhoria

The Pelagiezo family was descended from a famous general of the pre-Plague era. It came to power in 23 AP, when it gained the support of a number of feuding warlords — the details of how it obtained this support are unclear. The rule of the Pelagiezo family was initially quite unstable, as many of these warlords later ended their support and tried to overthrow it — in the end, however, the skillful politics of the first duke, Eltiro Pelagiezo, secured the dynasty's power.

The Pelagiezo family remained in power until 72 AP, when the reigning duchess married the heir to the Rivanian throne. This gave power in Melhoria to the duchess's new husband, who immediately annexed Melhoria to Rivania. It is debated as to why Melhoria agreed to the marriage, knowing what it would result in — the official story at the time was that the duchess was genuinely in love with the Rivanian heir, but most modern historians believe that threats were involved.

There are no proven descendents of the Pelagiezo monarchs alive today — the only child of the duchess and the Rivanian heir died in the Lendian Revolution. Nevertheless, there have been several people over the years who have claimed descent from illegitimate children of the family — none of these claims have been proven, although historians speculate that the duchess (whose marriage was far from happy) did indeed have illegitimate children.

Pelagiezo monarchs:

  • Grand Duke Eltiro of Melhoria (24 AP — 39 AP, 44 AP — 55 AP)
  • Grand Duke Alamano of Melhoria (39 AP — 44 AP)
  • Grand Duchess Sonia of Melhoria (55 AP — 72 AP)

Rantosa (Ocassa)[]


Flag of the Archduchy of Ocassa

The House of Rantosa ruled over the Archduchy of Ocassa, in western Piolsa. The state was founded by Edaro da Rantosa, whose father had been mayor of Camasa before the Plague.

The Rantosa family merged into the Condriato family, rulers of neighbouring Arcosta, with the marriage in 78 AP of Archduchess Rosalina of Ocassa to Archduke Andreo of Arcosta. The marriage was motivated primarily by politics — Ocassan and Arcostan nobles both believed that union was the best defence against feared Rezimanian expansion. Later that year, it was announced that twin sons had been born to the couple — however, most historians have doubts about the children's parentage. The most common belief is that the children were actually born to Andreo's first wife, who had died shortly before the royal marriage — the children would have been hidden at birth, and then announced as the children of his new wife after a suitable time period had passed. Such a plan would have solved two problems for Andreo — firstly, concealing children from his first marriage would make his re-marriage more acceptable in the eyes of religious authorities, and secondly, it made invalid his doctors' belief that Rosalina could not bear children. One of the twins immediately became king of the new united state of Alvaronia, under the joint regency of his two grandmothers.

Descendents of the Rantosa family are alive today — although the Alvaronian royal family died out (and probably had no Rantosa blood anyway), a daughter of the first Ocassan archduke started a branch which still survives. Today, the Rantosas are a relatively prosperous business family, and enjoy a certain amount of popularity in the core territories of old Ocassa (particularly the capital of Camasa).

Rantosa monarchs:

  • Archduke Edaro of Ocassa (24 AP — 57 AP)
  • Archduke Enrico of Ocassa (57 AP — 65 AP)
  • Archduchess Rosalina of Ocassa (65 AP — 78 AP)

Sanriano (Lalta)[]


Flag of the Kingdom of Lalta

Along with the Mendurosas, the Talavoricas, and the Viancezas, the House of Sanriano was one of the most important noble families of post-Plague Lendosa. They rose to power as Kings of Lalta, with Lucio Sanriano, a former general, proclaiming his status in 23 AP.

The Sanrianos were reknowned throughout Lendia for their family feuds — no transition of power among them was ever bloodless. The first king, Lucio I, is the only one who died naturally, but his death sparked a series of bitter confrontations between his would-be successors — his eldest son, Glorio, was murdered, and despite Laltese law favouring Glorio's own son, Marco, the throne was taken by Lucio I's second son, Alandro. Not long afterwards, however, the balance of power shifted, and Marco took the throne by forcing his uncle to abdicate at sword-point. Marco's wife and two young children were all murdered at later dates to deprive him of a successor, and Marco himself was finally murdered in 71 AP after many attempts. Alandro attempted to reclaim the throne, but he and his wife were both murdered on the orders of his daughter-in-law Nivana, who wanted her husband Verencio to be king. Verencio himself later had his son Candeso executed on the fear that he was plotting to seize the throne — later, when Nivana discovered a similar plan for Candeso's son Lucio, she poisoned Verencio and helped install Lucio as King Lucio II. Lucio II was overthrown and executed in the Lendian Revolution, along with all surviving members of the family save Nivana herself — she escaped to Alvaronia, and died of natural causes before it fell to revolutionary forces.

The Sanriano family was held up by revolutionaries as an example of the immorality of aristocrats. Today, it is widely considered the most corrupt of the pre-Plague monarchies, although professional historians sometimes argue that it was not much worse than several less famous examples. No known descendents of the family are alive today.

Sanriano monarchs:

  • King Lucio I of Lalta (23 AP — 49 AP)
  • King Alandro of Lalta (49 AP — 52 AP)
  • King Marco of Lalta (52 AP — 71 AP)
  • King Verencio of Lalta (71 AP — 94 AP)
  • King Lucio II of Lalta (94 AP — 102 AP)

Surapo (Aspalia)[]


Flag of the Kingdom of Aspalia

The Surapo family reigned as Kings of Aspalia. Their rule began in 23 AP, when Caio Surepo, a warlord who established himself in the area after the Plague, declared himself monarch. Caio claimed to be descended from the ancient rulers of Paspalhis, the first civilization to inhabit modern Aspalia, but this is not generally believed by historians.

Unlike most of its contemporaries, the Surapo dynasty did not allow women to take the throne, even hypothetically — the exact reasons for this law, laid down by the first king, are unknown. It had the effect of making male heirs valuable — the second king had eight daughters before finally producing a son. (The lives of the daughters became the subject of Las Ocas Gavias, or The Eight Cages, one of the great works of Lendian literature. The work, which gave an unflattering portrayal of aristocracy, was an inspiration for many during the Lendian Revolution.)

The Surapo family generally maintained good relations with its neighbours — before the Revolution, the only war the country fought was Aurelio's War, which it was drawn into unwillingly. The Surapo kings have developed a reputation as jovial, relaxed, and easy-going (despite the general stereotype of Aspalians being quite different). They were not, however, as popular in their own time as they are today — large sums of money were spent on palaces and entertainment, despite the relative poverty of Aspalia compared to other kingdoms.

The Surepo dynasty came to an end with the Revolution. Aspalian forces were defeated by the Army of the Republic near Savaboda in 105 AP — the king died in battle, and his elder son and grandson were subsequently killed by a rioting mob while attempting to flee the city. The king's wife, his younger son, and his elder son's wife were all spared, but his younger son's wife, who belived that they would not be spared, committed suicide before she could be told of the decision. No known descendents of the family survive.

Surepo monarchs:

  • King Caio of Aspalia (23 AP — 36 AP)
  • King Zerazio of Aspalia (36 AP — 80 AP)
  • King Eltiro of Aspalia (80 AP — 105 AP)

Talavorica (Neonia)[]


Flag of the Kingdom of Neonia

One of the more powerful noble families of post-Plague Lendosa, the House of Talavorica ruled over Neonia, first as Dukes and then as Kings. The Talavoricas were the first of the local warlords to take monarchical titles, with Reinaro Talavorica, a former admiral, declaring himself Duke in 22 AP. Ten years later, he upgraded himself to King.

The House of Talavorica was politically well connected — daughters of the second king married the heirs to the Rivanian and Laltese thrones, and a daughter of the third king married the heir to the Aspalian throne. Despite this, however, the family did not enjoy good relations with its neighbours — it's feuding with Lalta was notorious, and the war started by its third king, named Aurelio's War after him, was one of the larger conflicts of its time.

The reign of the Talavoricas came to an end with the Lendian Revolution, which, although originating in Lalta, quickly spread to Neonia. The capital of Neonia, Zolariza, fell in 104 AP, forcing the royal family to flee westwards and seek Aspalian protection. Early the following year, however, they were captured by revolutionaries, and despite the orders of the revolutionaries' commanders, the queen, her family, and her sister's family were all executed. The only member of the family to live through the revolution was the last queen's sister, who had married into the Aspalian royal family — although Aspalia was eventually overthrown as well, some members of the royal family there were not executed. The family line, however, did not live beyond her, and there are no known descendents alive today.

Talavorica monarchs:

  • King Reinaro of Neonia (22 AP — 41 AP)
  • King Dominico of Neonia (41 AP — 72 AP)
  • King Aurelio of Neonia (72 AP — 88 AP)
  • Queen Alura of Neonia (88 AP — 105 AP)

Tenezoro (Beltera)[]


Flag of the Principality of Beltera

The House of Tenezoro was the ruling family of the Principality of Beltera, on the northeastern coast of Lendia. The founder of the dynasty, Largo Tenezoro, was the leader of a citizen's militia in the city of Tiano — he was proclaimed Prince by his forces in 23 AP, apparently with the support of Tiano's citizens.

Prince Largo appears to have been a highly popular ruler, bringing order and establishing a fair legal system. He promoted peace between the various emerging monarchies, and encouraged trade. His son, Prince Imoso, was not nearly as well liked, however — he reversed a large number of his father's laws, and in 61 AP, he fought an unnecessary and costly war with neighbouring Sagotia. The pacification of the territories Beltera conquered from Sagotia proved very difficult, and rebellions were frequent — it was in the midst of such a rebellion that Beltera was invaded and occupied by its larger neighbour, Lalta. Prince Imoso had previously attempted to secure peace with Lalta through two arranged marriages between his family and the Laltese House of Sanriano, and until the invasion, it appears he considered the plan a success. As the Laltese approached the capital, Prince Imoso and his wife were murdered by a Laltese assassin, with the aim of collapsing the Belteran command.

Initially, the surviving Tenezoros were permitted to remain in Beltera, but two years later, Imoso's son and brother attempted to incite a rebellion, and were executed. His son's wife, his nephew, and his nephew's wife, who had backed the rebellion, all fled to Rivania. His brother's wife, however, had opposed the rebellion, as had her grandson. The grandon was favoured by the Laltese, and was appointed to rule the city of Navolia on Lalta's behalf. He was executed in the Lendian Revolution. No proven descendents of the Tenezoro family are known today, although occasional claims are made.

Tenezoro monarchs:

  • Prince Largo of Beltera (23 AP — 33 AP)
  • Prince Imoso of Beltera (33 AP — 75 AP)

Turicano (Caeria)[]


Flag of the Archduchy of Caeria

The Turicano family became the rulers of the Piolsan state of Caeria in 24 AP, when Numerio Turicano declared himself Duke. (The title was retroactively upgraded to Archduke three years later).

Initially, the Turicano family was poorly thought of by most citizens of Caeria — it was famous for the splendor in which it lived, and the extravagant and self-important ceremonies it insisted on. A particular target for public ridicule was its attempt to restore old traditions of the Liliani monarchy — for a time, Caerian aristocrats adopted ancient Liliani clothing, art, and music, and it was even rumoured that the Archduke wanted to change his title to "Imperator". This gradually diminished over time, however, and the third Archduke virtually abandoned it.

The rule of the Turicanos as independent monarchs came to an end in 92 AP, when Caeria merged with the neighbouring Principality of Valar to form the state of Valcaera. The Valaric ruling family, the House of Locarata, became the kings of Valcaera, but a complex treaty made the Valcaeran king considerably less powerful than others, and the Turicano family continued to administer the region of Caeria within Valcaera. The arrangement was championed by the last Turicano monarch, Archduchess Ascania — despite vociferous objections from her nobles, she believed that merger was in the best interests of the country, and therefore pursued it. (Ascania sought to solidify the union by marrying the Prince of Valar, despite the fact that he was 43 years older than her — Caerian and Valaric nobility rejected this as unnecessary and improper, however).

Archduchess Ascania did not have children, but another branch of the family survives today. The modern Turicanos live relatively quietly, and are not active in public life. Monarchists debate whether the modern Turicanos could make a claim to the defunct Caerian throne — while Archduchess Ascania proclaimed that she was "forever relenquishing any claim by the House of Turicano", some monarchists reject the idea that Ascania had the power to abdicate on behalf of the entire family. Others claim that Turicano succession law allowed inheritance to be modified at will by the reigning sovereign, but since the law was unwritten, the matter is difficult to prove. Either way, no modern Turicano has expressed an interest in such a claim.

Turicano monarchs:

  • Archduke Numerio of Caeria (24 AP — 45 AP)
  • Archduke Pelagio of Caeria (45 AP — 78 AP)
  • Archduke Tiberio of Caeria (78 AP — 91 AP)
  • Archduchess Ascania of Caeria (91 AP — 92 AP)

Vianceza (Rivania)[]


Flag of the Kingdom of Rivania

The House of Vianceza was one of the most powerful of the post-Plague noble families. It ruled over the Kingdom of Rivania, having been founded by Vivanio Viancez in 24 AP. Historians do not know what role Vivanio held before the Plague, and are unsure of exactly how he gained control of the city of Riva (capital of Rivania).

The Vianceza family has a mixed reputation in modern times. Those who support it generally do so on the basis of its attempts to preserve and promote Rivanian traditions in the face of Azulian (eastern Lendian) cultural expansion. They also point out that compared to some monarchies, the Vianceza family allowed a considerable amount of freedom when it came to personal matters, and belived in freedom of religion. Critics, however, say that the personal freedom the Vianceza family granted does not make up for the lack of political freedom, and does not excuse the expansionistic and militaristic policies adopted by the family. Many critics also portray the Vianceza monarchs as personally corrupt and immoral — in particular, the two Vianceza kings are both known to have had many mistresses, some of whom they had children with. The third Vianceza monarch was, in fact, an illegitimate child born to the king's mistress ten months after he married his wife. Another daughter of the same king was, at different times, mistress to the monarchs of two other countries. Although Rivania has traditionally been more liberal on such matters than other regions, considerable public discontent arose over the frequent rumours.

The House of Vianceza were one of the six Lendian families to remain rulers of an independent state until the Lendian Revolution. Rivania was caught up in the Revolution quite early, and was unable to halt its progress — many members of the family, including the king, were executed in 105 AP. (Four of the six survivors, all female, were actually daughters of the last Midacio duke, having been married into the Viancez family to secure its conquest of Lanuriana.) No legitimate descendents of the family are known to survive, but it is expected that numerous illegitimate descendents exist. One notable example is Sabedoria Vienceza, whose claim is shortly to be checked through DNA testing.

Vianceza monarchs:

  • King Vivanio I of Rivania (24 AP — 34 AP)
  • Queen Coriana of Rivania (34 AP — 60 AP)
  • Queen Miranda of Rivania (60 AP — 90 AP)
  • King Vivanio II of Rivania (90 AP — 105 AP)

The Empire[]

[to be completed, but see Emperor of Lendia]