Wikivex - The Free, Online, Vexillium Encyclopedia
Wikivex - The Free, Online, Vexillium Encyclopedia

In Aethelnia Nobility is a government-privileged title which may be either hereditary or for a lifetime. Titles of nobility exist today in many countries although it is usually associated with present or former monarchies. The term originally referred to those who were "known" or "notable" and was applied to the highest social class in pre-modern societies. In the feudal system, the nobility were generally those who held a fief, often land or office, under vassalage, i.e., in exchange for allegiance and various, mainly military, services to the Monarch and at lower levels to another nobleman. It rapidly came to be seen as a hereditary caste, sometimes associated with a right to bear a hereditary title and, in feudal Aethelnia, enjoying fiscal and other privileges. Today, in most Futuronian countries, "noble status" is a purely honorary dignity that confers no legal privileges.

Nobility is a historical, social and often legal notion, which should not be confused with socio-economic status which is mainly statistical based on income and possessions. Being wealthy or influential does not automatically make one a noble, nor are all nobles wealthy and influential (aristocratic families have lost their fortunes in various ways, and the concept of the 'poor nobleman' is almost as old as nobility itself).

Countries without a feudal tradition do not have a nobility as such. Various republics have expressly abolished titles of nobility. Although many such societies have a privileged 'upper class' with great wealth and power, this does not entail a separate legal status, or different forms of address.

Incomplete list of aristocratic families in the peerage of Aethelnia:


  • Waxforte
  • Winsom (Princes of the Blood)
  • Witherspoon (includes former 301-307 Lord Mayor of Saint Thomas)
  • vom Knoblauchfressen zum Maulhalten (styled Fuerst)
  • vom Keller bis zum Dachboden (styled Fuerst)


  • Lemon (styled Duc de Lemon)
  • Melchett of Wooster
  • Urquahart
  • Winsom


  • Flyte of Marchmaine
  • Roqueforte
  • Winsom


  • Asriel
  • Blackadder
  • Cray of Worplesdon
  • de Frou Frou (styled comte, or count)
  • Flashheart
  • Twistleton of Ickenham
  • Winsom


  • de Chagny
  • Holmwood (aka Godalming)
  • Rossendale


  • Chuffnell
  • Delacroix
  • Darling
  • Du Plessis
  • du Toilette


  • StBartleigh
  • St.Cyr aux Valles (Ambassador in Estontetso; Head of Corps Diplomatique)
  • St.Just des Rupas (Ambassador in Cruisana)

Untitled nobles[]

  • Babcock of Baisle (a Foreign minister in 301-302 Labour government)
  • Battleaxe de Ville (an Ambassador in Draconia)
  • Courvoisier (an Ambassador in Wesmerite)
  • Fitzpatrick d'Estaing (a famous Aethelnian golfer)
  • Lloyd de Villiers (a Defense minister in 301-302 Labour government)
  • Sibury de Cherbourg (a former leader Solidarist party)
  • Smyth Cotillon (an Ambassador in Utania)
  • Strathclyde de Montmedy (a Bishop of Saint Nazaire)

Foreign nobility[]

  • Bernadotte (Vingarmark royalty married to Aethelnian royal princess)