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New Christiana
Data codes: NCH
Flag of New Christiana
 Capital: Chifley
 Other: Padraigtown, Adamstown, New Christianshaven, Langlands
Premier: TBA
Area: n/a
Population: 23,000,000 Whilandians

New Christiana is truly the historical homeland of the Whilandian people. The site of the first successful, large scale settlements by Cruisanian explorers and settlers, New Christiana is dominated by the Edoline River and retains its rural roots despite serious industry and development in Chifley and surrounds. The fertile river valleys of New Christiana were a welcome site for the desperate settlers, and when the explorer Michael Chifley found the river, he then knew that the land could be extensively settled by the people of Cruisana. The state flag reflects the prosperity of the region - it is the flag of the explorers surrouned by gold, which symbolises wealth and also the crops grown along the rivers of this most fertile state.

Flag of Whiland   The Federal Republic of Whiland   Flag of Whiland
Amistat | Port Julian | Rugla | Whilandian Glaciaria
Alpenland | Capital | Cruislands | Facer | Fyodor | Greater Tabitha | Lituthva | Marca | New Christiana | Newfields | Nordland | Ohlam | Ozer | Persaii | Plains Entrance | Provan | Queen Mary Land | Riverlands | Southern Steppes | Western Plain