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Flag of Neonesia

Neonesia (Neonezio or Novinsulando), oficially the Confederate State of the Neonesian Straits and Valleys, is a former nation located in the Meridic Islands, occupying the islands of Disonda, Sunleva and Sunfalla, as well as a number of minor isles, such as Sxawmventa, the islet of Nordsola and the Liberbirdaj archipelago. The capital was the city of Kraturbo, in Disonda. The country was divided in 26 republics, which in turn were made up of 400 provinces, 2.402 cantons, 14.416 municipalities and 86.498 parrishes.

The regime of Neonesia existed for just two years, from 297 to 299 - a period refered to in Altlandic historiography as the "Neonesian Ursupation". After the fall of the Neonesian government, Altland and Namuria regained their sovereignty, while Disonda became a dependent principality of Altland.