Wikivex - The Free, Online, Vexillium Encyclopedia
  • Flag-aethelnia Aethelnia — Most popular pastime is surfing the internet, playing sports and partying.
  • Allacoa Flag 318 Allacoa — the most popular and widespread sport is football (soccer). The game is widely considered to be the national sport.
  • Flag aros icone Aros — Music and sports are the two pastimes that are in the blood of arosians. Among the sports, football is considered the national passion being practiced and appreciated in practically the whole territory. Besides that, surfing and rugby are very much loved.
  • Flag-estontetso Estontetso — Most popular are equestrian sports, mainly Eventing.
  • FenizNationalFlag Feniz — a special sport of the desert region is camel racing. Rich people prefer golf or yacht racing. Soccer, formerly restricted to Hochlandia, is getting more and more popular. More about Fenizic sports...
  • Lcflag Lamb's Cove — the most popular sport is baseball, although football (soccer) is growing. In the winter, curling is quite popular.
  • Flag-lendosa Lendosa — the most popular sport is soccer. Two members of the confederation have official national sports (a traditional martial art in Rioch and running in Kha), but this is largely symbolic.
  • Listonianfreestateflag Listonian Free State — fencing, soccer, croquet, bocce ball.
  • Flag-mariim Mari'im — the most popular sports are soccer and ti'olu, a native variant of either baseball or cricket.
  • Svarthaedir flag Svarthaedir — The most popular and widespread sport is Football. Rugby, Baseball, Stumpwicket and Handball are also popular.
  • Flag-trinia Trinia — the official national sport is archery, but soccer is more popular. Some provinces designate their own sports — Akhanja in particular is known for its horse riding.
  • XochimechatlFlag Xochimechatl — the official national sport is tlotec, a traditional game with certain similarities to both rugby and basketball. Ethnically Lendian areas of the country, however, mainly play soccer.