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Flag of Morentwyshire
Coat of Arms of Morentwyshire
Area 24,273 sq.kms (10)
Population 765,000 (17)
Pop.density 32/ (20)
Shire seat Morentwy
Boroughs 1
Hundreds 9
Mail code MO
Motto Nunquam sine clave
Never out of key

Morentwyshire is a shire of Somery. The shire covers about two thirds of the old lathe Shirleith, of which Morentwy was the capital. A great deal of the population is concentrated to the lower parts of the Eddin and Entwy valleys. The far south is dominated by the wide moors of Branmoor Hills. Shereddin Wetlands National Park is a marshland bird reserve centred at the estuary of the river Eddin. Parts of the wetlands have been drained and cultivated, with a network of canals. The Dunes in the northeast form a coastal lowland with long beaches.