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Flag of the Melanian Sea Treaty Organization.

The Melanian Sea Treaty Organization, or MESTO, is a regional association of countries in the Melanian Sea area, dedicated to promoting peace through collective security, cooperation in strategic areas, free transit of people between member states and environmental protection. MESTO was founded through the signing of the Charter of the Melanian Sea Treaty Organization on the 19th of June 299 by Ordland, Brolecia, Aros, Morania, San Patricio and Eastern Delgamia.

One early reason for the forming of MESTO was the instabillity of the former Gronkian colony of Novoyoakes, in Delgamia. Following a series of referendums, portions of Novoyoakes were annexed by Aros, Brolecia and Eastern Delgamia, while the remainder of the sparselly-populated territory was organized as the condominium of Mestonia, under joint sovereignity of all MESTO powers. This arrangement was officialized through the Treaty of Puerto Bravo and the Mestonia Charter, both documents signed by the MESTO member nations on the 25th of July 299.

The People's Republic of Extremo and the Listonian Free State later joined the organization. Following the demise of Extremo and Brolecia in later 301, their seats in MESTO were taken over by their successor states: Porto Capital and Stervia.

The MESTO is governed by a Council, made up of one representative from each member state.

Although initial prospects envisioned even closer cooperation between the MESTO countries, such as the establishment of a common market, common currency (the MESTO Mark), a regional defense policy and an all-MESTO passport, regional rivalries (especially between Ordland and Morania) have prevented the organization to further evolve. Currently, the main task of the MESTO is the administration of the Mestonia condominium.

Current members[]


We, the nations of the Melanian Sea, do hereby constitute the Melanian Sea Treaty Organisation (MESTO), an association of independent sovereign states established for the purposes of assuring peace; promoting cooperation and friendship among our governments, our institutions, and our peoples; and safeguarding the precious natural inheritance with which we have been entrusted.

This Charter supersedes and overrules any previous document which purports to be a statement about or by a "Melanian Sea Treaty Organisation."

Each signatory of this Charter solemnly pledges not to initiate an armed conflict with any other signatory of this Charter.

The citizens of each signatory enjoy reciprocal privileges to live and work within the territory of any other signatory.

Each signatory will appoint a plenipotentary representative to a Conference on Scientific, Trade and Environmental Cooperation, the object of which shall be to produce the drafty of a treaty to be submitted to the appropriate national ratifying authorities.

Each signatory will appoint one Permanent Ambassador to MESTO. The Permanent Ambassadors will constitute The Council of MESTO. No MESTO decision will be taken except by an affirmative vote of a majority of all members of The Council. Any two or more members of The Council may convene a session of The Council or place an item on the agenda of The Council. Otherwise, The Council will be convened, and its agenda established, by the President of The Council, who will be a member of The Council, named on a rotating basis and serving for a term of two months. MESTO offices will be maintained in the capital cities of each signatory so as to accommodate the exercise of the duties of the President of the Council. The Council will elect a non-voting Secretary General for a term of six months, renewable upon a vote of The Council.

Each signatory reserves the right to withdraw from MESTO at any time and for any reason.

Signed and sealed this nineteenth day of June 299, in the City of Newton

Cody Williams, Director, Free and Accepted State of Aros

John Coopier, President, Federal Republic of Brolecia

Isaac Soares, President, Republic of Ordland

Juan Pablo O’Gorman O’Driscoll, The Da, Estado Unido de San Patricio

H. E. Joseph, Prince of Morania, Constitutional Monarchy of Morania

Mendek Karastourru, President, Republic of Eastern Delgamia