This is a survey regarding medical care and other types of welfare insurances, proposed by an Utanian research centre in April 21st 306.
Porto Capital;
United Territories of Fiarria and Nuarmia;
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Does your nation offer...
Svarthaedir |
Free healthcare for all
x |
Free healthcare but for an extra tax or fee
Free-ish healthcare, but with only the basics covered
x |
Subsidised healthcare, you or your insurance pays the difference
San Patricio |
Mostly private healthcare, the state offering free healthcare to the poor
Mostly private healthcare, the state-topping up insurance for the poor
TDCorp |
Entirely private healthcare, the state having no role at all
x |
- |
Does your nation have...
Nationalised health-providers only
x |
Nationalised hospitals, but some independent doctors and specialists
Svarthaedir |
A mix of public and private hospitals, and some independent doctors and specialists
A mix of public and private hospitals, but most doctors are independent healthcare providers
Mostly private hospitals, with some government-run clinics in operation
x |
Hospitals privately run, but doctors are state-employed
x |
Entirely private healthcare system but with a non-profit rule mandated by the state
x |
Entirely private healthcare system but with a non-profit rule mandated only for hospitals
San Patricio |
Entirely private healthcare system but with some state support, involvement and regulation
TDCorp |
Entirely private healthcare system with companies running the show
x |
NB; "Private" also refers to charity, church and trust-operated facilities
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If a resident in your country became physically incapacitated and unable to work, how would they be cared for? The state would...
Svarthaedir |
take care of them entirely, all costs -- nurse, homecare, medical costs, medicines, rehabilitation, etc
San Patricio |
pay most costs, expecting the patient to pay a nominal portion of the costs
pay most costs, but expect them to have private insurance or pay
pay essential costs -- limited homecare, some medical and medicines
provide over-burdened state-run rehabilitation hospitals, with limited after-stay care
provide over-burdened state-run rehabilitation hospitals, with almost no after-stay care
x |
provide ... (ditto) ... but only if they are veteran soldiers or the like
x |
provide nothing, but pay care insurance for all-but the richest individuals
x |
provide nothing, but pay care insurance for the poorest 50%
x |
provide nothing, but pay care insurance for the least fortunate
provide nothing, it's entirely up to the individual to have insurance
TDCorp |
Other (Disability insurance is mandated by corporate regulations and discounted from dividends)
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In the above level of care (if any), would residents receive any monetary compensation for their living expenses? The state would...
x |
pay them their old salary plus additional sums to cover all medical expenses
x |
pay them their old salary
pay them a percentage of their old salary
San Patricio Svarthaedir |
pay them a subsistence pension, and perhaps subsidise their rent, healthcare
pay them a subsistence pension only
pay them nothing, but provide food stamps or a similar "basics" award
pay them nothing
TDCorp |
Other (Disability insurance includes basic cost of living)
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For the above level of care (if any), what are citizens required to pay toward this?
Svarthaedir  |
Nothing, its in your taxes
San Patricio |
A small additional tax on top of their taxes of ____ percent (SPA: 7%)
TDCorp |
Everything, their own care insurance is essential (TDC: deducted)
x |
- |
If a resident in your country became unemployed, how would they be financially cared for? The state would:
x |
pay them their old salary plus additional sums to cover all job-hunting expenses
x |
pay them their old salary
pay them a percentage of their old salary
Svarthaedir |
pay them a subsistence pension, and perhaps subsidise their rent, healthcare
pay them a subsistence pension
pay them nothing, but provide food stamps or a similar "basics" award
TDCorp San Patricio |
pay them nothing
x |
- |
For the above level of care (if any), what are citizens required to pay toward this?
Svarthaedir |
Nothing, its in your taxes
(5%) (2.5%, 4% for employers) |
A small additional tax on top of their taxes of ____ percent
San Patricio TDCorp |
Everything, their own employment insurance is essential
x |
- |
Once a resident in your country reaches a certain age, how would they be financially cared for in their retirement? The state would...
x |
pay them their old salary plus additional sums to cover all job-hunting expenses
x |
pay them their old salary
pay them a percentage of their old salary
San Patricio Svarthaedir |
pay them a subsistence pension, and perhaps subsidise their rent, healthcare
x |
pay them a subsistence pension
pay a subsistence pension, subsidise their rent, healthcare for those not covered by private pensions
pay a subsistence pension only for those not covered by private pensions
pay them nothing, but provide food stamps or a similar "basics" award
TDCorp |
pay them nothing
x |
- |
If the State does not pay for your retirement, what are the types of private pensions?
x |
You pay a % of your wage for a fixed income upon retirement
You pay a % of your wage into a private account for your retirement
You pay into your bank account, don't touch it for 40 years and live off that
San Patricio Svarthaedir |
Mostly provided by the State (state pension scheme)
x |
Mostly provided by your employer
TDCorp |
Mostly provided by private institutions
x |
- |
If the State does not pay for your retirement, are private pensions compulsory?
San Patricio Svarthaedir |
Yes, for those working
x |
Yes, if you have the means, otherwise the state will pay your pension contributions
TDCorp |
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If the State does not pay for your retirement, are private pensions tax-free?
San Patricio Svarthaedir |
Yes, all contributions are tax-free
Sort-of, contributions are not taxed very high
Sort-of, contributions up-to a certain level are not taxed very high
x |
Sort-of, employer contributions are tax-free or lightly-taxed, your topping-up is fully taxed
TDCorp |
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If the state does provide some or all of elderly financial support, what are citizens required to pay toward this?
Nothing, its in your taxes
(7.5%, employer match) |
An additional tax on top of their taxes of ____ percent
San Patricio Svarthaedir |
Pension contribution scheme, where you receive a fixed non-pension income
Everything, their own superannuation or savings are essential
x |
- |
For the above, what are citizens required to pay toward this?
Svarthaedir |
Nothing, its in your taxes
San Patricio |
An additional tax on top of their taxes of ____ percent (SPA: 7%)
TDCorp |
Everything, in the form of private insurance
x |