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MedhinouPact Flag

Official flag and emblem of the Medhinou Pact, with eleven stars representing the eleven founding states, arranged in an arc symbolizing the union between Fiarria and Nuarmia

The Medhinou Pact, officially the Organization for Mutual Security and Economic Development, is an intergovernamental organization composed of countries in the continents of Melania and Fiarria, founded on the 1st of March 321, on the aftermath of the Ordlandic War of 317-318 and of the Portocapitalian invervention in Stervia in 320. The organization, formed following the initiative of Porto Capital and Allacoa - its two largest economies - has multiple objectives, such as a common economic policy, infrastructure coordination, scientific cooperation and collective defense against external threats.

According to independent analysts, the Medhinou Pact is mainly an effort by the government of Porto Capital to establish a network of dependant states as a bulwark against the influence of foreign superpowers - an allegation strongly denied by the Portocapitalian authorities.

The organization was established by the Treaty for Mutual Security and Economic Development, while subsequent accords delineate its more specific functions and the responsibilities of its member countries.

Member states[]

According to the organization's founding treaty, membership of the Medhinou Pact is open to all nations of the post-Maurestani space and historico-cultural sphere - which, in Portocapitalian geopolitical parlance, means sovereign states which were once part of the Maurestani Empire and its associated and derived entities, such as the Afrazurean Empire and the Ordlandic Protectorate.

Members of the Medhinou Pact are classified in two categories: full members, whose governments are expected and/or required to comply with the directives of the organization; and observers, who may participate in certain meetings of the Medhinou Pact, without the right to vote, but are allowed to join various economic and academic programmes via "framework agreements" with the full members.

At the moment, all members of the Medhinou Pact are full members who joined the organization at its founding:


The Medhinou Pact is composed of two main deliberative and executive bodies, as established by the Treaty for Mutual Security and Economic Development: the first is the Advisory Parliament, a deliberative organ made of ten councillors appointed by each member state. The Advisory Parliament may pass resolutions and other recommendations, requiring the vote of 75% of all councillors, but its decisions are non-binding, ie., member states are not required to abide to them.

The second organ is the Executive Conference, a periodical meeting of heads of states, heads of government and foreign ministers of all member countries. In contrast to the Advisory Parliament, all decisions taken at the Conference must be followed by all member states. Each state has the right to one vote, and resolutions require a simple majority of all votes to pass.

Both the Advisory Parliament and the Executive Conference may establish commissions, sections, boards and other associated bodies under the general structure of the Medhinou Pact to coordinate specific areas of interest. In general, commissions are standing organisms that deal with the organization's long-term strategic goals; secretariats are responsible for more local or specific integration aspects; and boards are temporary organs dedicated to a well-defined set of tasks, and are expected to be dissolved after said objective is completed.

Decisions of all associated bodies are non-binding, but they may refer their decisions to the Advisory Parliament or the Executive Conference - which may then, via vote, force implementation across all member states of the Medhinou Pact.


  • Economic Coordinating Commission, responsible for establishing common economic goals and coordinating economic efforts in all member states; as well as its sub-agencies:
    • Medhinou Pact Trade Authority, which coordinates trade between all member states, recommending the establishment or revoking of tariffs, quotas and barriers, aiming on the collective well-being of all Medhinou Pact countries.
    • Medhinou Pact Infrastructure Agency, responsible for major cross-border engineering projects capable of fostering regional integration.
    • International Economic Projects Commisison, also known as Interprojects, responsible for proposing and coordinating economic enterprises jointly owned or managed by two or more member states.
    • Melanian and Fiarrian Agency for Workers' Rights, which sets labour standards amongst member states, aiming at ensuring pay equity, workplace security and dignity for all workers, while also coordinating efforts for the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, as well as the abolition of forced and child labour.
    • Medhinou Pact Agricultural Comission, dedicated to improving agricultural productivity and eradicating rural poverty via the establishment of workers' cooperatives and the promotion of land reform programmes.
  • Environmental Protection Comission, also known as the Green Commission, in charge of coordinating local environmental policies, promoting renewable energy sources and cooperation with international NGOs.
  • Medhinou Pact Defense Comission, composed of the defense ministers of all member states, comprises the collective defense aspect of the Medhinou Pact.
    • Medhinou Pact Rapid Response Brigade, a proposed multinational unit for humanitarian and peacekeeping efforts.
  • Medhinou Pact Comission on Social Policies and Human Rights, overseeing efforts relating to matters such as access to public health systems, the promotion of free public education, LGBT rights, freedom of speech and religious liberty.


  • Open Skies Secretariat, in charge of defining rules for airlines operating international routes between member states.
  • Secretariat for the Istaar, regulating navigation and fishing rights in the Istaar River and Lake basins.
  • Secretariat for Academic and Scientific Cooperation, overseeing the various student exchange schemes, research programmes and joint historical and cultural endeavours between member states.
  • Melanian and Fiarrian Sports Secretariat, promoting amateur and professional competition between athletes from all member states as an instrument of regional integration.


  • War Reparations Board, dedicated to judging and establishing compensation for the victims of the Ordlandic Conflict, the Stervian regime, the Yellow Melania regime and other armed conflicts in Melania and Fiarria. Includes two separate sub-agencies:
    • Stervian Reparations Board, responsible for the division of all assets of the old Stervian regime - including financial reserves and military material - amongst its successor states.
    • Maurestani Reparations Board, entitled to the division of former Maruestani and Ordlandic assets following the fall of the Ordlandic Protectorate.
  • Medhinou International Court, responsible for judging cases of war crimes and human rights violations during recent conflicts in the region.
  • Medhinou Pact Refugee Board, organising the establishment of temporary shelter for refugees and other displaced persons, as well as arranging for their return to their home country or their permanent residency in a new host nation.