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The Kingdom of Meckeln-Bomern
Conventional short name:
 Local: Meckeln-Bomern
 Ingallish: Meckeln-Bomern
Data codes: MB, MKB
Flag of Meckeln-Bomern
Coat of arms of Meckeln-Bomern
 Official: Meckelish (Plattlandish)
 Others: Jilnovian
 Capital: Rosshawen
 Other: Meckelborg, Aleffshawen, Tingst, Mölnwik, Arendthawen
Government type: Kingdom
King: Lennerdt IV
Area: (not avaiable)
Population: (not available)
Established: (not available)
Currency: Kron = 100 pennig

Meckeln-Bomern, officially the Kingdom of Meckeln-Bomern (in Meckelish Dat Köningkrik Meckeln-Bomern), was a kingdom in the northern part of the Longerath continent. Geographically the country was clearly divided into two parts: Meckeln (east of Glügner, Midtländer and Brägener Haffen) with Flamlandt (west of the mentioned waters) - and Bomern in the east.

Meckeln (currently the Kingdom of Meckeln-Flamlandt), which was made up of the Riksländer Owlandt, Rögge, Wedig, Kerflow, Glügen, Brägen, Neddermeckeln, Dünlandt and Owermeckeln, is a flat, fertile region whose coast line is deeply cut by many bays and sounds (Förden), and consists of many long sandy beaches.

The region Bomern (currently the Free State of Bomern) which was made up of the Riksländer Förbomern and Agterbomern and in which Jüllen (currently the Free State of Jilnovia) was generally included, is a highland region of which a great deal is covered by woods.

Recent development[]

Over the last few years the political landscape of the kingdom has been drastically changing. Strong majority groups in the region Bomern and in Jüllen in particular have for some time demanded increased autonomy and, if possible, a complete separation from the kingdom. Recently, the sides have through negotiations reached an agreement that Bomern and Jüllen would be set up as two separate autonomous regions within - for the time being - the kingdom. Following this agreement the local cultures and languages (Bomerish for Bomern, and Jilnovian for Jüllen) would be favoured and preferred to Platlandish. As of the end of July 313 the two regions have officially seceded from their union with the kingdom and are established as independent countries in their own right.

National Anthem[]

Meckeln-Bomern Faderlandt
we künn di ferlaten
de heft Erdt un goldnen Sandt
twischen Fingers lopen laten?
Diner Waters blage Feldt
Gades Sünn bestrält
un Daden unser Fäder sündt
aller Werlde öwermaten.

Meckeln-Bomern, Gadt mit uns,
mit dem Faderlande,
Mak ons Köningk stark un wis,
un em regt ledt bi der Hande.
Ünner grön un wit un blag
fört he uns en Dag
tohus to ewig Fröide dar
up uns Gades Himmelstrande.