Below is a list of placenames in Arosian. Most of these names are also found in Moranguese. When there is a difference, the Moranguese name is also listed. Includes some old country names, subnational entities and defunct nations. More to follow.
- Aethelnia - Edélnia
- Akitania Berria - Nova Aquitânia
- Albion-Merité - Albiônia-Merité (Moranguese: Albião-Merité) [TECH: There were different norms for naming new countries in European Portuguese (Moranguese) and Brazilian Portuguese (Arosian). In real life, we call Iran "Irã" (PT-BR) or "Irão" (PT-PT). So, same thing may have happened on Vex.]
- Allacoa - Alacoa
- Altland - Altalândia [TECH: Or maybe Aulândia?]
- Ançalda - Ançalda
- Angliyaa - Angléia
- Ansonia - Ansônia
- Armatirion - Armatírio (Moranguese: Armatirião)
- Aros - Aros
- Baben Bay - Baía de Babem
- Bowdani - Budânia [TECH: Same as the Liliani name]
- Burovia - Buróvia
- Greater Burovian Realm - Território Grão-Buroviano [TECH: Or Grão Território Buroviano? Território da Grande Buróvia? What exectly is a realm? The literal translation is "Reino" (Kingdom), but since there's no monarch... Should a realm be translated as Território (territory), Terra (Land of Burovia?), País - as in País de Gales, the Country of Wales? Nah, calling a country "country of whatever" is silly. Oh, well. Most Arosian speakears will simply stick to "Buróvia".]
- Caboteniasa - Caboteniasa
- Caledon - Caledônia (Moranguese: Caledão)
- Cimera - Cimera
- Cruisana - Cruisana
- Christhiana (old form) - Cristiana
- Danica - Danica
- Davenport - Davemporte [TECH: Or Davemporto?]
- Dascunya - Dascunha [TECH: Not "Dascunia". The Liliani form was "Dascugnia", which evolves elegantly into "Dascunha". Or not, maybe I'm all wrong. But I like the letter H.]
- Deucoland - Deucolândia
- Dignania - Diguenania
- Djeriga - Dijeriga
- Draconia - Dracônia
- Eastern Delgamia - Delgâmia Oriental
- Estontetso - Estontênia
- Feniz - Fenís
- Ferrata - Ferrata
- Fora Rifo - Fora Rifo
- Gronk - Gronque
- Gronkian Union - União Gronqueana
- Northern Gronk - Gronque do Norte
- Cooperative Commonwealth of the Union of Northern Gronk - Comunidade Cooperativa da União do Gronque do Norte
- People's Republic of Gronk - República Popular do Gronque
- Guwimith - Güimítia
- Islandia - Islândia [TECH: Which turns out to be the same as "Iceland".]
- Kalesthesia - Calestésia
- Kansinia - Cansínia
- Kemedal - Quemedal
- Kiltanland - Quiltalenádia
- Kukuria - Cucúria
- Lamb's Cove - Lambescóvia, Caverna do Cordeiro (The latter follows the Lendian fashion of translating the name literally. [TECH: But sounds silly as well.]
- Grand Duchy of Lamb's Cove and the Southern Plantations - Grão-Ducado da Lambescóvia e as Plantações Meridionais [TECH: Or should it be "Grão-Ducado da Lambescóvia e Das Plantações Meridionais? Are "Grand Duchy of Lamb's Cove" and "Southern Plantations" two differente entities in one union, or does the Grand Duchy encompasses both Lamb's Cove and the Plantations?]
- Leiputria - Leiputria
- Lendosa
- Lexicon Islands - Ilhas Lexônicas
- Listonia - Lestônia
- Listonian Free State - Estado Livro Lestão
- Lysonia - Lisônia
- Maritim Islands - Ilhas Marítimas
- Morania - Morânia
- Namuria - Namúria
- Neoliliana - Neoliliana
- North Dignania
- Ordland
- Porto Capital - Porto Cpaital
- Rosardan
- Rovens
- Saint Kilda
- San Patricio - São Patrício
- Sehria
- Sempervirens
- Shaelic Commonwealth
- Solelhada
- Solimar
- Somery
- South Dignania
- Samuelonia - Samuelônia
- St. Samuel - São Samuel
- United Federal Kingdom of Saint Samuel - Reino Unido Federal de São Samuel
- Stervia - Estérvia
- Svarthaedir -
- Trade and Development Corporation Territory - Território da Corporação de Comércio e Desenvolvimento
- Trinia - Trínia
- United Territories of Fiarria and Nuarmia
- Utania - Utânia
- Vingarmark - Vingarmarca
- Wesmerite
- West Uhlan
- Whiland - Vilândia
- Xochimechatl
- Zartania - Zartânia