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Liliani Empire
Conventional short name:
 Local: Liliana
 Ingallish: Liliana
Map of Liliani Empire at its height
 Official: Liliani
Government type:
Ethnic groups:
Today part of: Samuelonia, Estontetso and most of Longerath's nations

[tech: point your mouse at in-game years to see corresponding real-world years]

 See also History of Estontetso 

The Liliani Empire was a former nation which was founded by Aratacius I around 2000 BP. The Empire grew out of the Kingdom of Micholerdia (part of current day Estontetso) and rose to hold vast territories across Longerath.


Laviscos Dynasty, 2000-1978 BP[]

Founding of the Empire[]

 Lavascas, Lavascos or Laviscos Emperors:

The numbering of the Emperors followed a peculiar ancient Micholerdian way: To establish the sequence it was taken only the first name, although, to better distinguished the sovereigns, the official records retained all the name.

  • Aratacius I (2000 BP) - Was King Arroh-TaKe Pexpodr IV of Micholerdia. Founder of the Liliani Empire. Died the same year.
  • Jamius I (19991988 BP) - Died of illness.
  • Tomalimus I (19871984 BP) - Killed in battle against Peganhosa.
  • Savastius I (19831981 BP) - Assassinated by Burburreican rebel assassin.
  • Aratacius II (19801979 BP) - Assassinated by republican extremists.
  • Aratacius III (1979 BP) - Emperor for three days following his father's death. Was then murdered himself.
  • Icapivus I (1979 BP) - Second child of Aratacius II. Emperor for three minutes after brother's death.
  • Jamius II (1978 BP) - Murdered by Tocapedrius, his general.

Arroh-TaKe Pexpodr IV, last King of Micholerdia, 2000 BP first Emperor of Liliana as Aratacius I

2000BP 300vChr Lutetia A1 Achilles

Contemporary art
gives insights into the contemporary way of thinking and feeling


Conquests of the Lavascos Dynasty

The original core of the Liliani Empire was essentially located in modern day Estontetso, around the old Kingdom of Micholerdia. Before the proclamation, Micholerdia's last king Arro-Take Pexpodr IV had already lead his armies to victory over (southern) Peganhosa and northern Burburreica. With his proclamation as Emperor Aratacius I of Liliana, he would probably have continued to expand. However, Aratacius died the same year he established his empire. His son, Jamius I ("Jame" in modern Estontetsan) suceeded him.

Jamius had similar goals as his father, and set about expanding Liliana. He and his sucessors (of which there were remarkably many for such a short space of time, indicating just how dangerous early Liliani politics could be) . Also among the conquests of the Lavascos dynasty was the small kingdom of Estontalle, established by the Eshi tribe of modern Neoliliana.

Janados Dynasty, 1978-1890 BP[]

 Janadus or Janados Emperors:
  • Tocapedrius I, "Toca" (19781970 BP) - Founder of the Janadus dynasty. Killed by his son Cecamones.
  • Cecamones (19691958 BP) - Abdicated in favour of his brother.
  • Axutus I (19571940 BP)
  • Tomalimus II (19381931 BP) - Assassinated by a junior general.
  • Tentius (19301915 BP) - Died of a mysterious illness.
  • Ganus (19151908 BP) - Died of illness.
  • Trinius (19071890 BP) - Poisoned by a noble.

Map of the Liliani Empire in 1975 BP


Conquests of the Janados Dynasty

HistBuildg 1969BP 269BC commons-Aqua Anio Vetus, Tivoli - 51073370857

Contemporary building:
1969 BP first aquaeduct

In 1978 BP, the last emperor of the Lavascos dynasty, Jamius II, was killed by his senior general, Tocapedrius (Toka). Toka settled down the political fluctuations created by this change in power by completing the expasion of the empire to cover all of Peganhosa plus a stretch of barbarian lands, and pushed Liliani frontiers further into Gregurdicia/Goramia. Within a few years, in 1975 BP, the borders of Liliana seemed to be defined.

To the west of the Liliani Empire were the tribes of modern Neoliliana and the tribes of the Escorpionican ethnicity. Most were still nomadic or without political structure. Liliana did have two nations along side it, however, being Kagere, the first such nation to form in the region, and Qella, the most advanced. Also on the western border were the Gorami peoples of Gregurdicia, who were stubbornly resisting conquest by the Liliani forces. In the south were Alembida and the remainder of Burburreica. Burburreica was no longer a political power, with its heartland under Liliani rule, but these outer regions remained a unitary state for some time before collapsing into tribal groups. Alembida, however, was still relatively strong, and maintained a well-disciplined and well-equipped military. It was also a superb naval power, and was more than a match for the still-developing Liliani fleet. Alembida outwardly appeased the Lilianis, but retained a deep resentment againt them for seizing Alembidan land to establish a corridor to the west coast. To the south of Alembida was Dascagnia, a kingdom formed by the Gardlies tribe. Dascagnia was, while a single state, much more primitive than Liliana or Alembida.

Liliani Expansion[]

In 1951 BP, the Liliani armies finally turned away from their war against the Escorpionican tribes and moved south. Their expansion into the southern half of the continent was blocked by Alembida, and so Liliana invaded. The Alembidans put up the most successful defense the Lilianis had encountered yet, and the Lilianis payed dearly for every mile. Eventually, however, Alembida fell, and the southern plains lay open to the Liliani imperial forces.

Marching into the heart of Dascagnia (1946 BP), they encountered little opposition to begin with. This changed when the chieftain of the Dascagnians, Fergus, rallied the tribes around him. Fergus met the Liliani legions, under the command of the general Augusto Claudio, at the battle of Werrian. It was the largest pitched battle fought by the Liliani Empire in its conquest of the south, and in it, the Lilianis decisively defeated the Gardlian tribes. Fergus was killed in battle, and with his death, resistance to Liliana collapsed, leaving the invaders virtually unopposed. Dascagnia became part of the Liliani Empire.

During the Dascagnian campaign, the once powerful Kingdom of Samuelonia requested protection from the Liliani Empire and the Kingdom became an important vassal state on the southern border of the Empire.

Garanhoes Dynasty, 1890-1782[]

 Garanhões Emperors:
  • Comezias (I)
  • Jame Vim III
  • Bonzão, "O Feio" (the Ugly)
  • Papazias
  • Xupa deKej Ifiambr I, "O Xupa Misto" (the Crossbreed)
  • Xupa Maki II
  • Heliogabasmo
  • Jame Safê IV
  • Fud Ilhão, "O Casto" (the Chaste)
HistBuildg 1820BP 120BC commons-Forum Boarium, Rome (36629283994)

Contemporary building:
1820 BP circular temple

In 1890 BP, Emperor Comesias I, first of the Garanones dynasty, launched an invasion of Uestadagnia, which quickly fell, leaving all of modern Dascunya under Liliani rule.

At about the same time as the conquest of Uestadagnia, Liliana formed an alliance with Kagere, one of the small kingdoms on its eastern border in what is now Neoliliana. This alliance was against another ancient Neoliliani state, Auria, which was at war with Kagere. Liliana sent its armies against Auria, and easily overcame the far smaller state. In exchange for this, Kagere allowed the former Auria to become a part of Liliana. Liliana established itself in the region with the province of Liliana Minor.

1750BP 50vChr Lutetia A2 Alexander

Contemporary art:
1800 BP Emperor Jame Safê IV

Liliana then turned its attention northwards, conquering all of modern Draconia. This was to become (1826) the Liliani province of Liliana Superior ("Upper Liliana"). The Lilianis then moved eastwards, into what would become (under Cláudio Leandro 1738) the province of Portum Mare.

Pimbas Dynasty, 1782-1587[]

 Pimbas Emperors:
  • Kimbu Reiros, "O Bacalhau" (the Codfish)
  • Cláudio Leandro
  • Imandruel I, "O Balharico" (the Basket)
  • Imandruel II, "O Pimba" (the Hello)
  • Pedro Gabriel
  • Maximo, "O Pequeno" (the Little)
  • Xupa Xupa III
  • Imandruel III, "O Toma" (the Seizer)
  • Afinal, "O Havia Outra" (the There Was Another)

During the conquest of the north, the Lilianis and Kagere, the nation with which Liliana had allied against Auria, had a falling out. Liliana promptly sent its armies across the border into Kagere, and quickly subdued the kingdom. It was joined to the province of Liliana Minor (prior to 1636), which also included the former Auria.

In 1636 BP, Liliani forces in the south made a small expansion to imperial territory with the conquest of the southern plains, which they named Caesarea Evora.

Also of note are the sovereign states remaining outside Liliani control. Christiana was never invaded by Liliana, and maintained its independence. Ships from Cruisana were frequent visitors to Liliani ports on the eastern coast, and contact was sufficient to spread the Liliani alphabet and introduce certain words to the Ingallish language.

Escorpionica was a state formed by a federation of tribes, all of which belonged to the ethnic group now named after the nation. It slowly developed from a federation to a full monarchy, in the style of the old Estontetso. At one point, it gained control over the formerly independent nation of Gregurdica/Goramia.

Lendosa was a kingdom formed when the Treaty of Solaris unified the island kingdoms of Lendia and Piolhosa. It was a significant force, both militarily, economically, and politically, although not as significant as the vast Liliani holdings. However, Lendosa had the advantage that most of its territory was ethnically related to them, whereas the Lilianis had to rule peoples who felt no belonging to Liliana. The Lendosans and the Lilianis were, however, of the same ethnic group, the Lendosans having once been colonists from the historic Estontetsan kingdoms, particularly Alembida. There had been a long history of antagonism between Liliana and Lendosa, as the colonies in Lendia had once been nominally under Liliani authority but had renounced imperial authority. Liliana had always held that all the colonial powers that settled Lendosa were now a part of Liliana, the former colonies should also be so. Lendosa had been involved in colonization itself, settling the Percevejan peninsula and parts of northern Smalik. Its Percevejanian territory actually met with imperial Liliani holdings, and it was possible that the Lendosans would colonize the western coast of southern Longerath before the Lilianis could get to it.

In what is now Caboteniasa, the people that the Lendosans call Sjomanians were just beginning to establish nations, with various kingdoms that were the ancestors of Väring, Dahlia, and Cabotenia all being founded at roughly the same time. These states were affected a moderate amount by Lendosa and its colonization along the northern coast.

Berberroes Dynasty, 1585-1296[]

 Beberrões Emperors:
  • Bei Jeka I
  • Termosso
  • Auga Rdente I
  • Ika Gan Dabesta II (I of Liliana)
  • A-Bramão
  • H-Raki
  • Pass Ocop
  • Constantinus (13761330 BP)
  • Auga Pé II
  • Gregório, "O Final" (the Last)
HistBuildg 1550BP 150 commons-8 8 Trier Römerbrücke

Contemporary buildings:
1550 BP stone bridge of Lutetia (modern Duceta)

HistBuildg 1484BP 216 commons-CaracallaThermae

1484 BP Ika-Thermae in Lutetia


Map of the Liliani Empire in 1575 BP

About a century and a half later, in 1447 BP, the balance of power tilted even more heavilly in favour of Liliana. By way of a diplomatic marriage, the Kingdom of Escorpionica was integrated into the Liliani Empire as a province. Liliana gained control of all of Escorpionica's military and resources intact, without fighting a war. However, the region of Gregurdica/Gorami, which had been a part of Escorpionica, refused to become a Liliani territory, and so severed its ties with Escorpionica. It thus became an independent nation again.

In 1399, the tensions between Liliana and Lendosa became too great, and relations collapsed. This was primarily due to the king of Lendosa at the time, Margun. Margun had seized power through political plotting, and turned out to be one of the worst administrators ever. He was, apart from being immensely tyrannical, completly and utterly incompetent. One of the ways that this incompetence manifested itself was in his foreign policy. Margun's position was made all the more unstable due to a number of rebellions, especially in Piolhosa, aimed at placing the old king's son on the throne.

At the beginning of the next year, Liliani forces[1] crossed the border into Percevejan, controlled by Lendosa. The First Lendian War, as it was somewhat incorrectly called, had begun. The subjugation of Percevejan would not be completed until 1342 BP, when the First Lendian War was ended by a treaty seceding Percevejan to the Liliani Empire.

HistBuildg 1374BP 326 commons-Vatican - basilique - Vue d’ensemble de l'antique basilique vaticane basilica

Contemporary building:
1374 BP Cruisian cathedral of Lutetia (modern Duceta), at that time the largest on Vexillium

It was during the reign of Emperor Constantinus (13761330 BP) that Cruisianity was proclaimed the official religion of Liliana.

The ending of the (first) Lendian war did not help Magun's position overly much. A full-scale military and popular rebellion in Piolhosa removed that half of Lendosa from his control, and rebellions continued to threaten Lendia as well. The year after the treaty, Margun was assassinated by a member of his personal bodyguard who had lost his son in a pointless battle during the war. He was replaced by a council of the five most senior military officers.

In 1329, war broke out again, partly due to the hostile attitude shown by the military council and partly due to Liliani imperialistic hopes. The Second Lendian War was, in actual fact, concerned only with Lendia and not Lendosa, with Liliana launching a direct invasion of Lendia itself. The Kingdom of Lendosa, still in turmoil as regards its government, did not survive, and Piolhosa declared independence. An attempt was made to establish a kingdom, but this ultimately failed due to hostility between the regions of Piolhosa, particularly over the granting of kingship. Piolhosa entered a downward spiral and eventually collapsed into anarchy. In Lendia, the council of generals retained precarious control. The political instability, however, and the breakup of Lendosa, meant that Lendia was hard-pressed to put up a resistance to the Liliani invaders.

During the long war of conquest in Lendia, the Liliani Empire had also been expanding elsewhere, a testimony of the vast power of the Lilianis. In 1301 BP, as they were gaining the upper hand in Lendia, the Lilianis had taken the opportunity to expand their territory in the south up to the western coast (building the province of Caesaria Beja), now that the Lendians were no longer present in Percevejan.

Slowly but steadily, the Liliani forces gained ground.

Arrebimbas Dynasty, 1296-1156[]

 Arrebimbas Emperors:
  • Arrebimba, "O Malho" (the Mallet or the Bad)
  • Comicholas
  • Bei Agra II
  • Caio kasVentas Nuxão I
  • Caio Mazalevantome II
  • Arroh-TaKe Bruto IV
  • RoHrozo, "O Belo" (the Beautiful)
  • Jame Lichastes V, "O Incapacitador" (the Disabler)
HistBuildg 1200-1100BP 7

Contemporary building:
12th century BP castle

In 1296 BP, they captured the Lendian capital, and established the province of Lendiana over half of the island. They continued to push westwards along the island, meeting heavy resistance. By 1158, the Lilianis had conquered almost all of Lendia except for the northwestern tip of the island. This was held by a newly formed coalition of the remaining Lendian armies and the remnants of the Regnosian Empire, which still survived in the remote corner of the island where the colonists had never penetrated. The Lendians and the Regnosians, who had once fought constantly, had allied against a common foe.

Wall of Aroblin ca 1296BP=404nChr infact 122-128nChr commons-08-Hadrians Wall-026

Historic remains:
the Wall of Aroblin taday

The conquest of this region of Lendia was forestalled for almost sixty years, nearly for all of the Arrebimbas' time of reign, by the biggest Regnosian contribution to the war; not armies but a wall. The Regnosians had always been excellent stoneworkers, with their masonry surpassing anything else of the time. In a massive effort which combined Regnosian planning with Lendian resources and work, the alliance constructed a wall across the whole island, right to the shore at each and and with no gaps anywhere inland. Military fortifications were established all along the wall, and the alliance easilly repelled the Liliani attacks. The idea of a wall had come from the Lilianis themselves, who had constructed their own wall, the Wall of Jamius V[2], built around the former Lendian capital to prevent its recapture. This wall was what caused the Lendians to abandon all hope of regaining Lendia, and concentrate on defending what they had - with their own wall. The wall was known as the Wall of Aroblin, after a Regnosian town located roughly half-way along it and used as a command post.

The Wall of Aroblin finally fell by treachery, with the Lilianis infiltrating one of the wall's forts and poisoning its drinking water. How the Lilianis infiltrated the fort is not known, but it is believed that a Lendian who was sympathetic to Liliana (or heavily paid) was positioned so as to be captured by a Regnosian force sent outside the wall to harass the Lendians. Once within the wall, he said that he wanted to help fight the Lilianis, who had destroyed his home. He was subsequently given a non-military post in one of the forts. There, he poured poison into the fort's drinking water. Within the day, the vast majority of the fort's defenders were dead, and it was an easy matter for the Liliani army, which had been waiting, to storm the empty fort and open the pathway for more Liliani troops. Within a few years, all of Lendia was under Liliani control.

In 1275 BP, after the conquest of the Lendian capital, the construction of the Wall of Jamius V, and the retreat of the Lendians, Liliana had launched an invasion of the continent of Smalik. The primary target of the invasion was the string of former Lendosan colonies along the coast, which were now independent. Liliana formed an alliance with several of the neighbouring Sjomanian kingdoms which launched a combined attack. Some of the Lendosan colonies were absorbed into the Sjomanian fold, while others, those to the east and furthest from the Sjomanians, became Liliani possessions. From its enclaves, Liliani forces embarked upon the conquest of the primative Bowdanian tribes of the interior, conquering as far as the inland sea of Smalik. This region was Budania.

1150BP 6JhnChr Dutetia B HunneVoelkerwanderung

Lendia fell to Liliana in 1156 BP suffering huge losses to its population and all territories save Lendia itself over the 250-year "war". Emperor Jame V dies in battle, and his heirs are found dead heralding the beginning of the Bejufas dynasty.

The territorial expansion of Liliana had almost reached its maximum, with the exception of Gregurdicia and southern Burburreica.

Bejufas Dynasty, 1156-600[]

 Bejufas Emperors[3]:
  • Fofinho/Fovinius, "O Duro" (the Tough) (11551102 BP)
  • Auga daJmalvas III
  • Kuri Duxo I 1030–960

Map of the Liliani Empire in 1100 BP

In 1130 BP southern Berburreidica/Burburreica was joined (1130) to the Liliani province in northern Burburreica when a delegation of tribal chieftains petitioned the Emperor for it, hoping to gain the prosperity that northern Burburreica seemed to be enjoying. In 1119 BP Gregurdica/Goramia was annexed when, due to a political marriage some time back, the Emperor of Liliana found himself with a legitimate claim to the Gregurdican throne. While his claim was not uncontested, Liliana's military might saw that he did inherit and thus bring the last Liliani acquisition into place, which became Gregurdicum, the eighteenth and last province of the Liliani Empire.

After Fovinius had completed the last conquests of the empire, his successors confined themselves to administering their realm, which enabled them to sit on the throne for surprisingly long times, over 80 years on average.

Overview of the formation of the Empire - 2000-1119 BP[]

   Origin, 2000: Micholerdia Es-his-09-imp-fase
Acquisitions of the dynasty
I-III Lavascos -1978
IV-VI Janados -1890
VII-IX Garanhões ‑1782
X-XI Pimbas -1587
XII‑XIV Beberrões ‑1296
XV‑XVI Arrebimbas ‑1156
XVII‑XIX Bejufas -1119
The numbers indicate the sequence of expansion.

The Provinces[]

The Empire was divided in Provinces, each one ruled by a Governor, the "Chefonius Maximo", nominated by the Emperor after proposal of the Senate. When a territory was conquered, it achieved the status of Colony. After that, depending on the level of organisation of the Colony, the Provincehood was granted. This meant that all the administration followed the Liliani model, and then every free person was considered citizen (or rather subject) of the Empire.

33% Province Grant Phases of Conquest
LMa Liliana Magna 2000 Mic. (core) I 1981! III 1979 IV 1977!
LP Liliana Proxima 1975 VI 1975![4]
B Berburreidica 1950 II 1980! XVIII 1130!
A Alembidicum 1947 V 1976!
LMi Liliana Minor 1850 VIII 1850! X 1704!
LS Liliana Superior 1826 VII 1851!
PM Portium Mare 1738 VII 1851!
D Dascugnium 1703 V 1976! IX 1782 XI 1703!
U Uestadagnium 1703 XI 1703!
FMi Faeniccia Minor 1700 XI 1703!
CE Caesaria Evora 1636 XI 1703![5]
E Escorpionica 1447 XII 1447!
PN Percevejanis Nova 1342 XIIIa 1342!
CB Caesaria Beja 1301 XIIIb 1301
L Lendiana 1296 XIV 1296 XVI 1156 XVII 1131!
BS Budania Superior 1275 XV 1275!
BI Budania Inferior 1275 XV 1275!
G Gregurdicum 1119 XIX 1119

Replacement of Provinces by Counties - 934 BP[]

 Bejufas Emperors (continued):
  • Alemb, "O Focinho" (the Snout)
  • Auga daRozas IV
  • Safastiu deMamálas II (I of Liliana)[6]

Finding the extensive territory of Dascugnium and Uestadegnium difficult to control, by 934 BP, the old provincial system in both territories is replaced with a system of Regiocomei (counties). Dascugnium was divided in eight counties: Vilina, Ystria, Odeland, Devrognia, Gardmoor, Klerengard, Ockenham and Angialda. Uestadegnium was divided in three counties: Zorriaga, Adnemar and Fluvis. All the counts had to swear fealty to the Emperor. This is the first recorded use of Feudalism in Longerath.

The system seemed to work quite well, and therefore was introduced also in Liliana Magna, and begun to spread it across the empire.

Lendiana the first territory to break away - 714 BP[]

 Bejufas Emperors (continued):

Rising out of barbarism, Lendia declares the first republic and makes peace with Liliana in 714 BP.

The Counts' Rebellion, 712-700 BP[]

Main article: The Counts' Rebellion

In 712 BP in southern Liliana, the counties of Ystria, Vilinia, Odeland, Gardmoor and Klerengard in Dascunya, and all the counties of Uestadenia, began a revolution against the Empire of Liliana. The counties of Devrognia, Okenham and Angialda chose not to participate in the revolution, and fought against the rebel counties. The vassal Kingdom of Samuelonia joined the war, siding with the Dascunyan and Uestadenian counties.

The rebel allies fought a successful war of independence against the empire and the victorious counties proclaimed the Kingdom of Dascunya, including the old provinces of Dascugnium and Faeniccia Minor, and the Kingdom of Uestadenia, including the old provinces of Uestadenia and Caesaria. The loyalist counties of Angialda and Devrognia remained part of Liliana.

Decline of the Lilani Empire, 700-600 BP[]

 Bejufas Emperors (continued):
0634BP 1066nChr Ducetia C1 NormanneBayeux

As the Liliani Empire began to collapse, its conquered territories gradually slipped away from it, either by outright rebellion or by simply not heeding imperial decrees anymore. In 600 BP, the last Liliani Emperor, Natestus I, stopped trying to hold Liliana's far-flung empire together. Instead, he concentrated on the Liliani heartland, abandoning the periphery in order to strengthen the interior. By doing this, Natestus was left ruling a stable and unified nation. It was, admittedly, considerably smaller than the old Liliani Empire, but it was no longer falling apart. This new nation was called Empire of Estontetso.

  1. In fact, Lendian conquest was made mainly by Escorpionican armies. Source: André Serranho: HISTORY OF THE LILIANI EMPIRE
  2. In fact, his second name was given when a Lendian general exclamed, in sight of the walls: "Pronte, agora com iste nunca mais conquiste Lendia... Jame, lichastes ma mim e iste tude!" (Alright, now with this I'll never conquer Lendia... Jame, you've disabled me and all of this!). Source: as before
  3. Some names must be missing here because the average reign of these 8 would be 69-70 years.
  4. early end of Janados conquests
  5. early end of Pimbas conquests
  6. Of which country has he been The Second? Was there another story never told?
  7. first mentioned in the Counts' Rebellion around 712