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The Lendian Pope is the head of the Papaist Church, based in Lendia. Papaists generally refer to their leader merely as "the Pope", but others often add the word "Lendian" to distinguish the office from that of the Archbishop of Cruishaven, who is sometimes also referred to as Pope.

The Lendian Pope is chosen upon the death or abdication of the previous holder of the office. He is elected by a Conclave of the Papaist Church's cardinals, who deliberate in secret. The Pope resides in the city of Gloria Libertatis, in a precinct overlooking the Old City from the hills of Las Rochas.

Previous popes[]

According to the official list, there have been two hundred and ten Popes before the present holder of the office, although not all of them were referred to as Pope while they were alive.

Most of the Popes are not known by their personal names — rather, they adopted a regnal name by which they are known instead. The number of regnal names is fairly limited, with Popes frequently chosing to adopt the name of one of their predecessors as a mark of respect or indication of doctrinal similarity. A total of twenty-two names have been used, with the most recent new addition (Miguel) being made over two centuries ago.

Number Name Reigned Notes
1st Marco 1453 BP — 1437 BP 16 years A disciple of Cruis and founder of the Church.
2nd Dominico I 1437 BP — 1426 BP 11 years
3rd Simono I 1426 BP — 1421 BP 5 years First leader to adopt the title of Archbishop of Brancassa.
4th Justinio I 1421 BP — 1401 BP 20 years
5th Ignacio I 1401 BP — 1398 BP 3 years
6th Edaro I 1398 BP — 1392 BP 6 years
7th Pio I 1392 BP 5 months
8th Andreo I 1392 BP — 1385 BP 7 years
9th Sebastiano I 1385 BP — 1371 BP 14 years
10th Simono II 1371 BP — 1361 BP 10 years First leader to officially use the title "Pope".
11th Dominico II 1361 BP — 1360 BP 1 year
12th Ignacio II 1360 BP — 1357 BP 3 years
13th Ignacio III 1357 BP — 1355 BP 2 years
14th Bernardo I 1355 BP — 1347 BP 8 years
15th Simono III 1347 BP — 1330 BP 17 years
16th Edaro II 1330 BP — 1317 BP 12 years Forced to accept broad Liliani control over the Church after Liliana invades Lendia. Beginning of "the Captivity", and official use of the term "Pope" is supressed.
17th Andreo II 1317 BP — 1308 BP 9 years
18th Justinio II 1308 BP — 1305 BP 3 years
19th Bernardo II 1505 BP — 1284 BP 21 years Condemned Clemenism, which held that Cruis, while divinely favoured, was otherwise an ordinary man. First instance of those considered "heretics" being expelled from the Church.
20th Pio II 1284 BP — 1274 BP 10 years
21st Dominico III 1274 BP 3 months
22nd Dominico IV 1274 BP — 1259 BP 15 years
23rd Ignacio IV 1259 BP — 1250 BP 9 years
24th Simono IV 1250 BP — 1248 BP 2 years
25th Edaro III 1248 BP — 1234 BP 11 years
26th Pedro I 1235 BP 28 days Died after falling from a balcony. Unproven accusations of murder by Liliani officers over his independent stance.
27th Pio III 1235 BP — 1232 BP 5 years
28th Celestino I 1232 BP — 1226 BP 6 years
29th Celestino II 1226 BP — 1209 BP 17 years
30th Simono V 1209 BP — 1205 BP 4 years
31st Justinio III 1205 BP — 1195 BP 10 years Condemned Sovirism, a heresy which held that the scriptures should be seen not as factual statements but as allegories and metaphors.
32nd Dominico V 1195 BP — 1192 BP 3 years Ordered the burning of several Sovirists, the first known religious executions in the Church's history.
33rd Bernardo III 1192 BP — 1184 BP 8 years Repudiated his predecessor's policy of executing heretics, although continued persecution with other methods.
34th Ignacio V 1184 BP — 1183 BP 1 year
35th Carlo I 1183 BP — 1171 BP 12 years
36th Simono VI 1171 BP — 1155 BP 16 years
37th Celestino III 1155 BP — 1146 BP 9 years
38th Carlo II 1146 BP — 1144 BP 2 years Attempted to halt persecution of Sovirists, but was blocked by Liliani officials who saw the Sovirist mass movement as a potential political threat.
39th Edaro IV 1144 BP — 1139 BP 5 years
40th Dominico VI 1139 BP — 1136 BP 3 years
41st Dominico VII 1136 BP — 1118 BP 18 years
42nd Ignacio VI 1118 BP — 1113 BP 5 years
42nd Justinio IV 1113 BP — 1097 BP 16 years
43rd Edaro V 1097 BP — 1091 BP 6 years
44th Sebastiano II 1091 BP — 1077 BP 14 years
45th Sebastiano III 1077 BP — 1075 BP 2 years
46th Simono VII 1075 BP 4 months
47th Simono VIII 1075 BP — 1068 BP 7 years Rejected as illegitimate by a faction of the Church who claimed the election was rigged. A rival claimant, calling himself Martino I, established a rival papacy that was shut down by the Liliani authorities.
48th Simono IX 1068 BP — 1059 BP 9 years
49th Claudio I 1059 BP — 1049 BP 10 years
50th Dominico VIII 1049 BP — 1037 BP 12 years
51st Bernardo IV 1037 BP — 1015 BP 22 years
52nd Bernardo V 1015 BP — 1007 BP 8 years
53rd Carlo III 1007 BP — 999 BP 8 years
54th Carlo IV 999 BP — 990 BP 9 years
55th Carlo V 990 BP — 989 BP 1 year
56th Claudio II 989 BP — 987 BP 2 years
57th Celestino IV 987 BP — 976 BP 11 years Forced to abdicate by the Liliani authorities for supporting the Rivan Rebellion.
58th Simono X 976 BP — 963 BP 13 years
59th Edaro VI 963 BP — 953 BP 10 years
60th Carlo VI 953 BP — 948 BP 5 years
61st Ignacio VII 948 BP — 942 BP 6 years
62nd Justinio V 942 BP — 923 BP 19 years
63rd Dominico IX 923 BP — 916 BP 7 years
64th Andreo III 916 BP — 910 BP 16 years
65th Sebastiano IV 900 BP — 897 BP 3 years
66th Bernardo VI 897 BP — 891 BP 6 years
67th Simono XI 891 BP — 883 BP 8 years
68th Simono XII 883 BP — 863 BP 20 years
69th Claudio III 863 BP — 851 BP 12 years
70th Edaro VII 851 BP — 850 BP 1 years
71st Edaro VIII 850 BP — 844 BP 6 years
72nd Edaro IX 844 BP — 839 BP 5 years
73rd Simono XIII 839 BP — 821 BP 18 years
74th Bernardo VII 821 BP — 807 BP 14 years
75th Pio IV 807 BP — 798 BP 9 years
76th Ignacio VIII 798 BP — 792 BP 6 years
77th Ignacio IX 792 BP — 787 BP 5 years
78th Simono XIV 787 BP — 766 BP 21 years
79th Pedro II 766 BP — 763 BP 3 years
80th Claudio IV 763 BP — 759 BP 4 years
81st Carlo VIII 759 BP — 743 BP 16 years
82nd Edaro X 743 BP — 732 BP 11 years
83rd Simono XV 732 BP — 720 BP 12 years
84th Fulgencio I 720 BP — 710 BP 10 years Reasserted the Church's independence as Liliani forces withdraw. End of "the Captivity".
85th Pio V 710 BP 7 months
86th Claudio V 710 BP — 702 BP 8 years
87th Claudio VI 702 BP — 687 BP 15 years
88th Simono XVI 687 BP — 661 BP 26 years
89th Celestino V 661 BP — 656 BP 5 years
90th Justinio V 656 BP — 648 BP 8 years Ordered the earliest known compilation of Church law, ending the reliance on unwritten traditions and conventions.
91st Andreo III 648 BP — 646 BP 2 years
92nd Ignacio X 646 BP — 644 BP 2 years
93rd Carlo VIII 644 BP — 643 BP 1 years
94th Simono XVII 643 BP — 634 BP 9 years
95th Simono XVIII 634 BP — 622 BP 12 years
96th Simono XIX 622 BP 2 months
97th Celestino VI 622 BP 5 months
98th Andreo IV 622 BP — 616 BP 6 years Launched a major project to convert Piolsa to the Papaist faith. Not widely successful, but today sometimes considered one of Piolsa's patron saints.
99th Claudio VII 616 BP — 602 BP 14 years
100th Pedro III 602 BP — 586 BP 16 years
101st Pio VI 586 BP — 573 BP 13 years
102nd Bernardo VII 573 BP — 570 BP 3 years
103rd Bernardo VIII 570 BP — 560 BP 10 years
104th Simono XX 560 BP 19 days Abdicated, citing stress.
105th Dominico XI 560 BP — 559 BP 11 years
106th Claudio VIII 559 BP — 557 BP 2 years
107th Justinio VI 557 BP — 548 BP 9 years
108th Pedro IV 548 BP — 541 BP 7 years
109th Ignacio XI 541 BP — 536 BP 5 years
110th Justinio VII 536 BP — 520 BP 16 years
111th Bernardo IX 520 BP — 515 BP 5 years
112th Carlo IX 515 BP — 501 BP 14 years First Pope to officially condemn Veldanism's position as the state religion of Lendia, arguing that the country now had as many Cruisians as Veldanists.
113th Celestino VII 501 BP — 492 BP 9 years
114th Celestino VIII 492 BP — 478 BP 14 years
115th Andreo V 478 BP 5 months
116th Sebastiano V 478 BP — 473 BP 5 years Strongly but unsuccesfully opposed the unification of Lendia and Piolsa, believing that non-Cruisian Piolsa would dilute the strength of the Church.
117th Justinio VIII 473 BP — 471 BP 2 years Accused of inflaming tensions between Papaists and Veldanists. Assassinated by a Veldanist extremist, and subsequently declared a martyr.
118th Bernardo X 471 BP — 461 BP 10 years Attempted to halt religious violence, but was largely ignored.
119th Pio VII 461 BP — 452 BP 9 years
120th Celestino IX 452 BP — 422 BP 30 years Successfully negotiated an end to Veldanism's status as the state religion, greatly calming religious tension.
121st Fulgencio II 422 BP — 418 BP 4 years
122nd Ignacio XII 418 BP — 401 BP 17 years
123rd Andreo VI 401 BP — 394 BP 7 years
124th Simono XXI 394 BP — 391 BP 3 years
125th Justinio IX 391 BP — 383 BP 8 years
126th Carlo X 383 BP — 373 BP 10 years
128th Justinio X 373 BP — 372 BP 1 year
129th Simono XXII 372 BP — 370 BP 2 years
130th Celestino X 370 BP — 355 BP 15 years
131st Fulgencio III 355 BP — 344 BP 11 years
132nd Dominico XII 344 BP — 337 BP 7 years
133rd Justinio XI 337 BP — 331 BP 6 years
134th Justinio XII 331 BP — 324 BP 4 years
135th Bernardo XI 324 BP — 319 BP 8 years
136th Pio VIII 319 BP 4 months
137th Justinio XIII 319 BP — 310 BP 9 years
138th Andreo VII 310 BP — 298 BP 12 years
139th Ignacio XIII 298 BP — 296 BP 2 years
140th Celestino XI 296 BP — 289 BP 7 years
141st Julio I 289 BP — 272 BP 17 years
142nd Bernardo XII 272 BP — 260 BP 12 years
143rd Justinio XIV 260 BP — 248 BP 12 years
144th Simono XXIII 248 BP — 247 BP 1 year
145th Zeno I 247 BP — 237 BP 10 years
146th Pedro V 237 BP — 230 BP 7 years
147th Carlo XI 230 BP — 221 BP 9 years
148th Fulgencio IV 221 BP — 210 BP 11 years
149th Julio II 210 BP — 197 BP 13 years
150th Iago 197 BP — 189 BP 8 years
151st Melo I 189 BP — 165 BP 24 years
152nd Celestino XII 165 BP — 158 BP 7 years
153rd Sebastiano VI 158 BP — 139 BP 19 years
154th Ricardo I 139 BP — 137 BP 2 years
155th Justinio XV 137 BP — 135 BP 2 years
156th Justinio XVI 135 BP — 124 BP 11 years
157th Claudio IX 124 BP — 114 BP 10 years
158th Ignacio XIV 114 BP — 108 BP 6 years
159th Carlo XII 108 BP — 104 BP 4 years
160th Justinio XVII 104 BP — 86 BP 18 years
161st Pio IX 86 BP — 78 BP 8 years
162nd Zeno II 78 BP — 51 BP 27 years
163rd Justinio XVIII 51 BP — 38 BP 13 years
164th Andreo VIII 38 BP — 36 BP 2 years
165th Ignacio XV 36 BP — 33 BP 3 years
166th Simono XXIV 33 BP — 21 BP 12 years
167th Bernardo XIII 21 BP — 14 BP 7 years
168th Justinio XIX 14 BP — 9 BP 5 years
169th Celestino XIII 9 BP — 1 AP 10 years Died in the Plague.
170th Julio III 1 AP — 19 AP 18 years Worked to rebuild and stabilize the Church after the Plague. Was elected under irregular circumstances, but was eventually acknowledged by all as legitimate.
171st Carlo XIII 19 AP — 25 AP 6 years Imprisoned by Lucio I of Lalta for refusing to bless his rule.
172nd Ignacio XVI 25 AP — 27 AP 2 years Chosen under heavy pressure from King Lucio I of Lalta. Supported Laltese territorial claims, and was probably poisoned by Neonia as a result.
173rd Simono XXV 27 AP — 32 AP 5 years Attempted to steer a middle course between the papacy's autonomy and political pressures.
174th Justinio XX 35 AP 10 days Strongly against political interference in the Church. Poisoned, presumably by the Laltese monarchy.
175th Mercurio VII 35 AP — 36 AP 1 year Son of King Lucio I of Lalta, elected under severe pressure. Forced by his father to abdicate after failing to advance Laltese interests as well as expected.
176th Quinto I 36 AP — 42 AP 6 years A relative of the Laltese royal family.
178th Quinto II 42 AP — 50 AP 8 years A relative of the Laltese royal family.
179th Quinto III 50 AP — 64 AP 14 years A relative of the Laltese royal family.
180th Quinto IV 64 AP 27 days A relative of the Laltese royal family. Assassinated, probably by Neonia as part of the Inatrian War.
181st Quinto V 64 AP 2 months A relative of the Laltese royal family. Forced to abdicate after Lalta's defeat in the Inatrian War.
182nd Carlo XIV 64 AP — 70 AP 6 years A relative of the Neonian royal family, installed as part of the peace agreement following the Inatrian War. Abdicated after an assassination attempt.
183rd Dominico XIII 70 AP — 78 AP 8 years From Sagotia, chosen as a compromise between Lalta and Neonia. Avoided controversy.
184th Celestino XIV 78 AP — 80 AP 2 years Attempted to reduce corruption and eliminate political interference in the Church. Assassinated, probably on the orders of his successor.
185th Melo II 80 AP — 88 AP 8 years Notoriously corrupt. Accepted bribes from Rivania in exchange for publicly backing its war against Olasano, and from Lalta during the Lalto-Bairian War. Finally abdicated in the face of public outrage.
186th Celestino XV 88 AP — 91 AP 3 years Attempted to purge the Church of the corruption fostered in his predecessor's reign. Lost the fight and was forced to abdicate.
187th Ignacio XVII 91 AP — 95 AP 4 years Allowed corruption in the Church to spread unchecked. Murdered, possibly by a rival within the Church.
188th Bernardo XIII 95 AP — 96 AP 1 years Uncorrupt, but lacking enough power to fight corruption elsewhere, having been chosen mainly as a figurehead to create the appearance of reform. Murdered, allegedly because he had found out who killed his predecessor.
189th Zeno III 96 AP — 103 AP 7 years Corrupt. Forced to abdicate when revolutionaries captured the Papal palace.
190th Dominico XIV 103 AP 3 days Unacceptable to the revolutionaries, and forced to abdicate almost immediately.
191st Simono XXVI 103 AP 2 days Unacceptable to the revolutionaries, and forced to abdicate almost immediately. Shortest reigning Pope thus far.
192nd Miguel I 103 AP — 122 AP 19 years Reformist. Met with considerable success in clearing corruption.
193rd Pedro VI 122 AP — 143 AP 31 years Reformist. Continued the work of his predecessor.
194th Bernardo XIV 143 AP — 150 AP 7 years
195th Bernardo XV 150 AP — 153 AP 3 years
196th Sebastiano VII 153 AP — 163 AP 10 years
197th Simono XXVII 163 AP — 175 AP 12 years
198th Justinio XXI 175 AP — 181 AP 6 years
199th Celestino XVI 181 AP — 196 AP 15 years
200th Sebastiano VIII 196 AP — 204 AP 8 years Abdicated after a scandal over his personal finances.
201st Justinio XVII 204 AP — 212 AP 8 years
202nd Bernardo XVI 212 AP 4 months Died of a heart attack.
203rd Dominico XV 212 AP — 221 AP 9 years
204th Pedro VII 221 AP — 234 AP 13 years Informally allied the Church to Prince Carigo, whose popularity was soaring on the back of nationalist and authoritarian sentiment.
205th Miguel II 234 AP — 272 AP 38 years Continued alliance with Carigo when the latter became Emperor. Was eventually convinced to distance the Church from Carigo, gradually joining the opposition. This resulted in Carigo's troops attacking the Papal palace, and the Church being coerced into signing the Antario Accords, forbidding it from passing political comment. Abdicated a year later and joined a monastery. Longest reigning Pope thus far.
206th Ricardo II 272 AP — 274 AP 2 years From the faction that opposed Carigo. Accused of fueling partisanship and division.
207th Pedro VIII 274 AP — 279 AP 5 years From the faction that either supported or tolerated Carigo. Factionalism continues.
208th Dominico XVI 279 AP — 280 AP 1 year Attempted to calm partisan disputes, but died of illness before meeting much success.
209th Ricardo III 280 AP — 284 AP 4 years From the faction that opposed Carigo. Attempted to "purge" opponents from higher positions in the Church.
210th Celestino XVII 284 AP — 296 AP 12 years Strongly opposed to ongoing factional disputes, and successfully mediated between the groups. Worked to improve Church's public image and reputation, damaged by early support for Carigo and subsequent internal problems.
211th Julio IV 296 AP — present ongoing The current Pope.

Longest and shortest reigns[]

Name Number Reigned Notes
Miguel II 205th 234 AP — 272 AP 38 years
Pedro VI 193rd 122 AP — 143 AP 31 years
Celestino IX 120th 452 BP — 422 BP 30 years
Zeno II 162nd 78 BP — 51 BP 27 years
Simono XVI 88th 687 BP — 661 BP 26 years
Name Number Reigned Notes
Simono XXVI 191st 103 AP 2 days Elected during the Lendian Revolution, and forced to abdicate by revolutionaries.
Dominico XIV 190th 103 AP 3 days Elected during the Lendian Revolution, and forced to abdicate by revolutionaries.
Justinio XX 174th 35 AP 10 days Poisoned, probably by the Laltese monarchy, who objected to his campaign against political interference in the Church.
Simono XX 104th 560 BP 19 days Abdicated, citing stress.
Quinto IV 180th 64 AP 27 days Assassinated, probably by Neonia due to his support of Lalta in the Inatrian War.