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The Lega Nazionaļ (Ingallish: National League) is Porto Capital's football tournment. The term Lega Nazionaļ - or its short form Ļa Lega - is used to reffer either to the whole football league pyramid system, or to its top division alone - Lega Nazionaļ 1.

For info and results on the most recent season, see Lega Nazionaļ 320.


Football leagues had existed in former Maurestania, and also in Brolecia and in the People's Republic of Extremo. With the coming of Porto Capital, however, a football league took too long to appear. To fill this void, several minor state and local leagues appeared - such as the Bajapez State Championship, the Metropolitan Cup, the Mountain Trophy or the Oran Mounist Cup. In 303, talks started regarding the merging of all these leagues and creation of a national league system.

This would only come to an end on 308. The reason for the delay was regarding who would go to the top and lower divisions of the new Lega Nazionaļ. After several methods were devised, league chairmans finally agreed on a ranking system devised by the Ministry of Sports.

Past editions and champions[]

Season Lega 1 champions Lega 2 champions Lega 3 champions
Lega Nazionaļ 320 Extra PortoCapital Extra Porto Capital DeportivoOran Deportivo Oran BatistaMurcielagos Batista Murciélagos Fútbol Club
Lega Nazionaļ 319 ExtremoEsportivo Extremo Esportivo Rebolico Reboliço Futebol Clube Time304 Time 304
Lega Nazionaļ 318 Rabat al abybass escudo Rabat al'Abybass Oiti Oiti Atlético Clube Rebolico Reboliço Futebol Clube
Lega Nazionaļ 317 ExtremoEsportivo Extremo Esportivo SantoCrisoEC Santo Criso Esporte Clube Oiti Oiti Atlético Clube
Lega Nazionaļ 316 CAUniPapaista Club Atlético Universidad Papaista OranCeltic Oran Celtic Football Club Fenbica Fenbica Clube de Futebol
Lega Nazionaļ 315 Rabat al abybass escudo Rabat al'Abybass Alminaret escudo al'Minaret Fútbol SolarChutaredonda Solar Chutaredonda
Lega Nazionaļ 314 Melania do carmo escudo Melania do Carmo Fútbol Club SantoCrisoEC Santo Criso Esporte Clube FCFoca Futebol Clube Foca
Lega Nazionaļ 313 Melania do carmo escudo Melania do Carmo Fútbol Club WidadTingel Widad Athlétique de Tingel Oiti Oiti Atlético Clube
Lega Nazionaļ 312 LlosRatos Ļos Ratos deļa Savana Fútbol y Çutaredonda LacuJacu Lacú pra Jacú Atlético Club GilFutebolClube Gil Fútbol Club
Lega Nazionaļ 311 Rabat al abybass escudo Rabat al'Abybass NotVeryUnited Not Very United CAUniPapaista Club Atlético Universidad Papaista
Lega Nazionaļ 310 Rabat al abybass escudo Rabat al'Abybass SantoCrisoEC Santo Criso Esporte Clube Toco Arranca-Toco Futebol Clube
Lega Nazionaļ 309 LlosRatos Ļos Ratos deļa Savana Fútbol y Çutaredonda DeportivoSimpatia Deportivo Simpatia SantoCrisoEC Santo Criso Esporte Clube
Lega Nazionaļ 308 Cangurus da fronteira escudo Cangurus da Fronteira Esporte Clube LlosRatos Ļos Ratos deļa Savana Fútbol y Çutaredonda DeportivoSimpatia Deportivo Simpatia

Wins by club[]

Lega 1 titles Lega 2 titles Lega 3 titles
Rabat al abybass escudo Rabat al'Abybass 4 - -
LlosRatos Ļos Ratos deļa Savana Fútbol y Çutaredonda 2 1 -
ExtremoEsportivo Extremo Esportivo 2 - -
Melania do carmo escudo Melania do Carmo Fútbol Club 2 - -
CAUniPapaista Club Atlético Universidad Papaista 1 - 1
Cangurus da fronteira escudo Cangurus da Fronteira Esporte Clube 1 - -
Extra PortoCapital Extra Porto Capital 1 - -
SantoCrisoEC Santo Criso Esporte Clube - 3 1
Oiti Oiti Atlético Clube - 1 2
DeportivoSimpatia Deportivo Simpatia - 1 1
Rebolico Reboliço Futebol Clube - 1 1
Alminaret escudo al'Minaret Fútbol - 1 -
DeportivoOran Deportivo Oran - 1 -
LacuJacu Lacú pra Jacú Atlético Club - 1 -
NotVeryUnited Not Very United - 1 -
OranCeltic Oran Celtic Football Club - 1 -
WidadTingel Widad Athlétique de Tingel - 1 -
Toco Arranca-Toco Futebol Clube - - 1
BatistaMurcielagos Batista Murciélagos Fútbol Club - - 1
Fenbica Fenbica Clube de Futebol - - 1
FCFoca Futebol Clube Foca - - 1
GilFutebolClube Gil Fútbol Club - - 1
SolarChutaredonda Solar Chutaredonda - - 1
Time304 Time 304 - - 1

League records[]

Biggest home win:

Lega 1
Extra PortoCapital Extra Porto Capital 8 x 0 ImperialOuahranFC Imperial Ouahran

Biggest away win:

Lega 3
FCFoca Futebol Clube Foca 0 x 8 CAUniPapaista Club Atlético Universidad Papaista

Highest scoring match:

Lega 2
Cotianon Cotianón Athletic Club 5 x 4 LacuJacu Lacú pra Jacú Atlético Club

Highest scoring draw:

Lega 1
Romerocremonesi escudo Sociedade Romero-Cremonesi 4 x 4 OranCeltic Oran Celtic Football Club

The Pyramid[]

The Lega Nazionaļ System, also known as the Portocapitalian Football Pyramid, is a series of interconnected leagues, in a hierarchical format with promotion and relegation between leagues at different levels. Clubs that are successful in their division can rise higher in the pyramid, whilst those that finish at the bottom can find themselves sinking further down.

The top three levels contain one division each - Lega Nazionaļ 1, Lega Nazionaļ 2 and Lega Nazionaļ 3. The winner of Lega 1 is considered the Portocapitalian Champion for that year. The bottom two teams of Lega 1 are relegated to Lega 2, while the winner and the runner-up of Lega 2 advance to next year's Lega 1. The bottom two in Lega 2 go down to Lega 3, while the top two in Lega 3 go to Lega 2.


The three Regiolegas of the Lega Nazionaļ

Below Lega Nazionaļ 3, there are three Regional Leagues - Regiolega Norte, encompassing the state of Extremo; Regiolega Central, for the state of Guetaso; and Regiolega Sur, holding teams from Bajapez and Mauré - each with three divisions. The Regional Leagues, in turn, have individual accords for promotion and relegation with the amateur and semi-pro leagues of Porto Capital's sixteen Cerimonial Districts, who also have links with the more amateur college and local leagues.

From 308 until 319, the Regiolegas where known as Ştatolegas, with one league for each of Porto Capital's then-three states of Extremo, Guetaso and Bajapez. Following the annexation of the Mauré peninsula in January 318, teams from that new territory began joining the Bajapez state pyramid. Thus, starting in the 320 season, the Ştatolegas were renamed to Regiolegas.

Prior to the 316 season, the worst-placed team from each state in Lega 3 were relegated to their Ştatolega 1 - independently of how high they reached on the overall standings. Before that, for the 308 and 309 seasons, two teams were relegated to each Ştatolega from Lega Nazionaļ 3 - which gave a total of six teams relegated per season.

Level 1 Lega Nazionaļ 1
Level 2 Lega Nazionaļ 2
Level 3 Lega Nazionaļ 3
Level 4 Regiolega Norte 1 Regiolega Central 1 Regiolega Sur 1
Level 5 Regiolega Norte 2 Regiolega Central 2 Regiolega Sur 2
Level 6 Regiolega Norte 3 Regiolega Central 3 Regiolega Sur 3
Level 7 16 Cerimonial Districts Leagues - 1st Division
Level 8 16 Cerimonial Districts Leagues - 2nd Division
Level 9 16 Cerimonial Districts Leagues - 3rd Division
Level 10
and beyond
Various amateur and semi-pro local leagues

Logo Lega Nazionaļ
Current Season: 320Past Seasons: 319318317316315314313312311310309308