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Official languages[]

Some countries give one or more languages official status.

Single official language[]

  • Listonianfreestateflag Listonian Free State — the officially recognized language is Ingallish; it is taught in public schools and encouraged to be learned as the lingua franca.
  • Flag-mariim Mari'im — the Re'o'mari'im language is the only one with any official standing, even though few citizens actually use it as their primary language.
  • Stk Saint Kilta - Ingallish is the only official language.
  • Svarthaedir flag Svarthaedir — The officially language recognised is Svarthenska. it is taught in all educational establishments and is the official language of all government business.

Multiple official languages with equal status[]

  • Flag-portocapital Porto CapitalAro-Extreman is promoted as the lingua franca of Porto Capital, although Arosian, Sanpatrician, Extreman, Mauretanian and Mezapatani also have a somewhat equal status. Local jurisdictions may set additional policies - For instance, municipal laws in the city of Ingália Extrema, Extremo, are required too be published in Ingallish also.

Multiple official languages with different statuses[]

  • Flag-aethelnia AethelniaAnglyo-Ingallish is the official language in the Ingallish-speaking cantons AND the working language of the authorities kingdomwide. The Gardlian, Hibernian, and Phenixian languages enjoy offical language status in their respective communities. Angliyaan does not enjoy offical language status.
  • Flag-estontetso Estontetso — In 321 AP, Gorami was declared the official language of Esto, although it is spoken only by a minority (the true number of speakers is not published officially!). Therefore Estontetsan and Ingallish are permitted.
  • NationalFlagForaRifo Fora Rifo - Ezoperanto was an official language until 320AP; it has been deprecated and slated for abandonment by 330AP. Ingallish remains as the only official language.
  • Flag-lendosa Lendosa — any language declared official by the Confederation's member states has official status, but the Lendian language is the primary language of government.
  • Flag-sanpatricio San Patricio - Sanpatrician and Ingallish are Union-wide official languages. Each Homeland uses its own language for official business, but there is no obligation for Homelands to publish in the others' languages.
  • Flag-trinia Trinia — the Trinian language is the country's primary language, but four minority languages also have formal recognition.

No official language specified[]

  • Flag-tdc-small TDCorp - No official language exists in corporate regulations. Company business is transacted in Ingallish and Rizne, and translation services are available for contract and other disputes.
  • ULN State Ulnovabad - No official language; the government publishes in Ingallish and Fenizic, and translation services are available for contract disputes.
  • XochimechatlFlag Xochimechatl — the Xochimechatlan state as a whole does not designate an official national language, although the Xochimechatlan language occupies this position by default. Individual jurisdictions designate Xochimechatlan, Lendian, Chitec, or some combination of the three.

Provision of government services in non-official languages[]

Sometimes, governments will provide services to their people in a language even if it is not designated as an official language.

Official language(s) only[]

  • Flag-mariim Mari'im — the government officially requires people to use the state language for all official purposes, although the implementation of this policy at ground level is erratic. All education is required to be in the official national language.
  • Stk Saint Kilta - Only Ingallish documentation, road signs and other government materials are provided.
  • Scwflag Shaelic Commonwealth — the official language of government is Shaelic. All signage, particularly road signs, must be in Shaelic.
  • XochimechatlFlag Xochimechatl — all jurisdictions provide services only in their official languages.

Other languages permitted[]

  • Flag-aethelnia Aethelnia — The government is expected to provide services in all languages deemed appropriate for the target population, provided the target population is seizable enough.
  • Flag-estontetso Estontetso — Recognising the fact that there are only a few speakers of Gorami, most official statements, websites and correspondences are made in Ingallish while a few political or administrative terms are still in Estontetsan or now increasingly in Gorami.
  • NationalFlagForaRifo Fora Rifo - The government publishes in Ingallish and Fenizic out of deference to the former relationship with the Emirate. Materials in Ezoperanto are no longer provided, and sign replacement has been active since 320.
  • Flag-lendosa Lendosa — the government's internal rules require it to provide services in whatever languages are appropriate for the target population, which can include languages which do not have official status.
  • Listonianfreestateflag Listonian Free State — official government documents and ballots are provided in multiple translations of significant minority languages.
  • Flag-portocapital Porto Capital — The government is expected to provide services in all languages deemed appropriate for the target population.
  • Flag-sanpatricio San Patricio - All Homelands provide translated documents for a fee. The federal government provides translations for a large fee to encourage use of Sanpatrician.
  • Svarthaedir flag Svarthaedir — official government documents and ballots are provided in multiple translations of significant minority languages, principally, this includes Ingallish.
  • Flag-tdc-small TDCorp - Translation services are provided for a fee. artificial intelligence translations have reduced the need for company-provided translations to almost nothing. Road and other signage is wholly electronic and rendered in Ingallish and Rizne.
  • Flag-trinia Trinia — the government will theoretically provide services in languages which are not official, although in fact there are few people in Trinia who speak a language which does not have official status of some sort.
  • ULN State Ulnovabad - The government publishes in Ingallish and Fenizic. Road and other signs are rendered in Ingallish and Fenizic.

Controls on the use of language by private citizens[]

Occasionally, countries will make laws which attempt to regulate what languages people may or may not use in certain situations. For example, a government may try to suppress the language spoken by a minority population, or may try to enforce compulsory bilingualism, or may require that commerce must be conducted in the official language.

Requirements exist[]

  • Flag-estontetso Estontetso — The use of the official Gorami or at least a permitted (Estontetsan, Ingallish) language is required in media, product packaging, advertising, is encouraged in non-traditional music and literature, and a corresponding dubbing of films is subsidised.
  • Flag-mariim Mari'im — except in tourist areas, the government prohibits the use of any language other than the official state language in advertising, public notices, product packaging, films, non-traditional music, and literature.
  • Stk Saint Kilta - All products must have a detailed label in Ingallish containing all relevant information required by Saint Kiltan law. Dubbing of foreign visual media is obligatory, and original-language media requires a permit and payment of fees.
  • Flag-sanpatricio San Patricio - High fees for translation of official documents and compulsory use of Sanpatrician in product packaging were established at Independence, but rapidly abandoned due to the extremely rapid adoption of Sanpatrician and Ingallish across the Union; the Consejo de los Veinticuatro abolishes the old laws when they notice they are still theoretically current (on slow, boring days, and only before lunch).
  • XochimechatlFlag Xochimechatl — many jurisdictions with an ethnic Xochimechatlan majority require that businesses run by ethnic minorities use the Xochimechatlan language in addition to their own. This is primarily aimed at Lendians, who tend to be wealthier and who have historically held themselves above the Xochimechatlan majority.

No requirements[]

  • NationalFlagForaRifo Fora Rifo - Abandonment of Ezoperanto is voluntary, but popular and eased by the fact of Ingallish being the lingua franca of the Vex.
  • Flag-lendosa Lendosa — the law explicitly guarantees the right to use any language.
  • Listonianfreestateflag Listonian Free State — citizens may use any language.
  • Flag-portocapital Porto Capital — Citizens and businesses have the right to use any language they wish.
  • Svarthaedir flag Svarthaedir — Citizens may use any language they wish.
  • Flag-tdc-small TDCorp - Use of all languages is encouraged to promote multilingualism. Education and exposure ensures tetralingualism for 90%+ of stockholders in the Territory (Ingallish, Rizne, Mixtupteca Chilango, Sanpatrician)
  • Flag-trinia Trinia — there are no explicit restrictions, although there have been isolated cases of local authorities attempting to enforce bilingualism (both in favour of minority languages and in favour of the official language, depending on the situation).
  • ULN State Ulnovabad - Citizens may use any language they wish.