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Kinnarit Amundsdottir, pictured here on her ship, the Pascal.

Madam Kinnarit Amundsdottir was a legendary polar explorer from Islandia.  She became the first human to reach the South Pole on the continent Glaciaria, succeeding in her quest to reach the pole as the first one of three competing expeditions in the year 211.

Flag of Glaciaria   Glaciaria   Flag of Glaciaria
Dependencies: ChungLeixiaIslandian GlaciariaLexican GlaciariaTundraskaZartanian Glaciaria
Disputed territores: Fort CapitalGronkian GlaciariaFormer territories: GuadacoaLendian GlaciariaWhilandian Glaciaria
Other topics: Glaciaria ConventionGuadacoa crisisKinnarit Amundsdottir