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The Kemese language is one of two official languages of Kemedal (the other one being Ingallish) and is spoken as a first or second language by approximately 46 million people in Kemedal and by several millions more in other countries. Kemese is a Futuronian language belonging to the Ethwynic subgroup of Aracimric languages and as such is closely related to Estron. It is more distantly related to Fyldish.

[TECH: Kemese is a language like real-world Welsh, but with a couple of differences; Kemese as a language is more standardised than Welsh and doesn't make a difference between the literary and the colloquial language.]



Kemese spelling is largely phonetic. The Kemese alphabet comprises 29 letters, some of which are digraphs that have separate entries in dictionaries.

a b c ch d dd e f ff g ng h i j l ll m n o p ph r rh s t th u w y


labial dental alveolar postalveolar palatal velar uvular glottal
nasal voiceless m̥ <m> n̥ <n> ŋ̊ <ng>
nasal voiced m <m> n <n> ŋ <ng>
plosive voiceless p <p> t <t> k <c>
plosive voiced b <b> d <d> g <g>
affricate voiceless (t͡ʃ) <tsi>
affricate voiced (d͡ʒ) <j>
fricative voiceless f <ff> θ s <s>
ɬ <ll>
ʃ <si> χ <ch> h <h>
fricative voiced v <f> ð <dd> (z)
trill voiceless r̥ <r>
trill voiced r <rh>
approximant voiceless (ʍ) <chw>
approximant voiced l <l> j <i> w <w>


a /a/, â /a:/, e /ɛ/, ê /e:/, i /ɪ/, î /i:/, o /ɔ/, ô /o:/, u /i/, û /y/, w /u/, ŵ /u:/, y /ə/, ŷ /ʏ:/


ae /ai̯/, ai /ai̯/, au /ai̯/ (or /a/ if used as plural ending), aw /au̯/, ei /ʏi̯/ (unless it's the pronoun 'ei'), eu /ʏi̯/ (unless it's the word 'eu'), ew /ɛu̯/, iw /iu̯/, oe /ɔi̯/, ou /ɔi̯/ (rare), ow /ɔu̯/, uw /iu̯/, wy /u̯i/, yw /əu̯/


Word stress in Kemese nearly always falls on the penultimate syllable. Exceptions include some loanwords, certain adverbs that were two words originally, and certain verbnouns ending in -au.




Text Samples[]

List of country names in Kemese[]

Ingallish name Kemese name Remarks
Aethelnia Aethelnia
Akitania Berria Acutania Berria
Albion-Merité Y Feirth Officially

Alfiwn a'r Feirth, but in general use people tend to omit Alfiwn.

Altland Y Wlad Alt
Ancalda Yr Ancald
Angliya Yr Anghwl
Ansonia Answnia
Armatirion Yr Arfateyrnas Also, more poetically Y Deyrnas Arfau, 'the Kingdom of Weapons'.
Arunde Territory Arwnd
Aryantstsumbi Ariantswmbi
Auld Isles of Kilta Yr Hen Ynysoedd Cult
Bëltse Bywltse
Bomern Bomeryn
Cimera Sumery
Coare Republic Y Weriniaeth Gôr
Craïricq Y Castyr Newydd Craeric is used in daily speech.
Cruisana Crŵsana
Davenport Dafenport
Draconia Gwlad y Ddraig
Drekanland Gwlad Drecan
Eras Oerdd Continent
Escorpionica Gwlad y Sgorpion
Feniz Gorllewin Ffenus
Flovaigne Fflofenia
The Fold Y Sir
Gen Gen
Greater Burovian Realm Y Tir Mwy Bwrofwr
Guwimith Gwymydd
Jilnovia Ulnofia
Juumika Iwmica
Kashpatria Caespatria
Kemedal Y Cymoedd
Krepost Stolitsa Caerbrifddinas
Lectern of United Kencari Peoples Darllenfa Pobloedd Unedig Gentsari
Lendosan Confederation Y Cwdffederasiwn Lendoseg
Longerath Longerath Continent
Lysonia Lisonia Yr Ymerodraeth Lisoneg, 'the Lysonian Empire'.
Maryport Y Porthladd Fair
Meckeln-Flamlandt Y Fecyl a'r Wlad Fflam
Mennan Mennan
Meridic Isles Ynysoedd Meridic Continent
Northern Dascunya Gogledd Dascwnia
Phenixia Dwyrain Ffenus
People's Republic of Gronk Gweriniaeth Pobl Gronc
Rosardan Rosardan
Rovens Rofens
Samuelonia Samuelonia
Sehria Y Sir o'r De
Smalik Y Smalic Continent
Solelhada Y Wlad Heulog
Somery Yr Hafyrn
South Bay Y Bae Deheuol
Tak Y Dac
Terra Extremis Y Tir Allanol
Trinia Trunia
Ushmonia Wsmonia
Utania Wtania
Vaara Fâra
Wesmerité Y Feirth Orllewinol
Westdenia Y Ddenni
Western Hochlandia Gorllewin yr Ucheldir
Western Isles Ynysoedd Gorllewinol Continent
Western Shore Y Lan Orllewinol
Zartania Sartania Yr Ymerodraeth Fwy Sartaneg, 'the Greater Zartanian Empire'.
Zentralsk Y Canolbarth Oerdd