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Jean-Baptiste Delacroix
RZOEAZ driver Jean-Baptiste Delacroix
Born TBA
Achievements One-time race winner
Racing Series RZOEAZ
Car no., team No. 79 (Team Delacroix)
316AP Pts Pos 75th of 113
Best Pts Finish 48th (315AP)
Last Race 317AP Little Duffers 300
First Win 317AP Little Duffers 300
Last Win 317AP Little Duffers 300
Starts 71
Wins 0
Top-5s 3
Top-10s 19
Poles 0

Jean-Baptiste Delacroix (born TBA) is an Aethelnian race car driver in the RZOEAZ. He currently drives the No. 79 Delacroix Automobiles Delacroix for Team Delacroix. The son of Dr. Thomas and Martha Delacroix, young Jean-Baptiste was only eight years old when his parents were murdered in front of him after leaving a late-night screening of a Zorro movie. The incident led to Jean-Baptiste's transformation into a crime fighter. Wait! No, that's someone else. As far as we know, Jean-Baptiste's parents are still alive, and he became a race car driver instead of a masked, caped crime fighter. As for marriage and kids, I mean, who has time for that, right?

Early Life[]

RZOEAZ Career[]

314AP Season[]

315AP Season[]

316AP Season[]

Once again, driver Jean-Baptiste Delacroix did not live up to the billing, finishing with a single Top-5 finish and thee Top-10s on his way to 75th place out of 113 drivers for the season. With any other team, such lackluster results would almost guarantee that the driver would be searching for a new ride 317AP. But with the driver being a Delacroix, driving a Delacroix sponsored by Delacroix, driving for Team Delacroix, he was virtually guaranteed to return to the No. 79.

317AP Season[]

Career Stats[]

Year Car Team Start Pole Win Top-5 Top-10 Finish
317AP #79 Delacroix Automobiles Delacroix Team Delacroix 0 0 0 0 0 TBD
316AP #79 Delacroix Automobiles Delacroix Team Delacroix 23 0 0 1 3 75th
315AP #79 Delacroix Automobiles Delacroix Team Delacroix 27 0 0 2 10 48th
314AP #79 Delacroix Automobiles Delacroix Team Delacroix 21 0 0 0 6 68th