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IVEFA flag

Official flag of the IVEFA

International Vexillium Football Association
Motto Vexillium united through football
Headquarters Francisco, Samuelonia
Membership 93 national associations
President Benoît De Cavigne

The International Vexillium Football Association, commonly referred to by the the initials IVEFA, is the official governing body for Soccer/Football on the Planet Vexillium. It was founded on September 9, 298 AP, with the dissolution of FIFAV (La Fédération Internationale des Football-Associations Vexilliques), which was the pioneering organization promoting soccer on the planet, and the initial organizer of the Vexillium Cup, the premier crown of planetary soccer supremacy.

The organisation's headquarters are located in Francisco, Samuelonia, and its current president is Benoît De Cavigne. IVEFA is responsible for the organization and governance of football's major international tournaments, most notably the Vexillium Cup.

IVEFA currently boasts a membership of 93 national football associations.


There are three continental associations which are the primary branches of IVEFA. The three continental associations are responsible for governing of football in their region.

NOVEFA Members:[]


Nation Membership Year
Flag aros icone Aros
Danica-1- Danica
5030fer Ferrata
IWKflag Kukuria
Lcflag Lamb's Cove
Flag-morania-small Morania
Flag-sempervirens-small Sempervirens
VknlFlag Vingarmark


Nation Membership Year
Flag-caledon-small Caledon
Deucoland The Deucolands
Djeriga Djeriga
Flag-kiltanland Kiltanland
FlagKR Kongrenuru
Flag-ntembe Ntembe
Nkflag Nwandiqwe
UTFNNational United Territories
Westria Westria
Flag-xambu Xambu


Nation Membership Year
Babenbay Babendy
Flag-easterndelgamia Eastern Delgamia
KYS Kasvrisavarsk
Flag-tdc-small Norcatlan (TDC)
FRD North Dignania
NOV Novoyoakes
UBD South Dignania


Nation Membership Year
Flag-afrazure Afrazure
Allacoa Flag 318 Allacoa
Itiaguflag Itiagu
Kalesthesia Kalisth'azira
Leorward Leorward
Flag-lystonia-small Listonia
Flag-mariim Mari'im
Flag-tdc-small TDCorp 299
Flag-portocapital Porto Capital
Flag-sanpatricio San Patricio
Flag-stervia-small Stervia
Svarthaedir flag Svarthaedir (formely; Flag-islandia Islandia) 298
Tumicki Tumicki
Uudangwuu Uudangwuu
Da-wgch Wang Chung

ULFA Members:[]

Nation Membership Year
Flag-aethelnia Aethelnia 301
Ancalda Ancalda 298
Angliyaaflag Angliya 298
Flagbeltsebig Bëltse 316
Bomern flag Bomern 313
Flag-caboteniasa Caboteniasa 298
Flagcoare Coare Republic 316
Flag-cruisana Cruisana 298
Davflag Davenport 298
Flag-draconia Draconia 298
Flagdrekanland Drekanland 317
Flag-estontetso Estontetso 298
FenizNationalFlag Feniz 300
FLO Flovaigne 316
Flaggen Gen 316
Flagkencari Kencari 316
Kilda flag Saint Kilta 298
Flag-lendosa Lendosa 298
Lombr Lómbriguáy 298
Maryportflag Maryport 298
MF Meckeln-Flamlandt 313
Flag-neoliliana Neoliliana 298
Flagnortherndascunya Northern Dascunya 317
Flag-phenixia Phenixia 298
Template:LabelPortMarie 298
StSamuelFlag Samuelonia 298
Sanx Sanx 298
Sck1 Solánçe 298
Flag-solelhada Solelhada 298
Flagtak Tak 308
Template:LabelTigerConf 298
Flag-trinia Trinia 298
Template:LabwlWestdenia 317
Template:LabelWesternHochlandia 317
Flagwt Western Shore 316
Flagvaara Vaara 316
Westuhlan West Uhlan 298

Vid Treska Zalivyche, Zartanian Angliya, Amistat, Kunn Fedoron, Rugla, Eastern Islands (Svarthaedir)

Former Members[]

Nation Membership Year
Flag-bowdani Bowdani 298-316
Flag-FSD-1- Dascunya 298-317
Hochsm Hochlandia 298-301
MF Meckeln-Flamlandt ###-313
Northern Phenixia flag Northern Phenixia Territories 298-300

CEFA Members:[]

Nation Membership Year
Akitania Berria flag Akitania Berria
ALM Albion-Merité 299
Flag-altland Altland
Flag-ansonia-small Ansonia
Flag-armatirion Armatirion 298
Begral-1- Begral
Chungxipang Chungxiang 298
CimFlag Cimera
Tz civil Eastern Zartania 298
Flag-elafitesandzufites Elafites & Zufites 300
NationalFlagForaRifo Fora Rifo
Prg-1- Gronkian Union
GuwimithFlag Guwimith 298
Jlnovjan flag Jilnovia
FlagKemedal Kemedal
Lysempire Lysonia
Flag-namuria Namuria 299
Rosardan NatFlag Rosardan 299
Flag-rovens Rovens
SN Severnaya
Somnat Somery
Sbflagsm South Bay
Utania Utania
MeritePRWflag Wesmerité
Wz civil Western Zartania 300
FRWNationalSmall Whiland 298

Former members[]

Nation Membership Year

Current Rankings[]

See IVEFA Vexillium Rankings

IVEFA President:[]

Victor Brandenburg

Former IVEFA Presidents:[]

Year President Nationality
318- Benoît De Cavigne Flag-phenixia Phenixia
313-318 Victor Brandenburg StSamuelFlag Samuelonia
302-313 Sir Leonardo Montasenna StSamuelFlag Samuelonia
299-302 Baldriarch K. Kickins Westria Westria

IVEFA Ranking[]

International Competitions[]

The Vexillium Cup[]

The Vexillium Cup is an international football competition contested by the men's national teams of the members of the International Vexillium Football Association. The first Vexillium Cup was held in 298 in Cruisana and Davenport.

Copa Vexanova[]

See: Copa Vexanova

The Copa Vexanova is an international men's football tournament contested between national teams from NOVEFA. The competition determines the continental champion of Nova Vexillium.

Longerath Cup of Nations[]

See: Longerath Cup of Nations

The ULFA Longerath Cup of Nations is the primary association football competition contested by the senior men's national teams of the members of the Union of Longerath Football Associations, determining the continental champions of Longerath. The tournament has been held annually since 298 and usually takes place in February.

Union of Eras Cup[]

See: Union of Eras Cup

The Union of Eras Cup is an international men's football tournament contested between national teams from CEFA. The competition determines the continental champion of Eras.

Cup of Champions[]

The Cup of Champions is an annual event, for national teams, contested by the confederation champions (NOVEFA, ULFA and CEFA), the winner, runners-up and third-placed team of the Vexillium Cup and a host nation which brings the number of teams to ten.

Cup of Champions
Year Host Winners Runners-Up 3rd Place
308 Cruisana Utania Westria Somery

Cup of Champions '09[]

  • Host Nation:
  • Vexillium Cup Champions:
  • Vexillium Cup Runners-up:
  • Vexillium Cup 3rd placed:
  • Union of Eras Cup Champions:
  • Union of Eras Cup Runners-up:
  • Copa Vexanova Champions:
  • Copa Vexanova Runners-up:
  • Longerath Cup of Nations Champions:
  • Longerath Cup of Nations Runners-up:

309 -

Cup of Champions - Cruisana 308

Other Competitions[]

International Club Competitions[]

Hall of Champions:[]

Last updated: June 1, 308

  • 300 Vexillium Cup Champions: Westria
  • 299 Vexillium Cup Champions: Whitlam
  • 298 Vexillium Cup Champions: Christiana
  • 299 IVEFA Masters Champions: Eastern Zartania
  • Current IVEFA Titleholders: Westermarc
  • 301 VexGames Gold Medalists: Draconia
  • 300 VexGames Gold Medalists: Brolecia
  • 299 VexGames Gold Medalists: Brolecia
  • 308 Union of Eras Cup Champions: Lysonia
  • 300 UOCFA Cup Champions: Eastern Zartania
  • 300 Copa Vexanova Champions: Westria
  • 299 Copa Vexanova Champions: Westria
  • 300 Copa Burovia Champions: Westria
  • 299 Copa Melania Champions: Brolecia
  • 298 WHCON Champions: Dascunya
  • 300 Tom Koh Trophy Champions: Whitlam
  • 299 Tom Koh Trophy Campions: Eastern Zartania
  • 298 Tom Koh Trophy Campions: Eastern Zartania
  • 299 Smalik Shootout I Champions: Christiana
  • 299 Smalik Shootout II Champions: Lendosan Federation
  • 305 Empire Cup Champions: Western Zartania
  • 302 Empire Cup Champions: Eastern Zartania
  • 300 Empire Cup Champions: Eastern Zartania
  • 300 Realmscup Champions: Racing Club Montroy (WES)
  • 301 Realmscup Champions: Omegans CFC Kimichouko (WMC)

Soccer Links of Vexillium:[]

(adapted from the official IVEFA homepage)