Early in 324, Estontetso invited all nations and companies that operate or wish to promote airshipping to a conference in Duceta to establish an international airshipping society. Parties attending will be listed as founding members, parties invited but not attending will be given observer status.

The Emperor of Liliana, Duceta
The conference took take place 29th March - 3rd April 324 at the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Hotel Emperor Of Liliana in Duceta.
On invitation[1] by the Undersecretary and Director, Office of Economy, Business and Commerce, the following participants finally showed up:
- from Kemedal
- Traffic and Transport Minister (Mrs.) Mari Traharn-Beynon
- CEO Ceinwen fch Iorwerth of the Kemedalian airline AwyrBan
- from Tak
- Traffic and Transportation Minister nDuuɣu As
- Qe ob Ɣeŋ, head of the so far only Tak airship production company Ŋod kə Ɣeŋ
- from Estontetso
- Undersecretary and Director, Office of Economy, Business and Commerce
- Chief Director of Transportation
- Director, Federal Estontetsan Airshipping Lines ESTONTETSO DIRIGIVEIS/FEDESTAIRSHLI
- Director, Federal Estontetsan Airways FEA/FEDESTAIR
- Director, Duceta Zentralflughafen
- from Feniz (from 1 April onwards)
- Royal Fenizic Airshipping Company
- Ix'Fleeg-In Feniz
- Airport Fenizabad
- Royal Air Transport Wing, Royal Naval Guards
- Inspector of Airshipping with National Airshipping School
- Fighter Wing, Air Defence Command
- Naval Air Patrol Wing, Command of Naval Aeronautics
Meeting programme[]

Esto's AS-127 and a crowd of spectators assembled to welcome the delegations

Tak delegation arrived aboard THT-004 'Sat ob Ƕrt'
- Arrival of participants
- News item: "Duceta's population is in a frenzy. The big airship conference begins tonight and the crowds are flocking to the airport in anticipation of the participants' arrival. The access roads are jammed. The underground has added an extra service. The gendarmerie is struggling to maintain security and order. Our reporter is in the thick of it and has asked people what they are so excited about. Most of them replied: "We hope to see a large number of airships flying in!" In fact, the organisers have at least asked the neighbours from Feniz to send some ships, as there is to be a joint conference trip to the Lok Islands, with airships, of course. The large Paxton OFP airship from the Royal Fenizic Airshipping Co. would even be able to take everyone together. Let's hope that the people here are not disappointed and get to see some really spectacular landings."
- Ice breaker party[2]
- The Tak delegation could not join in because they travelled in proper style aboard nTaah Har Tol (meaning 'Tak Air Ship') THT-004 "Sat ob Ƕrt" on its maiden voyage but only arrived in Duceta around 5.42 AM, for weather reasons.

View of the meeting
- Keynote address by Bundespräsident W. S. Hombruch
- Your Exellencies! Honourable Chairmen! Dear Directors! Ladies and Gentlemen! I have the pleasure and honour to welcome you to this groundbreaking, no, let me call it airbreaking conference. Advancing globalisation is forging all nations together, shrinking distances and increasing traffic. At the same time, protecting the environment requires the careful use of resources. However, people and goods need to be moved, and different needs require different means of transport. For many requirements, air transport is the means of choice. The airship is a tried and tested, constantly modernised technology. It is quiet, economical, slow and, despite its size, is happy with small airfields. Used correctly, it undeniably has its place among the means of transport. I hope, ladies and gentlemen, that you will create an agreement and an organisation that will fully ensure this correct use and thus open up a great and long-lasting future for the airship.
- Introductory statement by Undersecretary Ichdenkemirsoungernenamenaus
- Your Exellencies! Dear Chairmen, Directors, Ladies and Gentlemen! This first ever international meeting on the matters of airshipping must can and will set cornerstones in international co-operation. The bare fact of your presence is the guarantee for its success. I only ask you this favour: Throw in your ideas, your wishes, your plans, your visions at any stage of the conference, so no item will be missed and any necessary regulation and standardisation can be achieved. What has been done for heavier-than-air faction many, many years ago, we will accomplish in the days before us for the lighter-than-air traffic. Let's get to work, may it succeed!

Working group
- Presentations and discussion:
- Airshipping yesterday, today, tomorrow
- Airship technologies
- Production issues
- Influence of weather on airship operations
- Airship ground equipment
- Heavy duty airships

- Opera gala: Operetta "Frau Luna" with the famous song "Berliner Luft".[3] The alternatively offered modern Choreographic Opera "Schwerer als Luft" did not meet the taste of the voters.[4]

Night life in Zweibrücken, Duceta's old city
- Conclusion of the evening in Duceta's bars and night clubs

On the beach of Lokita Island
- Excursion to Lok Islands aboard an Estontetsan airship
- Social evening event on the beach of Lokita Island, disturbed by a small-scale tropical storm

Participants talking on a walk across Lokita Island
- Informal talks on Lokita or Lok
- The Fenizic delegation arrived in Lokport in the afternoon. They organised a drink as an apology, but, unfortunately, there was no time for longer expert discussions with the newcomers.
- Flight back to Duceta

The first board of the new association
- Official foundation of the "Society Of Airship Running States And Companies - SOAR"
- Decision on the voting mode: per country, weighted according to membership status.
- Presentation, discussion, and resolution of its charter, name, logo, bodies, cooperations (UNV? UNVAC?)
- Decision that observers will become full members on simple request without further ado.
- Election of a board (President: His Excellency the Tak Traffic and Transportation Minister nDuuɣu As ob Dug, Secretary: His Excellency the Estontetsan Undersecretary Ichdenkemirsoungernenamenaus, Director of the Office of Economy, Business and Commerce)
- Farewell dinner

Bilateral talks in the hotel lounge
- Bilateral talks
- Departure
- ↑ The first invitation was a public one. Responses were registered from
- Traffic and Transport Minister Mari Traharn-Beynon (looking into the re-introduction of airships in Kemedal)
- Traffic and Transportation Minister nDuuɣu As (announcing a delegation from the Free States of Tak who are starting production of airships after 90 years of intermittence)
The next invitation was directly sent to
- Kemedal:
- Traffic and Transport Minister Mari Traharn-Beynon
- Tak:
- Traffic and Transportation Minister nDuuɣu As
- Ɣeŋ Enterprise
- any other Tak companies using commercial airships
- any Tak commercial airship manufacturers
- United Territories of Fiarria and Nuarmia (UTFN):
- Watts & Mealing Heavy Lifting (WMHL)
- Lamb's Cove:
- Paxton Tire & Rubber Co.
- + Cove Air
- Feniz:
- Royal Fenizic Airshipping Company
- + Ix'Fleeg-In Feniz
- Airport Fenizabad
- + Royal Air Transport Wing, Royal Naval Guards
- Inspector of Airshipping with National Airshipping School
- + Fighter Wing, Air Defence Command
- + Naval Air Patrol Wing, Command of Naval Aeronautics
- Fora Rifo:
[TECH: + means not contained in the letter invitation] - ↑ live music by Big Band of the International Military Music Academy
- ↑ Luft means air, most fittingly
- ↑ Only 1 vote was received, from Esto.