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2000-600 BP   [tech: point your mouse at in-game years to see corresponding real-world years]


FIRST (Laviscos) DYNASTY[]

2000-1978 BP

2000 BP Burburreica is conquered by Micholerdia; the king of Micholerdia declares himself emperor of Liliana. Greater Micholerdia becomes Liliana the heart of the new empire. Arro-Take dies the same year, and his son succeeds him.
1998 BP Estontalle is conquered and added to Liliana.


1978-1890 BP

1978 BP Emperor Jame is slain by his general, Toka, who founds the Janados dynasty.
1977 BP New northern territories are added to Liliana.
1975 BP Liliana finishes conquering the north and proclaims Liliana Proxima, the second province of Liliana. This creates a precedent and all future conquests become provinces separate from Liliana Magna, the homeland.
1950 BP Berburreidica becomes the third province of Liliana. Southern Berburreidica was not added for almost one thousand years. Berburreidica had been conquered 50 years previous, but the people did not accept Liliani overlordship. This 'waiting period' for citizenship created a precedent; all new conquered territories had to show peaceful existence for a number of years without revolt to join the empire.
1947 BP Alembidicum becomes the fourth province of Liliana.
1946 BP Liliana begins the invasion of Dascagnia. Augusto Claudio commanded the army that conquered the north of Dascagnia. Fergus, chieftain of Dascagnia, is killed in the battle of Werrian. Further resistance by the Dascagnians ceases. Liliana introduces its language to the indigenous people and renames the country Dascugnium.
1921 BP Auria is founded by the Auranni.
1919 BP Auria conquers Qella.
1918 BP Auria invades Kagere, but is turned back.
1914 BP Qella becomes integrated with Auria (the Promise).
1912 BP Auria allies with the Tazothi tribesmen. Beginning of Auranni dominance in Neoliliana.
1910 BP The last king of Dasemia dies. No new king is elected.
1909 BP Kagere allies with the Relloi tribesmen.
1904 BP Dasemia ceases to exist as an independent entity, totally subsumed by Kagere.
1893 BP Kageri-Aura war.

THIRD (Garanhoes) DYNASTY[]

1890-1782 BP

1890 BP The emperor and his family are poisoned. His successor is never proven guilty. Liliana invades Uestadagnia.
1888 BP Kagere and Liliana conspire against Auria and destroy it. Kagere claims the Tazothi lands for their own, and lets Liliana pacify the defeated Auranni. Beginning of Kageri dominance in Neoliliana.
1862 BP Uestadagnia is completely conquered by Liliana. Liliana introduces its language to the indigenous people, and rename the region Uestadagnium.
1850 BP Liliana Minor becomes the fifth province of Liliana, consisting mainly of the former kingdom of Auria. Kagere was not added for another 70 years. Beginning of Liliani dominance in Neoliliana.
1826 BP Liliana Superior becomes the sixth province of Liliana.


1782-1587 BP

1782 BP End of the Garanhoes dynasty; beginning of the Pimbas dynasty.
1780 BP Kagere is conquered and joined to Liliana Minor.
1738 BP Portium Mare becomes the seventh province of Liliana.
1703 BP Dascugnium and Uestadagnium become the eighth and ninth provinces of the Empire, respectively.
1700 BP Faeniccia Minor becomes the tenth province of Liliana.
1636 BP Caesaria Evora becomes the eleventh province of Liliana.
1587 BP Civil war breaks out in Liliana; Count Anton IV of Lendia declares independence from Liliana.

FIFTH (Berberroes) DYNASTY[]

1585-1296 BP

1585 BP The victorious Bei Jeka is proclaimed emperor; beginning of the Berberroes dynasty.
1447 BP Escorpionica becomes the twelfth province of Liliana through marriage.
1399 BP King Margun of Lendia attacks Liliana.
1398 BP First Lendian War against Lendia begins by Liliana, attacking Percejevan.
1342 BP Percevejanis Nova is conquered and becomes the thirteenth province of Liliana in the same year. End of the First Lendian War.
1329 BP First strike against Lendia. Beginning of the Second Lendian War.
1301 BP Caesaria Beja becomes the fourteenth province of Liliana.
1297 BP Lendiana becomes the fifteenth province of Liliana. Dissolution of Lendian empire, end of the Second Lendian War. Lendia would resist for another one hundred and fifty years, but ceased to exist as a major power.

SIXTH (Arrebimbas) DYNASTY[]

1296-1156 BP

1296 BP Gregorio (the Last) dies without issue; the Arrebimbas dynasty begins.
1275 BP Northern Smallik (called Budania) is conquered and pacified; it is divided into Budania Superior and Inferior, the sixteenth and seventeenth provinces of the empire, respectively.


1156-600 BP

1156 BP Lendia falls to Liliana; Lendia loses 90% of its population

and all territories save Lendia itself over the 250-year "war." Emperor Jame dies in battle, and his heirs are found dead. The Bejufas dynasty begins.

1130 BP Southern Berburreidica is added to Berburreidica province when the locals ask to be included in the empire.
1119 BP Goramia is absorbed by Liliana through dynastic marriage and becomes Gregurdicum, the eighteenth and last province of the Liliani Empire.
934 BP Finding the extensive territory of Dascugnium and Uestadegnium difficult to control, emperor Augustus IV (Auga IV) replaced the provincial system in both territories with a Regiocomei (county) system. Dascugnium was divided in eight counties: Vilina, Ystria, Odeland, Devrognia, Gardmoor, Klerengard, Ockenham and Angialda. Uestadegnium was divided in three counties: Zorriaga, Adnemar and Fluvis. All the counts had to swear fealty to the Emperor. This is the first recorded use of Feudalism in Longerath.
714 BP Rising out of barbarism, Lendia declares the first republic and makes peace with Liliana
712 BP Elections on Lendia; first in Vexillium. In southern Liliana, the counties of Ystria, Vilinia, Odeland, Gardmoor and Klerengard in Dascunya, and all the counties of Uestadenia, begin a revolution against the Empire of Liliana. The counties of Devrognia, Okenham and Angialda do not participate in the revolution, and fight against the rebel counties. War of Dascunyan Independence.
700 BP Piolhosa breaks away from Liliana and disintegrates. In the south, the rebel counties win the war of independence against the empire. The victorious counties proclaim the Kingdom of Dascunya, including the old provinces of Dascugnium and Faeniccia Minor, and the Kingdom of Uestadenia, including the old provinces of Uestadenia and Caesaria. The loyalist counties of Angialda and Devrognia remain part of Liliana. William I "the Clever" becomes first king of Dascunya and head of the Gardmoor dynasty. He moves the capital of Dascunya from Drekan to St. Hugues. William I maintained a non-aggression policy with his neighbours.
680 BP The Smalik states become virtually independent Budani provinces and cease paying tribute to Liliana.
679 BP William I of Dascunya dies. William II "the Warrior" succeeds him. A small war between Dascunya and Uestadenia breaks out.
662 BP William II of Dascunya conquers the city of Deltland, in Uestadenia.
660 BP Leon takes power in Lendia.
660-658 BP Dictatorship of Leon in Lendia.
658 BP Leon deposed, democracy restored in Lendia.
655 BP William II of Dascunya dies; his son Edward I "the Youth" is proclaimed king. Edward I married his second son Edward to Claire of Francie (in Phenixia), and his third son Lawrence to Teresa of Iberie (also in Phenixia); this added two eastern territories to Dascunya.
651 BP Seltorniok takes power in Lendia.
651-642 BP Dictatorship of Seltorniok in Lendia.
642 BP Seltorniok dies; democracy restored in Lendia.
628 BP Edward I of Dascunya dies. His son William III "the Chruistian" is proclaimed king. William III builds the cathedral of St. Hugues, Danheim and Chateaubleu Abbey.
612 BP Lendians in Smalik revolt and declare independence from Liliana in a federation of


600 BP The Empire of Liliana is dissolved by the Emperor. The Empire of Estontetso is proclaimed. Angialda and Devrognia decline to join the new empire and form their own nation of Ançalda. William III of Dascunya dies, leaving no masculine heirs. His daughter, Rose, marries Charles-Albert of Klerengard, beginning the Klerengard dynasty. Charles-Albert is proclaimed king of Dascunya. He builds the port of Danheim and the Royal Palace of St. Hugues.
National Museum of Neoliliana Exhibit: THE HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION
Warring Tribes | First Kingdoms | In Liliani Empire | Second Kingdom | Revolution in Neoliliana | Republics | In FCLR | Modern Neoliliana