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297-298 AP   [tech: point your mouse at in-game years to see corresponding real-world years]

During the rule of Lendian Emperor Tandisto Talriez (178-234 AP), Lendia played a major role in the founding of the League of Lendian Republics, a group of ethnically Lendian states in what are now Caboteniasa and Neoliliana. In 245 AP, the League of Lendian Republics was merged directly into the Lendian Empire, having already been effectively taken over by the Empire some time previously.

There were increasing calls for abolition of the monarchy. There were also increasing calls for autonomy or independence from non-Lendian regions of the Empire. Eventually, in 295 AP, the Empire was officially dissolved, and the resultant federal republic was called the Free Confederacy of Lendian Republics, or the FCLR. The FCLR was not stable, however. In 299 AP, a referendum was finally held on the dissolution of the FCLR into its component parts, and the FCLR's population voted in favour. Lendia, Piolsa, and the various surrounding states, the old Empire's core territories, agreed to form a new nation, the Lendosan Confederation.


178-234 AP The Lendian Empire founds the League of Lendian Republics.
245 AP The League of Lendian Republics is merged into the Lendian Empire.
295 AP Lendia becomes a federal republic, the Free Confederacy of Lendian Republics (FCLR).
299 AP FCLR dissolved; the old Empire's core territories - without Neoliliana - form the Lendosan Confederation.


History of Lendosa, Part 4

National Museum of Neoliliana Exhibit: THE HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION
Warring Tribes | First Kingdoms | In Liliani Empire | Second Kingdom | Revolution in Neoliliana | Republics | In FCLR | Modern Neoliliana