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Logo of ICARA.

ICARA - the International Championship Auto Racing Association was founded in 300, and is an international open-wheel racing series, racing Formula-type cars on a variety of different tracks all around Vexillium. It is headquartered in Ayrtona, Ursulan, the Deucolands.


Typical ICARA Open-Wheel style race car (Chassis: Arella; Engine: Kunghai)

ICARA will features a variety of tracks, including ovals, road courses, street circuits, and even one airport, with races held in about a dozen countries on various continents, and over 50 drivers competing.

The marquee race is "The Greatest Spectacle in Racing", the Ayrtona 500, which is held at the Ayrtona International Speedway in the Deucolands, and has a history dating all the back to its first running in 243AP.


ICARA was founded in 300AP by an enthusiastic group of business-people racing enthusiasts disillusioned with the poorly run IAF Formula 1. Led by Chungese magnate Alex Wei-Chun Zurada, the group restored the famous Ayrtona 500 race, and also created a new global open-wheel racing series from scratch. ICARA had a test run in 300AP with a 3-race "Mini-Series", including the Ayrtona 500, ICARA 500 and Alphalpha Island race. Following the successful completion of the 300AP Mini-Series, the first full ICARA season was run in 301AP, and has been ever since.

Drivers Championship[]

The table below lists the ICARA driver champions that have been crowned since the series' inception in 300AP.

List of ICARA Driver World Champions and Runners-Up
Year Champion Nation # Team Runner-Up Nation # Team
319AP Korana Setusu Utania 6 Satosan Yuen Kapaya Utania 25 Saqlain
318AP Curzon Havillant IWKflag 3 Schnysna Yuen Kapaya Utania 25 Saqlain
317AP Zoltar Clemént REZ 15 Veron Holice Demarca ALM 11 Kunghai
316AP Korana Setusu Utania 6 Satosan Curzon Havillant IWKflag 3 Schnysna
315AP Aimeric Geulfsprecken Flag-draconia 26 Saqlain Curzon Havillant IWKflag 3 Schnysna
314AP Holice Demarca ALM 11 Kunghai Curzon Havillant IWKflag 3 Schnysna
313AP Piet-Maria Caniz Deucosm 26 Saqlain Korana Setusu Utania 6 Satosan
312AP Juan-Miguel Wolfganger Deucosm 22 Rolfe Romilly Elgin REZ 8 Valkan
Jacques Taniai Chungxipang 11 Kunghai
Jonathan Bregenza Solanch 3 Schnysna
Holice Demarca ALM 77 Jomani
311AP Curzon Havillant IWKflag 3 Schnysna Jonathan Bregenza Solanch 25 Saqlain
310AP Bruno Maxim KTZ 69 Xibalbá-Kunghai Erik vun Trau KTZ 12 Kunghai
309AP Daniel Chauvert Davflag 42 Lorican Nikhlas Denim Babendy 1 Valkan
308AP Nikhlas Denim Babendy 7 Valkan Korana Setusu Utania 6 Satosan
307AP Jacques Taniai Chungxipang 11 Kunghai Korana Setusu Utania 6 Satosan
306AP Piet-Maria Caniz Deucosm 21 Saqlain Erik vun Trau KTZ 12 Kunghai
305AP Tewell Curbith Somnat1 39 Morlett Jonathan Bregenza Solanch 8 Valkan
304AP Daniel Chauvert Davflag 42 Lorican Korana Setusu Utania 1 Valkan
303AP Korana Setusu Utania 7 Valkan Hadra Lidiur Namuria 2 Zerus-Icaro
302AP Nikhlas Denim Babendy 30 Zerus-Icaro Hadra Lidiur Namuria 29 Zerus-Icaro
301AP Stavros Del Ransom Flag-morania-small 32 Martino-Daki Hadra Lidiur Namuria 29 Zerus-Icaro
300AP Jacques Taniai Chungxipang 17 Kunghai Piet-Maria Caniz Deucosm 21 Saqlain

Rookie of the Year[]

The table below lists the ICARA Rookies of the Year that have been crowned since the series' inception in 300AP.

List of ICARA Rookies of the Year
Year Driver Nation Car # Team
319AP Naldo Cazuza Flag-portocapital 73/7 Le Gliajeu / Valkan
318AP Matan Tsokolateng Flag-rovens 47 Donovan-Kunghai
317AP Hélvim Lavigue FLO 73 Northguard
316AP Leonardo Maldoria StSamuelFlag 52 Landa Xiuhcoatl-Straymahq
315AP Deiloun d'Aladin Kalesthesia 52 Landa Xiuhcoatl-Veron
314AP Balfour Fortescue Aethelnia flag 5 Satosan
313AP Zoltar Clemént REZ 15 Veron
312AP Tyllyn Kyrryk Kalesthesia 25 Saqlain
311AP Aimeric Geulfsprecken Flag-draconia 27 Isolde-Valkan
310AP Khwöök “Wally” mWool Flagtak 28 Isolde-Valkan
309AP Richard Westleigh CLD 36 Boltzer
308AP Amanda Takanagiwa Chungxipang 15 Chimalli-Vomeku
307AP Jules Vereznex Flag-draconia 51 DMD Radio-Parmiyon
306AP Ralph du Mareq KTZ 22 Saqlain
305AP Frida Linnemann Flag-draconia 24 Marlene Foth
304AP Joachim Giegenhesse Flag-draconia 23 Marlene Foth
303AP Ivan Krachikofv REZ 19 CMC
302AP Anton Echevarria Deucosm 4 Orca (OrdCar)
301AP Daniel Chauvert Davflag 42 Lorican
300AP (not awarded)

Manufacturers Championship[]

The table below lists the ICARA manufacturer champions that have been crowned since the series' inception in 300AP.

List of ICARA Manufacturers Champions
Year Manufacturer Logo Nation Wins
319AP Saqlain SQ Kalesthesia 7
318AP Schnysna Schnysna Westria 8
317AP Veron Veron1 KTZ 7
316AP Satosan Satosanlogo Chungxipang 6
315AP Straymahq Stray-45 KTZ 4
314AP Kunghai Kunghailogo Chungxipang 6
313AP Satosan Satosanlogo Chungxipang 1
312AP Satosan Satosanlogo Chungxipang 3
311AP Schnysna Schnysna Westria 5
310AP Schnysna Schnysna Westria 5
309AP Lorican Lmw Davflag 4
308AP Satosan Satosanlogo Chungxipang 3
307AP Satosan Satosanlogo Chungxipang 2
306AP Kunghai Kunghailogo Chungxipang 5
305AP Valkan Valkanlogo Deucosm 5
304AP Zerus-Icaro Zeruslogo Namuria 3
303AP Zerus-Icaro Zeruslogo Namuria 4
302AP Zerus-Icaro Zeruslogo Namuria 6
301AP Zerus-Icaro Zeruslogo Namuria 8
300AP Kunghai Kunghailogo Chungxipang 1