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Gross domestic product, or GDP, measures the amount economic production in a country. It is usually calculated by adding consumption, investment, and net exports. A country's GDP value is often used to measure the "size" of a country's economy, or to measure a country's wealth, although it is not universally accepted as being suited for this purpose.

The countries on Vexillium with the largest GDPs are Burovia and Armatirion, which lead by a considerable margin. When considered in terms of population, however, both countries drop considerably — the highest per capita GDP belongs to Saint Kilta, followed by TDCorp territory, the tiny island state of Fora Rifo, and Cruisana.

Ranked lists of countries for which data is available are below. Figures are given in Cruisanan Crowns.

Countries by GDP[]

  1. Flag-burovia Burovia — 7,711 billion
  2. Flag-armatirion Armatirion — 6,747 billion
  3. Flag-tdc-small TDCorp — 4,608 billion
  4. KSZ Zartania — 3,680 billion
  5. Flag-lendosa Lendosa — 2,950 billion
  6. Flag-estontetso Estontetso — 2,338 billion
  7. FRWNationalSmall Whiland — 2,310 billion
  8. Flag-draconia Draconia — 2,195 billion
  9. Flag-bowdani Bowdani — 1,451 billion
  10. Somnat Somery — 763.5 billion
  11. MeritePRWflag Wesmerité — 723.4 billion
  12. Flag-solelhada Solelhada — 573.4 billion
  13. Davflag Davenport — 499.6 billion
  14. Flag-aethelnia Aethelnia — 400.0 billion
  15. CimFlag Cimera — 399.0 billion
  16. FenizNationalFlag Feniz — 382.5 billion
  17. Flag-trinia Trinia — 368.9 billion
  18. UTFNNational United Territories — 333.0 billion
  19. Flag-sanpatricio San Patricio — 322.3 billion
  20. Flag-easterndelgamia Eastern Delgamia — 202.9 billion
  21. Svarthaedir flag Svarthaedir — 198.7 billion
  22. VknlFlag Vingarmark — 168.0 billion
  23. Flag OrdlandConfederation Ordland — 162.5 billion
  24. Utania Utania — 145.8 billion
  25. Flag-cruisana Cruisana — 143.6 billion
  26. Flag-caboteniasa Caboteniasa — 115.8 billion
  27. Flag-rovens Rovens — 93.6 billion
  28. Flag-portocapital Porto Capital — 70.0 billion
  29. Allacoa Flag 318 Allacoa — 63.8 billion
  30. Flag-kiltanland Kiltanland — 59.9 billion
  31. IWKflag Kukuria — 45.0 billion
  32. XochimechatlFlag Xochimechatl — 29.5 billion
  33. Flag-ansonia-small Ansonia — 12.6 billion
  34. Flag-mariim Mari'im — 12.6 billion
  35. Djeriga Djeriga — 5.0 billion
  36. Stk Saint Kilta — 0.29 billion
  37. NationalFlagForaRifo Fora Rifo — 0.2 billion

Countries by per capita GDP[]

  1. Stk Saint Kilta — 72,500
  2. Flag-tdc-small TDCorp — 54,315
  3. NationalFlagForaRifo Fora Rifo — 50,800
  4. Flag-cruisana Cruisana — 27,000
  5. Flag-bowdani Bowdani — 25,500
  6. Somnat Somery — 25,400
  7. Flag-aethelnia Aethelnia — 25,000
  8. Davflag Davenport — 24,400
  9. Flag-lendosa Lendosa — 23,400
  10. Flag-draconia Draconia — 23,100
  11. Flag-burovia Burovia — 22,600
  12. VknlFlag Vingarmark — 21,100
  13. Svarthaedir flag Svarthaedir — 20,309
  14. Flag-estontetso Estontetso — 20,100
  15. IWKflag Kukuria — 18,200
  16. Flag-kiltanland Kiltanland — 16,800
  17. Flag-armatirion Armatirion — 16,200
  18. KSZ Zartania — 16,000
  19. FenizNationalFlag Feniz — 15,900
  20. MeritePRWflag Wesmerité — 15,845
  21. Flag-caboteniasa Caboteniasa — 14,700
  22. CimFlag Cimera — 14,000
  23. Djeriga Djeriga — 13,700
  24. FRWNationalSmall Whiland — 13,200
  25. Flag-solelhada Solelhada — 12,200
  26. Flag-trinia Trinia — 11,900
  27. Flag-sanpatricio San Patricio — 11,700
  28. UTFNNational United Territories — 11,100
  29. Flag-easterndelgamia Eastern Delgamia — 8,600
  30. Flag-portocapital Porto Capital — 7,000
  31. Flag OrdlandConfederation Ordland — 6,500
  32. XochimechatlFlag Xochimechatl — 5,900
  33. Flag-rovens Rovens — 3,761
  34. Allacoa Flag 318 Allacoa — 3,340
  35. Utania Utania — 3,100
  36. Flag-ansonia-small Ansonia — 1,800
  37. Flag-mariim Mari'im — 790