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Football (Tak: Jup Laƿ, lit. 'round ball') is a moderately popular sport in Tak.

National team[]

The Tak national team was administratively founded in 308 AP after Tak declared independence, but it would take another seven years before an actual team took part in an international tournament.

Coaching staff[]

Name Nation Position
Rəəp ob Ƿol Flagtak Tak Head coach
ŋǶrrs Ƿis Flagtak Tak Assistant coach
Brandon Valdencourt StSamuelFlag Samuelonia Assistant coach
mVeehi Tom Flagtak Tak Goalkeeping coach
Bɵɵt ob Til Flagtak Tak Fitness coach
Rory Devienne Sck1 Solánçe Head Physiotherapist
Ƿis ob Rllt Flagtak Tak Physiotherapist


315 squad[]

Position Shirt No. Name Club
GK 1 Ber ob Jak ŋGrrɣa nDaahu JLK
GK 14 Pm ob Sam nLlf JLK
GK 16 mǷɵɵŋ Yp nTaaŋ Aap
DC 2 Qɵɵt ob Keg nLlf JLK
DR 3 Bos ob Beŋ ŋGrrɣa nDaahu JLK
DC 10 ŋHuus Hol nəMɵɵɣa ƿɛLeeƿ
DL 11 nSuufu Pak nLlf JLK
DC 17 ŋQaasu Rab ŋGrrɣa nDaahu JLK
DC 18 nJaah Qɵɵt nTaaŋ Aap
DC 19 mFees Or nǷəəha Hid
Midfielders / Wingers
ML 4 Tom ob Al nəMɵɵɣa ƿɛLeeƿ
MC 6 Ham ob Fook ŋGrrɣa nDaahu JLK
MR 8 Zot ob Syk ŋHoofu Er JLH
MC 12 ŋGɵɵha Ɣls nLlf JLK
MC 13 nDuuɣu Aat nLlf JLK
MC 20 mBrrmb Bag nǷəəha Hid
MC 21 nSyyh Ɣls nAaɣu JLK
FW 5 Tom ob Vuup ŋGrrɣa nDaahu JLK
FW 7 Rab ob Ƕɛɛp ŋGrrɣa nDaahu JLK
FW 9 nDaaŋg Yp ŋHoofu Er JLH
FW 15 nSaam Tom nLlf JLK
FW 22 nIisi Ral nəMɵɵɣa nOpraa JLH
FW 23 ŋKoom Pm nTaaŋ Aap

Local teams[]

  • ŋGrrɣa nDaahu JLK (Grg City JLK)
  • nLlf JLK (Lp JLK)
  • nəMɵɵɣa ƿɛLeeƿ (Mɵg Lions)
  • nəMɵɵɣa nOpraa JLH (Mɵg Opera JLH)
  • ŋHoofu Er JLH (Hoop New JLH)
  • nAaɣu JLK (Ag JLK)
  • nǷəəha Hid (Ƿəək Machine/Engine)
  • nTaaŋ Aap (Taŋ Glory)

JLK = nuJuf Laƿ Klb; JLH = nuJuf Laƿ Hə

(to be elaborated)