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Farnset & Orchid Is.
Flag of Farnset & Orchid Is
Coat of Arms of Farnset & Orchid Is.
Area 6,253 sq.kms (24)
Population 450,000 (25)
Pop.density 72/ (9)
Shire seat Perthy
Boroughs 1
Hundreds 7
Mail code FO
Motto Navigare necesse est

Farnset and Orchid Islands is a shire of Somery. The shire covers the old lathe of Farnset, i.e. basically the Malgarian Peninsula, down to, and including, the Hiddle and Enna valleys, and the Orchid Islands. The archipelago around the five larger islands, Orcadion, consists of hundreds of islands of various sizes and is popular for sailing. Seals are common both in the waters around the islands and around Malgary.