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Data codes: FAC
Flag of Facer
 Capital: Crean
 Other: McKee, Kilkenny, Mitchell
Premier: TBA
Area: n/a
Population: 20,000,000 Whilandians

Facer is a state of Whiland. Facer has always been considered somewhat of a revolutionary state of Whiland, being one of the cradles of the revolution against Tom Koh's Terramarc. The fist has been a traditional symbol of the region, images of it having been discovered in many archaeological diggings. Believed to be the strongest fighters in ancient Pent, Pentians from the region formed the backbone of many ancient armies.

Flag of Whiland   The Federal Republic of Whiland   Flag of Whiland
Amistat | Port Julian | Rugla | Whilandian Glaciaria
Alpenland | Capital | Cruislands | Facer | Fyodor | Greater Tabitha | Lituthva | Marca | New Christiana | Newfields | Nordland | Ohlam | Ozer | Persaii | Plains Entrance | Provan | Queen Mary Land | Riverlands | Southern Steppes | Western Plain