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Flag of Elvery
Coat of Arms of Elvery
Area 41,847 sq.kms (1)
Population 2,000,000 (5)
Pop.density 48/ (13)
Shire seat Eamouth
Boroughs 3
Hundreds 15
Mail code EL
Motto Naye deem by bare onseen

Elvery is a shire of Somery. The shire basically covers the valleys of the river Elven and its tributary Siona, i.e. the northern parts of lathes Elvery and Suther Troy, and the valley of Myle. The metropolitan area of Eamouth, including the boroughs of Freywold and Milldale, is the third in size of population in the country.

Elvery is now, together with the shires of lathe Avillion, the centre of Somerish agriculture, but also has successful industries, like Morlett Automotive in Thirsfield. Eamouth is also Somery's most important harbour on the west coast.

Elvery Shire Moot
20, South High Str.

Tel. 040 - 800 30 00