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Kingdom of Eastern Zartania
Conventional short name:
 Local: Tenserna Zeok'Tu
 Ingallish: East Zartania
Data codes: TZ, KTZ
Flag of Eastern Zartania
 Official: Rizne (Zartanian), Ingallish
 Others: Numerous
 Capital: Imperial City
 Other: Claw Anchorage, Cazniev, Eastharbor, Fort Orkalyn, Madisonia, Kasrall
Government type: absolute monarchy
King: Bruno II vun Q'Leist
Area: (T.B.A.)
Population: est. 153 million (306AP) Zartanians
Ethnic groups: Zartanian (~250m), Ingallish, Gronkian, Albionish, Dignanian, Westrian
Currency: Crown (symbol: ZC)
Organizations: Greater Zartanian Empire

The Kingdom of Eastern Zartania (Rizne: dir Keesh'ka vun Tenserna Zeok'Tu) is an absolute monarchy, a constituent part of the Greater Zartanian Empire, that occupies the northeastern portion of Eras, also known as the Old Continent. Eastern Zartania achieved its independence in 298AP from the former Republic of Terramarc. As such, Eastern Zartania is generally considered to be a sister-state to the Federal Republic of Whiland and Chungxipang, also known as Westermarc.

Flags of Eastern Zartania

History of Eastern Zartania

Zartanian Royal Family

Geography of Eastern Zartania

Sports of Eastern Zartania

Businesses of Eastern Zartania

Administrative divisions[]

Eastern Zartania is divided into 27 steks or provinces, 1 Royal District, 5 Royal Crown Colonies, and 1 Royal Territory. Each stek is administered by a Royal Governor, either appointed by the Crown or determined hereditarily. Each stek, with the exception of the colonies and territories, are represented by a single delegate each in the Royal Stek Assembly, appointed by the stek's Royal Governor.

Steks of Eastern Zartania
Flag Arms Stek Capital Largest city Population Royal Governor Type
Imperial City Imperial City Imperial City TBD Gov Royal District
TZ-blkwt Black Water Thornbush Thornbush TBD Gov Duchy
TZ-brytn Brytanea Kruiztun Eastharbor TBD Prince Principality
TZ-crnth Corynthea Crystal Palace Crystal Palace TBD Gov Republic
DeathLands Gormantch Gormantch TBD Gov Stek
TZ-dsdrc Desdarca Kasrall Kasrall TBD Duke Duchy
TZ-dsrta Desertia Blowing Sands Zhor'myhn TBD Gov Stek
TZ-drgnt TZ-DG-COA Dragoonta Dennith'Aroot Dennith'Aroot 1,327,664 Grand Duke T'kys Qaqolek Grand Duchy
TZ-drlst Drilastia Q'Leist Q'Leist TBD Gov Grand Duchy
TZ-eyblc Eybalca Q'rinzla Q'rinzla TBD Regent Empire
TZ-grmna Germanya Castle Axanar Castle Axanar TBD Gov Principality
TZ-gldvy Guldavya Cazniev Cazniev TBD Gov Grand Duchy
TZ-jstic Justica Prime Courthouse Gkeltorr TBD Gov Stek
TZ-krstr Karsatra Tallvex Tallvex TBD Gov-Gen Natalia Kropsik Stek
Maraska Fort Orkalyn Killer Peak TBD Gov Stek
Tz-mauln Maulen Borge Perrin TBD Gov Duchy
Tz-medot Medotia Madisonia Madisonia TBD Gov Grand Duchy
TZ-nomar Nomar Nomar Nomar TBD Gov Grand Duchy
TZ-npens Northern Peninsula Perikarsia Perikarsia TBD Earl Earldom
TZ-orkns Orkansel Orcton Orcton TBD Gov Duchy
Tz-pntgn Pentagonia Shapetun Harringtun TBD Gov Duchy
Rastal [[]] Sylesyan TBD Gov-Gen Angela Sibly Stek
TZ-sktar Saktar Redstripe Redstripe TBD Gov-Gen Roland Selaar Stek
TZ-skldn Skeladonia Femuryan Femuryan TBD Gov Stek
TZ-skyld Skylands Alfacron Alfacron TBD Gov Duchy
TZ-subr Subaria Claw Anchorage Claw Anchorage TBD Gov-Gen Coryn Shaffer Republic
TZ-vilic Vilice Castle Vilice Port Mystic TBD Gov Duchy
Zukarta Mos'plyn Mos'plyn TBD Gov Fifedom
Tz-hc Haddock Cove Haddocquay Haddocquay TBD Royal Admin Colony
Tz-khori Khor Islands Bellona Bellona TBD Royal Admin Colony
Tz-knfdr Kunn Federon Mutánt Mutánt TBD Royal Admin Colony
Tz-nt Noteraland Noteraport Noteraport TBD Royal Admin Colony
TZ-zangl Zartanian Angliyaa Anasta Anasta 731,216 Royal Admin Baron Kel Opturnforth Colony
TZ-zglcr Zartanian Glaciaria Fredrik Station Fredrik Station 516 COL Dietr Mosche, RZA Territory