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Early inhabitants[]

The earliest inhabitants of Angliya were a group of Lumattan tribes from the Gardlian families around 4000 BP. Little from this era is known or recorded, but it is believed that these tribes were simple hunter gatherer peoples.

The earliest recorded evidence available is from a Lilani scholar, Lucasius Olvaris, who reported on the tribes of southern Longerath around 2000 BP. The Liliani Empire named the region, Anglicium, meaning 'Land of the Angal's.'

Liliani conquest[]

During the Liliani conquest of southern Longerath around the 1900's BP, western Angliya fell to Liliani Empire. However, the Liliani's failed to conquer the east of Angliya.

A powerful warlord, Hendowa of Aldina, united the Angal tribes and he became a feared enemy. Hendowa became the first King of the Angal tribes and after a number of failed campaigns to take the region, the Liliani Empire were forced to give up in their attempts to take eastern Anglicium.

After the death of Hendowa, a number of powerful Chieftans attempted to fill the void left by Hendowa, but none of these Chieftans were able to unite the Angal tribes.

A number of small independent colonies were founded on the eastern coast of Angliya by Lilani settlers, the most powerful of these were the colonies of Falysium, Polonia and Arendelle, which became important trade centres.

At around the time of the arrival of the Lilani settlers, the Angal tribes began trading with the colonies. This led to the Angal tribes to begin establishing settlements and it was around 1400 BP that Lagod was established.

Arrival of the Ingallish[]

Ingallish settlers from the Mystgallia migrated to the region today known as Angliya between 1400 BP and 1300 BP. Ingallish raiders also ravished the eastern coast from around 1350 BP and an Ingallish raider, Renley Andermere would later become King of Eldermere in 1330 BP.

The arrival of Ingallish settlers introduced the Cruisian faith to Angliya, circa 1380BP - and became the dominant culture in the region.

Spread of Cruisianity[]

Cruisian preachers first arrived in the Angal Kingdoms around 1360 BP with the Ingallish settlers. The Kingdom of Eldermere became a Cruisian state, when Ingallishmen, Renley Andermere was crowned King in 1330 BP.

A large number of Papaist preachers from Lendosa began arriving in the region around 1325 BP and it was Lucian of Aradere that founded the the Papaist Church of Narbonne which later became the Papaist Church of Angliya. Papaism quickly spread and became the dominant form of Cruisianity in the land.

Angal Kings[]


Map of the Angal Kingdoms, circa 1180 BP

Between 1900 BP and 1500 BP, the Angal tribes began establishing Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Aldina was the first Angal Kingdom, established around 1900 BP.

By around 1200 BP, the Angal tribes began suffering attacks from Kylos and Faeniccian tribes. The Angal Kingdoms were united under Gondora, King of Lagod, who became as infamous as Hendowa.

Gondora temporarily united the Angal Kingdoms to defeat the Kylos in the War of the 9 Kingdoms.

Upon Gondora's death, his son, Gathdora inherited the thrown. But lacking his fathers brutal reputation, was unable to keep the Angal Kingdoms at peace.

Kingdom of Lagod[]

The Kingdom of Lagod, which occupied eastern Angliya and the coastal areas had grown to become the dominant Kingdom by 1000 BP. Lagodian settlements flourished and Lagodian merchants travelled far and wide.

Whilst Lagod retained relatively good relations with the Lilani Empire and Phenixia, the Angliyan Kingdom fought many wars with the Kingdom of Melatiki.

Kingdom of Tyrana[]

The Kingdom of Tyrana, was located in the north-west of Angliya. The Tyranian tribes united under the first King of Tyrana, Balbazur, in 1526 BP to fight the Lilani Empire that had occupied the region for nearly 500 years. Balbazur defeated the Lilani governor of Tyrana and declared Tyrana independent of Lilani rule.

Kingdom of Arandelle[]

The Kingdom of Arandelle was established in 1496 BP. The region was originally settled by Ingallish traders who established the settlement of Aranvale. When the Ingallish arrived they bought with them Cruisianity which quickly spread to the natives.

It was established as the Kingdom of Arandelle in 1496 BP when a Lagodian Cruisian prince moved to the region. Prince Halvian, was the second son of King Gethmere of Lagod and as such, would not inherit his fathers lands. He arrived in Aranvale with an army unopposed and the Ingallish nobles reluctantly accepted Halvian as King of Arandelle.

Kingdom of Eldermere[]

The Kingdom of Eldermere, like Arendelle was settled by Lilian traders. When Arendelle became a Kingdom in 1496 BP, the Lilian nobility in Eldermere elected Valdagor, a successful Lilian merchant to become King of Eldermere in 1489 BP, in an attempt to prevent any Angal Kings making a bid to claim the land. Valdagor sought peace with neighbouring Arendelle and married the young daughter of King Halvian, Annamie.

Kingdom of Stalmo[]

The Kingdom of Stalmo was founded around 1833 BP.

Kingdom of Aldina[]

The Kingom of Aldina is the oldest of the nine Angal Kingdoms, founded around 1900 BP.

Kingdom of Morovia[]

The Kingdom of Morovia was founded in 1515 BP.

Kingdom of Morangol[]

The Kingdom of Morangol was founded in 1701 BP.

Kingdom of Aigador[]

The Kingdom of Aigador was founded in 1725 BP.